Is having strong body odor something that is alpha male?

is having strong body odor something that is alpha male?

one guy in my statistics class for some reason always smells sour. im guessing its because he doesnt shower every day, he just sprays axe, and plus its the summer and our classroom is pretty warm so its a deadly combination.

he always talks about being a man and how feminism is trying to make all men emasculated so i'm wondering if this goes along with that line of thinking in that he is asserting his dominance over our class by imposing his body odor.

is this guy an alpha male? should i learn from him?

No, always smell nice. Body odor isn't asserting dominance, it's asserting the belief that you're disgusting.

No. A true alpha male knows that chivalry is not dead. He opens doors for women. He pays for all of their meals. He buys them expensive gifts for their birthdays, Christmas, and many other holidays. He will give a girl his coat if it starts raining and shes about to hit the club. He also understands that no means no, and that slow and steady wins the race.

C u c k

Being an attractive male and ignoring or outright subverting social convention is extremely alpha, yes.

Women also really like the smell of sweat once you've imposed your attractiveness on them (tacitly convinced them to accept your seed)

My body odor changed once I started to focus on test, eating for it, avoiding stress, sleeping well and more...

Seriously, I think that a man, a human on average does not notice his own body odor...unless it changes too fast. Which happened to me, I never had this kind of body odor before.

But using it to impose on people? Shit I dont know. It automatically becomes more strong. Perhaps the deoderants werent meant to work with high test males since their market is mostly for low test nu males with weak body odor.

>Shower and cologne gets you laid, and ensures social dominance by increasing your charisma by making people like you
>Smelling like an ass makes men and girls alike hate you and immediatly lowers your status
hmm wonder which one's the dom thing to do

Alpha males know that "cuck" is not an insult. It shows that you're doing something right, to earn the wrath of someone who is probably voting for Drumpf. It shows that you're a feminist who believes in the equality of the sexes, yet understands that men are inferior in some aspects, as show by college graduation dates and criminality rates. It shows that you are man enough to fight for the rights of your minority brothers and sisters, and are aware of your inherent white male privilege. Yes sir, I am a cuck, and a proud one at that.

Sorry m8 but the world doesn't work that way. Show to much appreciation to the wrong women and she'll take advantage of you

there is no right or wrong in this world, the only thing that matters is how many kids you make and how well you prepare for their success (as in removing your enemies)

there are lots of novel things that dont matter, things like music (though it did matter in military marches), things like fashion, how well you dance. They all matter almost nothing. These things are basically just social constructs that can be broken down and created easily.

If it was popular for men, actual healthy men not to use deodorant to hide their high test scent. Then it would be okay as well.

Because why not, a healthy scent like that is actually a better gauge for women on who is healthy. Deodorant and perfume for men are consumer choices, not signs of physical health.

don't buy into the alpha male bullshit. Those terms were invented by guys who had trouble with women in the first place.

Kek ---- this one
Kek ---- almost
Kek ---- not even close

tell me what you smell like senpai

I don't know which is more retarded. This post or the posts seriously agreeing with it.

Its hard to describe user, but it smells kinda nice (no self homo), its like the smell that you get at puberty, but after that I became fat and that scent went away.

I got that scent back, and then some, it still got stronger and evolvedish further.

Yeah man alpha males don't shower, don't use deodorant or brush their teeth. They also don't work out or work at all, they are independent and live off betacucks with real 'jobs'. They don't even wipe their asses (toilet paper is a jewish scheme)
Feels good being an alpha male, if you disagree ypou are a jew cuck numale, we WILL make america great again, vote Trump !

Get ready for some broscience shit:
>meet grill
>we start talking
>hit it off really fucking well
>she has the hits for me so bad that she shakes while we kiss
>she continually would say, "oh my god, you smell so good. You smell like fucking sex"
>she smelled like sex to me too

I think pheromones are definitely real and important. I didnt wear any cologne around her and we both wore natural deoderants (which work somewhat, but you still sweat).

Anyone else have similar experiences?

mmm I want 2 smell u

Sometimes there are these fad things on tv about girls smelling the shirts of men and then determining who smells best.

I wonder if I could win at such a thing right now.

>smell gainz

I smell like a cross of sawdust and a sweet desert. Savoury yet sweet.


my nigga

I went from 210 lbs to 160 lbs @ 5'7 just eating better and walking, then I noticed the same thing happened to me when I started lifting & sleeping more. The deodorant/antiperspirant doesn't work as well as it used to, it's like my sweat odor overpowers that shit. When I was obese I used to be able to get away with wearing my regular shirts when exercising, not anymore.

Another thing is that now I consistently wake up half way through the night with a pants-tearing erection and the urge to fuck like a wilderbeast that isn't nearly like what I experience during the day. I have to roll over and blast a massive load into a tissue in order for me to go to sleep again, it's ridiculous.

>is this guy an alpha male? should i learn from him?
No, he's just a filthy animal not suited to civilized company, and I guarantee you he gets no attention from the ladies, who likely can't stand to be within 10 feet of him. Women have a more acute sense of smell than men do and just can't stand dirty guys who smell like some combination of a dumpster out back of a mexican restaurant and the local landfill. The only thing that guy is 'imposing' on anyone is his complete lack of personal hygiene. Women like guys who are CLEAN and decently dressed. I'd suggest you disregard that guy.

Kek, I feel good for you bro. Keep on recommending it to others then as do I. I was kind a skeptical of this whole test thing as well, but from lowering the BF, increasing muscle, sleeping well, avoiding cortisol problems etc. has proven to give me quite good changes so far.

By the way, which program or thing did you learn it from? Test management is not part of the sticky or is it?

I tried the testshock thing from a torrent site, called testshock which had

>intermittent fasting
>dietary cholesterol (eggs)
>plenty of sleep
>no long cardio
>enough carbs
>8 reps with no breaking on the last (to avoid stress)

and a bunch of other stuff, but it has some fluff as well and its also a payed book. Is there something better than this?