War is a path to God, and dying on the battlefield is the only honourable way to die

War is a path to God, and dying on the battlefield is the only honourable way to die.

Why have philosophers largely ignored this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>War is a path to God
> Fucking up the Crusades created a path to God
> Sacking Constantinople created a path to God
> Losing Berlin and being forced to watch all of your female relatives being raped by Russian bumpkins and the occasion Kazakh is a path to God

>dying on the battlefield is the only honourable way to die
Basically paganism in disguise.

Do you know how the "dying in battle is honorable" slogan worked out for millions of naive young men marching off into WW1? Only people who have never been to war can romanticize it

I think Ernst Junger would disagree

>War is a path to God

>and dying on the battlefield is the only honourable way to die
Sounds like someone's been playing vidya too much.

I'm sure that every warrior caste ever who's entire existence was related to war would agree with you.

> honorable
if they can put together your remains enough to give you a funeral, sure

Every warrior caste were essentially posturing guidos and were rendered worthless with the advent of guns because now the peasants they so eagerly could fight back. Caste based societies were worthless and only incredibly unstable weak white losers who adopt extremist ideology to explain away their inadaquacy like the idea

>believes this from playing ww2 vidya
>is fucking autist who uses Veeky Forums so would be shit scared of actual combat
anyway, this is now a Brothers In Arms thread

If you actually believe this, please reconsider.

This game sucked so much dick.

Junger is really fascinating, unlike the defeatist beta cuck Remarque.

kys nigger

Because it's retarded.




The voice acting in that game was fantastic

>actually shilling for Gearbox garbage
Fuck off Ameribeta.

Forced, overly emotional dogshit like this is why I hate most American developers. ARMA manages to portray the harsh reality of war without this sentimental pseud trash.

I reconsidered and I still believe it.

I believe Evola wrote something along the lines of war is akin to entering a high plane of existence because it combines the martial/physical with the spiritual. You are truly free when on the battlefield, it is your fate to fight for your people.

now of course this can't be applied to many modern wars, which are just conflicts at the behest of the plurocrats.

>conflicts at the behest of the plurocrats
Do you think wars 100 years ago were any different? Take American Civil War for example, literally plebs sent into the meat grinder for the interest of rich people, on both sides.

God doesn't exist.

In war you die like a worthless animal.

yes a lot of modern wars are problematic. nonetheless, even in the civil war people were motivated to fight for their own state, which is somewhat related to tribal warfare.


The people might've been motivated by patriotism and tribal allegience but the people who started the war surely were not. I hate the fact that both the northern industrialists and the southern planters basically opted out of fighting like bitches while sending shoeless poorfags to their death.

i know its bait but
there is nothing honourable about death
self is god so war is a path to self, which is redundant
more likely it comes down to miseducation, a lack of knowledge, or ignorance
i dont think philosophers have ignored this at all. in fact i think its completely the opposite. the only memes that agree with you are the spartans and islam

Neither you or Evola were on the field of battle. Closest Julius got to actual combat was taking a stroll through a bombardment and he certainly wasn't "fighting for his people" there, he was jeopardizing them; and closest you got to it were videogames.

I can understand when legit war vets like Juncker say they enjoyed the war, but this is just laughable don quijotism.

This is not bait.

I have heard and read testimony of veterans who have spoken about it being a supernatural experience.

We as tribal apes are designed to engage in territorial warfare. Dying for one's tribe brings you immortality and closer to God.

>i know its bait
I'm not OP but why do idiots like you constantly assume everything you can't agree with is "bait"?

>it's natural, so it's good

He was an active duty soldier for Italy in WWI.

Jünger is one guy. You're not Jünger.
And even if you were, majority of people aren't.
Nope. Most of people don't want to kill other humans, and even when they are conditioned into doing so, they suffer psychological issues afterward.
Only a small percentage of humans can kill without issues.
You sound like some LARPing kid. War is awful.


Again, war is innate to us. You have read too much pacifist literature.

PTSD is mainly due to modern mechanized warfare, which IS unnatural

He served as an officer in artillery.

I sincerely doubt soldiers handled combat stress just fine before tanks and explosions.

No, it's not innate to us. It's innate to some people. Others are usually dragged along. Unless you're speaking in the sense of entire species, but even then, as I said, that's only a small percentage of humans.
Not to mention comparing fucking primates to humans is absolutely retarded, humans evolved, why are you ignoring that?
There's reasons for that.
First, because in past most who fought were those I speak of, who can kill without problems.
Second, records are sketchier and no one paid that much attention to it. But we actually have records about PTSD from ancient Greece.
I know about that theory how PTSD now occurs because of faster transportation and what not, and perhaps there is some truth for it, but no, that doesn't cause PTSD.
So I reiterate: there are people like Jünger who enjoyed it. But overwhelming majority don't enjoy it, and need to be conditioned into doing it, and many will suffer consequences.
So describing war as something ''holy'' and good is retarded. That's just your opinion, it's not rooted in anything.
And I'm pretty sure you never fought in any conflict, and no, shit like patrolling some fucking desert shithole doesn't count as real high-intensity conflict.

Ancient warfare usually lasted just for a few hours or even minutes. It wasn't like WW1 and WW2 where you sit in a stinking trench somewhere getting shelled by artillery for weeks.

War is how we deal with problems and there is nothing you can do to change that. If I want land and you wont give it to me, Ill just kill most of your army until you give up that land nice and clean.

Now you're going from ''war is holy and great'' to ''it just happens bro''.
Yeah, I know, and I'm not a pacifist. Some wars are necessary. But most often they are not.
There are other ways to acquire resources, that don't involve destroying them (and human resources) in the first place.
And all are shitty and brutal to majority who fight them.

It is ridiculous that you think a mental disorder didn't exist because it hadn't been diagnosed yet.

No it didn't, and there's nothing flowery about cutting some guy to pieces, or stabbing him in the groin.
But in past, far fewer people were involved, due to logistical, societal and economic constraints, and those who were involved were usually those fit for combat, or people who could kill without much issues.

>this retard
Or you can get instantly get killed five seconds into the fight. You pick.

Can you explain, or justify Evola's metaphysics to me?

I understand he discusses metaphysics of war, sex and so on, but I have never seen anyone
speak about the necessary antecedents to these views.
He speaks of castes and ages, but this presupposes views regarding what it means to be human,
and presupposing what it means to be human means to have some sort of prior ontological picture,
some sort of epistemology, and what have you.

I have only seen Evola's terms argued on moral-aesthetic grounds which I find insufficient, or at least incomplete.
Obviously morality and aesthetics must tie into the grand scheme of things, but they cannot be show to be grounds
in an of themselves.

So, what is his grounding, or claim for there to be a lack thereof?

The only people who believe that are blowing themselves up right now

It's not ridiculous at all because vast majority of PTSD cases are the result of artillery/explosions that ancient people weren't exposed to. Have you ever had fireworks thrown at you? That shit startles you pretty good, now imagine it's something thousands of times stronger and with the power to make you deaf/blind, rip your head to shreds and sever the limbs off your body, and being exposed to that shit for hours on end. That will seriously fuck with your sanity.

Why gladiator fights are illegal again? People like OP would kill each other while normal people would watch that online

how much land do you own and how much have you had to go to war for? how about your last 10 generations?

>>Why gladiator fights are illegal again?
Christianity mainly. Replaced by circuses for chariot races

All I'm saying is that there are certain peoplewho temperamentally predisposed to viewing martial conflict positively and that it probably is glorious to them. I seriously doubt that Spartans who went to war came back thinking it totally horrible and inglorious.

Shut up retard everyone ever has had the same exact thought process as me and my numale friends

How do you define path to God? Do I have to just jave faith about that too? Judeofascism is so confusing to me.

I don't know nearly enough about Evola to be able to answer this question authoritatively.

I think (?) his grounding is essentially a modification of Nietzsche, power and hierarchy/inequality is an essential primordial aspect of existence. He was deeply influenced by vedic literature, and I think he believed it literally. I could be totally wrong, though. I keep meaning to read his books, but I recognize that I don't have nearly enough historical/philosophical knowledge to fully appreciate them.

>Why do people ignore this dumb shit I just came up with?
Gee I dunno.


>PTSD is mainly due to modern mechanized warfare, which IS unnatural

I don't disagree with you hear. Industrialised warfare is the grossest creation of mankind; however:

PTSD is recorded by Herodotus during the battle of Marathon when a an Athenian soldier suffered from hysterical blindness. Also, some scholars think that the Iliad, in particular Achilles' role is a representation of PTSD.

>The path of god!

it's what people were meant to do
without struggle, we're just a bunch of fat, idle hamsters in pretty cages

>it's what people were meant to do
Getting blown apart by an enemy you can't even see?


Are you an anime antagonist?

OP is thirteen years old.

fuck off the series are awesome

Dude, don't look at young men losing their life before it even begins like that. There is nothing more tragic than a young adult being violently and painfully removed from this life without even being given the chance to experience it.

The majority of philosophers are soy boys.

>t. rural and suburban retard

The main problem was cost actually.

Gladiator culture fell before the first Christian emperor.

literal propaganda

You really need to kill yourself.

We all hope that people like you go out to the trenches and not come back.
Following your philosophy would improve the genetic gene pool.
So please knock yourself out

t. Amerimongrel

Oh, yes Fiche and Hegel never talked about this, never ever. Neither did Nietzsche.

there is more struggle in building a house then destroying it you war mongering brainlet

You mean dying for Israel

I bet you listen to martial industrial


Sounds like a mental illness, not a philosophy.

Apes also fling shit at each other, should we start doing that as well?

>it's another 'war is really bad because hippie poets who weren't there said it was bad despite people who were there saying it was great' post

Didn't know there was an edit

Where's your next airsoft game, bud?