Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit?

>tfw never started

How do you manage that? I already feel awful after ten.

Smoked 40 a day quit by cutting down first until I was at 1 a day than quit

I've cut down massively to about 3 or 4 a day but can't kick it fully.

Routine it. I made a promise to myself that during the working day I can only have one at certain times - morning, lunchtime, and leaving work. Any other time is a failure.

Also, I feel awkward about taking a break at work and sitting back down at my desk stinking of shit.

How is this thread on multiple boards everyday, what's going on.

Also I smoke like a cigarette or two a day since I was like 14 and I'm 21 now. Never really got hooked. Just smoke a lot when I go out. Try taking 20 minute breaks between cigs, then 30, then 40, then an hour, and eventually you'll be a human being again

how are your gums not rotten yet
mine start burning after 20

Your body gets used to everything

If I smoke too much my lungs start to ache and I cough up serious phlegm, its really bothersome.
I tried using e-cig as an alternative which resulted in no aches and less shit in my throat, but never got the same kick from it.

Yeah the thing is you need to accept that you won't be getting any of those kicks anymore.
That's kind of the point.

Iktf and I wheeze constantly if I smoke more than 15 a day

At least I found out that its not the nicotine I'm addicted to, but the whole mechanical process of lighting a cig and breathing in the shit tasting smoke that burns my lungs.

Going to be a month since my last cig on sunday. Bought a vape and tried to cut down to half pack a day, but instead didnät buy a back anymore.
The first couple of days were the hardest: couldn´t sleep and felt a urge to smoke a cigarette. These went away by time and the nicotine from e-liquid helped with the physiological drawbacks of smoking.

IMO it helps a lot but you might get roasted for it. I still feel awkward smoking a vape and eventually hope to quit that aswell.

Also, lost phlegm, smokers cough, which was constant and my pulse dropped by 20 points.

Cold turkey, I smoked for ten years or so but never like that, half a pack a day on average. It's been over a year now

Only smoked when I drank mostly just bumming cigs from buddies. I was a scumbag.

When I decided to be fit though I gave them up because I didnt really gain anything from it, just to socialize.

2 weeks nicotine-free, I miss smoking

>tfw seeing this copypasta again.
Step 1) Stop reposting the thread.
Step 2) Take the advice mentioned to you in the first thread.

Try nicotine gum, it really works. I was a pack a day smoker til I tried it, haven't lit up in 3 months and I don't want to.

For those of you new to Veeky Forums, allow me to help you understand the culture of Veeky Forums by translating the OP's thread for you. When he says 'cigarettes', that's code for 'penises', and when he talks about 'smoking', that's code for 'performing oral sex upon'. So what the OP is saying, is that he sucks 75 cocks every day. He assumes that the rest of Veeky Forums also sucks dozens of cocks every day, and wonders if they've managed to at least curtail their homosexual activities -- but that's a strawman assumption on the OP's part, he's the only one who sucks that many dicks every day.

Hope that helped, new guys. :-)
