Redpill me on bodyweight exercises

Redpill me on bodyweight exercises.
I've been lifting for 1.5 years and am curious about this. I can do dragon flags, but I really want to do a human flag.
Are bodyweight routines a meme?
What body is possible without the devil's juice? Is pic related possible?

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I tried bodyweight training when i was dyel, made no gains.

Did 6 months strength training, wand was able to do straddle planche and front lever and was really good at slow transitions from squatting to crow pose to handstand.

Then i got injured and only do babyweight isolations

P.s. Human flags are not that hard.
If you lift, you probably have upper boder strength, and just need core strength.
Push press is GOAT for strong core

You can probably do baby's first flag if you've been working out for a year and a half

Been doing bw exercises, grappling, and bmx for about a year and a half now. This is my small upper body. All I can do is eat more.


I've found that the main benefit of bodyweight exercises is the awareness you develop of your whole body. In my experience bodyweight exercises are so much better for building a strong core, which is a huge part of being able to do moves like the flag. That said, I'm sure you could achieve the same results through lifting, if you did the right exercises.


I train body weight only now.

I'm gonna be honest weights will give you better hypertrophy. They are easier to load/deload your work weight and with some body weight movements you might have the strength to perform them but not the skill nor balance.

I switched because I messed up my joints from power lifting. When I was lifting weights I was 5'11 205 lbs. Now I'm 5'11 175 lbs even though I focus my routine on hypertrophy and eat just the same.

This might be bro science but it lead me to believe since you activate more of your total body per movement bodyweight workouts burn more calories. Otherwise I'd still be 205 lbs.

what's your bw routine my man

Are the people with those impressive physiques on steroids or can bodyweight stuff actually get you those physiques with time and dedication?

Yeah, just stick to a solid diet. This isn't really that hard to get. Still impressive but it probably takes about 12-16 months to get there.

Just do linear periodilzation and you're training will actually do something for you.

>Are bodyweight routines a meme?
No. Your bodyweight has resistance just like a barbell
>What body is possible without the devil's juice?
It depends. Not everyone will have the same results. Some people like Dominik sky are jacked as fuck while others are skellies. It also depends on your training and rep ranges.
>Is pic related possible?
I doubt it

I'm not going to redpill you on anything. You do what your goals are. If you're looking for more strength and power, lifting is better. If you're looking to master every little muscle in your body and to have them work better together, bw is better. If you're looking to get big, though bw can do it, it's better to do it via lifting weights. If you want better mobility, bw is better even though you can do it with lifting.

Again, it's about goals. Lifting and bw have their own strengths and weaknesses. You have to examine your goals and see which fits it best.

What's your height?

Not him, but

I usually do weight training but I do calisthenics when I wanna work out with my friends who don't share a gym with me. This is gonna sound pretty pretentious but from the sample of people I've seen, bodyweight and calisthenics are usually done by people more health-driven goals than size-driven goals. I've seen some insane calisthenic sages who only do bodyweight and are super lean despite being natty. But their physiques prob aren't the one's you're talking about

Whenever I don't do bmx or grappling I do bw stuff.
I agree all this is is work.
5'9" manlet

just maintain bro.girls dig that shit.dont fall for the ss/go mad meme or you'll just turn into a fatty or a regular casual person.better have ripped abs.
just do more pushups/dips for a bigger chest and you're set.

>5'9" manlet

Son I am disappoint

No but very admirable body seriously

Lol agreed. Just trying to give op and you guys some sort of sense of what bw can give you. Also my three activities are counter productive.

yeah I'm asking what body weight exercises you do and if you have a set routine or just do whatever.

They're good for mobility, balance and strength. Good for ottermode aesthetics.
They go well with lifting.

What more can be said?

I meant I think it's just ok not impressive.

I base everything around bmx and grappling. I hit bw days with high intensity. I never have a day where I don't do anything unless I feel I'm about to peak. Then I take it lighter so I can hit the park or grappling class even harder during those days. I also do seminars sometimes but they are expensive.

An upper body bw day may be like 4x20 diamond, 3x20 wide and low grip, 3x10 Hindu, all at a slow pace. Or slow on he negative. Or explosive. Depends. But I always finish with drills pertaining to my sports activities. Some days I workout twice doing bmx in the am then strength exercises at night. I believe I've overstrained in the past. I've come to a better understanding now though

How would one go about combining lifting with bodyweight exercises?

My goals are putting on decent size (which I have already) and just looking the best I can, and I like to think I look pretty good, so I'm good there. The issue I have is combining HIIT and weights.
I have decent numbers, but I don't really care for strength. My goals are just general fitness and being the best I can be/look naturally.

How easy is it to combine HIIT (like hill training, sprints, tempo runs, etc.) with bodyweight exercises?
I've saved some bodyweight routine pictures just from Veeky Forums, but I could always use more.

Pull ups and deadlifts on the same day.
Abs exercises and squats on the same day.
I don't really have experience with a benchpress routine, so I do either that or dips on a day and do some random lifts/bodyweight tricks.
One day or two days of rest between each of those.

If you're a beginner:
You should start off with bodyweight and get to around 5-10 strict pull ups and 11-20 strict dips. Then start lifting to boost your strength gains and get more reps on the bar. Learn the L-sit for around 20 seconds on the floor.
Then just do stuff and you'll feel what works and what doesn't work.

If you're already lifting:
Don't really go for many reps on the pull ups. Maybe on dips yes, but not pull ups. I'm doing bodyweight with my friends from time to time, each with a different background in fitness. They don't have the endurance for many reps.
Go for the static positions like handstands, planches, flags, levers, etc. You will profit from them more.

Hope that helps.

Forgot to mention that I'm OP.
is it possible to add weights to bodyweight exercises?
For example, I'm at bodyweight+40 pound pull ups for 10 reps and bw+65 pound dips for 10 reps. I do planks with a 45 pound plate on my back for 2 minutes.
So could bodyweight exercises involved weighted progression or is it better to utilize manipulating exercises through static holds and whatnot?

Static holds

Dominik Sky does a bunch of weighted stuff, too, though, not strictly bodyweight exercises.

Sure, go for it. There are guys that pull their own bodyweight + 100% of their bodyweight in attached weights, and their progression on many exercises is great.
It should boost your non-weighted variations of those exefcises for a fair bit, but you won't get into the very high rep ranges with it (muscles will get used to the weight, not the required endurance).
Static holds are a different beast and you should do them regardless of your routine.

What's a static hold?

A hold that requires you to be stuck in one position.

So do you know of any good websites I should look at for a good/efficient bodyweight routine? I'm starting to seriously consider switching.
However, I would still add weight to certain movements like dips, pull ups, etc.
Ideally I would want a body like Adam Raw's or someone like that. I realize he's been training for a long ass time, but you get the point.

George Workout has great advice on routines in his videos (although he's been inactive for a year). Also check out Barstarz and Baristi. They are experienced and straightforward with stuff. Antranik is great if you want to take your time.
I looked at some army routines for bodyweight when I was beginning, but I developed my own routine (listed above) after some time of doing them. I just listened to my body and tested out stuff and looked out what would give me the best results.

Adding weight is no problem. You should really go for it.

Thanks, Crossfit Jesus.
You da man.

How can you even ask if its a meme? Have you never done a chin up, push up, dips, pull ups or sit ups? What have you been doing in your gym just curling the days away? Of course they are not a meme but of course that since its based on your own body weight it has some limitations, but you can get a very nice physique with it.

Sometimes I wonder if people in Veeky Forums are legit autistic.

You're welcome.

Not autistic. There's just a lot of people with negligible experience parroting stupid shit mixed with shills.

with bodyweight do you mean no weighted pull ups and no weighted dips?

Some people are biased; I don't know why I asked it, and I didn't bother revising my post. I know it's not a meme, but I still asked it for some retarded reason.


i did weighted pull ups and dips for a year and half

fucked up my diet the first year, the second year started getting more protein

the first year i had some gains but nothing spectacular anyway

the second year when i got more protein in i got really good gains both in mass and strength

honestly if you want a good physique just go for the weights, after a while i find i could have gotten the same physique in a good weight lifting routine for 8 months or something like that

i will not post cbt because i'm a fat piece of shit right now, i'm bulking

until you can do an iron cross and one handed pullups you have not reached the limit of bodyweight exercises

So all you did were weighted dips and pull ups and nothing else?

Yes, also i had some dumbbells to do some lateral raises, overhand extensions, hammer curls, wrist rolls, weighted planks

my routine was

5x6-7 weighted pull ups
3x12-15 unweighted pull ups or archer pull ups, fancy shit went here

5x10 weighted chest dips (with more width than normal)
4x7 weighted tricep dips
1x12 fancy tricep dips (went really really slowly and low)

5x12 lateral raises
5x8 hammer curls

two times a week

honestly a better diet gave me much stronger results than changing my routine

I used sandbags to get more weight

i've been doing bw for 2,5 years now, went from 58kg skinnyfat to 70kg much leaner, at this point i really don't know what i'm doing anymore, stopped seeing results after first year, now i cannot loose/gain fat/muscle, tried starving and eating 3x as much, i've been the same since 1,5 years, lost a lot of motivation, i used to do 1000 pushups on push days, i have too much endurance to get tired from strenght progressions, oaps are easy, i cannot really add weight since i only have a pullup bar in my room and also never had a solid routine. Any recommendations?

Iron Cross
Maltese Cross
Inverted Cross
Victorian Cross

i want to achieve this body

>lifting for girls
Gtfo off this board dyel normalfag

The reason he looks good is because he is low body fat. He probably has the same or less muscle than someone else actually going to a gym. Don't confuse low body fat with some routine calisthenics or otherwise

> too much endurance to get tired from strenght progressions


His shoulders, traps, and forearms are clearly developed. These are muscles that gymnastic strength routines hit the heaviest.
>self fulfilling prophecy


>all these replies about how good you look
Not trying to bring you down, you look great but that's mostly because you're probably around 8% bf. You probably look small af in a normal t-shirt.

Fuck off, you have the body I'm aiming for.

Veeky Forums in a nutshell....

He still looks dyel in a t-shirt. The only impressive thing he's achieved is low bodyfat, and slight muscle gain.

Ive been following this routine for just shy of 2 months now, its going pretty well.

>point out it's not his routine that made him look good but his diet

Doing that is my goal but it will probably take more then a year.

I was meaning more that even though he has clearly worked hard and shown dedication Veeky Forums faggots only care about how he looks in a T-shirt. Bro can walk around shirtless if he wants.

Like I said I'm not trying to stomp what he achieved or even arguning that he looks good. He looks amazing but it's nothing impressive in the muscle building department, and it's a misrepresentation of what most people would achieve with BW-routines, because most people are too lazy to diet down to that bodyfat. The thing with the shirt was only an addendum, to undermark how little muscle he's actually built.