So I can't do a pullup. Is it better to do the jump and hold (as long as possible) or jump and slowly go down?

So I can't do a pullup. Is it better to do the jump and hold (as long as possible) or jump and slowly go down?

Latter doesn't seem like it would work the muscles enough.

Just how small and fat are you.

Depends on how slowly you go. But I think it's better to go down slowly than to hold.

There's a scooby video where he talks about getting to your first pullup and IIRC he didn't hold.

I'm a big girl. As in tall. Skinny as can be.

The latter does work the muscles enough. Negative reps are proven time and time again to be the best way to working toward your first pull-up. Holding it at the top won't train the muscles through necessary range of motion.

Just keep going with the negatives and you will have a pull-up in no time.

Stop trying to do pullups? Don't eat like a cow and do the odd squats once in a while. You don't need to do anything else.

Lat pulldowns until you got enough strength to perform a clean pull-up. And start eating.

I know I need to but boy does it get me sick. Once I reach that base calorie intake everything after gets me to the point of throwing up.

Been there, it will get better.

Follow this routine. If you want faster gains, buy a dip belt and a 25-35lb plate and attach the weight to you. Do the reverse movement routine on the site and you'll be able to do pull ups no problem after a while.

Negatives + lat pulldowns are the way to go. Just did my first pull-up today after a two weeks of this!

With no equipment, yes? Best I got is hanging off a low roof haha ^.^

fucking loser lmaokai kys

I couldn't do a pull up when I was 18. Did 3x8 negatives (jump up and slowly go down) MWF for a week and after that week I could do 2 pull ups. I also got stretch. Marks on my lats cause I went from like 0 lat to normal lat so quickly, but I'm a guy and sonce your not you probably lack the test to have muscle growth that sudden.

i'd like to see the stretch marks on your lat that grows suddenly if you know what im saying (post dick)

Does your gym have one of those assist machines?

No time to make it out to a gym. Otherwise I'd spend more time driving back n forth than the 20 I'd spend inside. (time is constrained and I can set apart 45 minutes to working out only)

So you have a pull up bar at home?

I got this thing from WalMart for like 20 bucks, it's one of those stretch bands with a stirrup at one end. So you hang it from your pull up bar and put one foot in it, and it gives you a little bit of assistance.

On the opposite, the latter is more effective in increasing strength at least to a point where you can do some pull ups. This is how I started out.

Holding as long as possible doesn't increase strength or muscles, just endurance, and I'm not even sure about that.

Yes. Even if you can't get the belt for faster gains, doing just the routine at a park or hanging off of your roof will work. Lol

If you're consistent your body will adapt. Tough it out.

I can do 3x5 chin ups but maybe 1 pull up. Is it a technique issue or something? Also for big lats I've heard chin ups are better now anyway.

No best I have is a low roof that I plan on using. Gotta make do with what you have.

chin ups where you arms are infront of you work the biceps more and pull ups where your arms are to the side work the back

You're such a fucking faggot dude.