That guy who will make any excuse to not squat

>that guy who will make any excuse to not squat

Lmao and you think people believe your Muh knee and Muh back excuses? Weird thing you have all the fucking shoulder health in the world to do bench you fucking weakling

Just admit it already, squatting intimidates you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, it does

>have rotator cuff pain
>refuse to bench till it's gone
>nobody believes you
>will take you a fucking year to get back to your 260lb x 5 rep max
A-at least I squat every other workout

i lift for fun and i dont enjoy squatting so i dont do it

What are your fun excercises? Bicep curls?

I am trying not to squat because my legs and ass are gigantic and it feels inhibiting.

my biggest problem with squatting is my shoulder flexibility is shit so its worse for me to actually setup the bar properly than to squat heavy
i still do it tho

>tfw been doing the big 3 consistenly for 4 months now

how much longer until I permanently fuck something up and regret it forever?

how's the GOP my dude

Not him but I like accessories a lot.
I dislike squats but I still do them occasionally, although I did use to bike so my legs are huge.
Tbh I don't like squatting exactly because of this...the amount I squat is proportionally so high to my upper body strength I'd rather look like one of those guys who skips leg day than a T-Rex ;_;

Quit being an idiot

Post legs and squat numbers

not fucking with you dude, had awful shoulder pain the last 2 month, but kept on benching - it has gone away by itself now, and i even think that benching actually helped alot.

>lower body is much stronger than upper

Yes thats normal and thats how its supposed to be you insufferable summerfag, your bench should not match your squat

Cuckservatives filibustering traps,delts, and triceps I see.

>BARACK and HILLARY want your TAX money to go to their BLOATED 3pl8 DEADLIFT

This, I bet he is a weak faggot and his legs aren't even big.

>skips leg day than T-Rex
you fucking retard that is why you do whole body routines so you look proportional. My girlfriend and her friends make fun of you chicken legged fucks whenever we are at bars.

I got hit by a truck and it kills to hinge at the hips.

>tfw I don't have to put up with no fucking squats and have 25" thighs and 17" calves from just deadlifts at 10%bf

>had strained hip flexors
>caused me to fail squats
>skip a squat day right before weekend for maximum healing
>no pain next week

Oh gee so hard muh pride

>tfw strained a/c joint
>tfw I can do everything except bench

I mean, I have no problems with cleans and snatches, but yeah it must be squatting that intimidates me.

>lying this much anonymously on the internet

Its true, everyone in my dwarf family has huge thighs

Don't really think squating improves your roator cuffpain, you should prop wait a bit on that also. I had to stop with almost everything except light workout before it improved

Yeah I had a friend lile that, huge thighs andnass for evena female, but its just fat. You dont have huge muscular thighs naturally.

lmao how tall are you then? 5'2?

ahh I assumed you weren't a manlet, I get that then


well it's understandable then, still how much you squat bro

Squat is actually one of the easiest exercises

It just feels natural after a while

I loath bench and OHP

Only 3pl8, didn't do it for more than a year.

post pics
>n-no homo

Does your girlfriend's son also make fun of them?

I wish I'd listen to my excuses and not squat. It fucks my left hip up no matter what stance I take and I solemnly swear to only do deadlifts and leg press the next workout while limping around but I'm a stubborn motherfucker and go right into snapping my shit up again the next time I'm in the gym

Is it possible to squat with lordosis? I cant help but feel a sharp stingy pain in my lower back after squatting,.

literally every strong person in the world has lordosis, fool

why? they deadlift dont they? how come they have lordosis with a strong core, back and legs?
What is causing this pain then?

I've been squatting 3x a week on SL for about 4 months and also doing lots of bodyweight squats throughout the day to try to improve my hip/ankle mobility. My knees have started to bother me the last couple weeks, should I take it easy on the squats for a little bit and see if that helps?

It would probably help but I wanna see you have the self-control to stop squatting.

why do ACTUAL gays literally never squat?

Serious question

I fucking hate squats. No excuses I just hate them

I hate squatting but I'm an offensive and defensive lineman on a millitary American football team so I do it at least twice a week

Wish I could squat well, and always try, but after 6 years of lifting I can only 1pl8 for 8 reps. Get a bad pain in my interior left hip, and my knees tend to sway all over the place. Can't keep my core tight, and squatting deep knocks the wind out of my. Think my main problem is right hips though. Oh well, I'll just keep doing the same weight for the next 50 years.

>tfw fit has never been able to help me with this.

Ask around in /plg/ and /owg/. Have you tried google? What have you tried to do to heal the issue?

Not much you can do. Tried stretching and hip flexor machine. It only goes from kinda hurts to unbearable based on the day. Combine that with a herniated lumbar disc from football, and I can't lift shit when it comes to SS style lifting. I'm also kinda convinced that I was born without hamstrings, as I can legally press a decent amount

I've missed one squat session because I hadn't done the washing and the only shorts I had were old board shorts which are now too small. They're too small to the extent they force my legs inward coming out of the hole so I figured it probably would be a good idea.

Enjoy being a cripple at an early age due to your misplaced sense of superiority.

>Muh knee

muh knee got so much better after i started squatting holy shit

like if i would kneel down i could hear it creak and pop. and now it's fucking buttery smooth


>tfw knee aids so you have to take an extended break from squatting

shit sucks m8s

A form video would help. Also, don't be that discouraged from the herniated disc, there are people with multiple herniated discs who regain their previous strenght. Do core work with a neutral spine like planks and ab rolling. Look around the internet, I think you haven't really researched. Which stretchs did you try? You could also try going to a good sports doctor or physical therapist if you got the money.


high bar?

Squats and deadlifts 2-4 times per week is a Veeky Forums meme. In real word nobody cares about legs size. I see a lot of good looking guys in my gym who squat once per week or even per two.

But desu I actually hurt my back, squatting. It's taken 6 weeks of recovery and physio and now I have another 6 weeks+ ahead of me.

>your bench should not match your squat
Confirmed for not aesthetic.

>oh look at me the dyel who knows more about effective routine programming for strength then all the renowned coaches in the world
Okay bud.

>Just admit it already, squatting intimidates you.

Just the rectal prolapse part.

You know what's worse than having to clean out your pink sock and stuff it back up there after you shit for the rest of your life and every year it'll come out more and more until you're in a nursing home with a 24'' length of colon hanging out?

LOL, nothing, even dying in a fire is better than that.

I squat 3 times a week but with babby weight and do only 1 set to failure. I'm not kidding when I say I don't want my legs to get too big. Huge as fuck quads and calves just run in my family. My older bro is a skinny faggot without any chest or upper body developement and has never done ANY sport and his legs are bigger than most guys. I'm not even that strong last time I still did progression on my squat I did 2pl8 for 3x5. So I only progress on Bench, OHP, DL, Chinups and Dips now and I gotta say, I've got much more ebergy in the tank since I started neglecting squats doing them last and only with small weights. Do this and mix in some lateral raises and you got a perfect way to avoid t-rex mode and focus on aesthetics with SS.


>all the renowned coaches in the world
>Mark Rippetoe
Veeky Forums kid, pls

I'm forced to not do squats and deadlifts right now, since I have a knee injury, so I don't really have a choice. But even after I recover, I don't plan on putting a huge emphasis on squats, since I'm not really interested in powerlifting. I'll probably do like a Greyskull LP type setup, squatting 2x instead of 3x a week until I reach 3 plate for reps. After I reach that, I'll either just maintain or focus on some other type of leg strength, like jump training or unilateral work. I mean, can anyone explain to me the point of going above a 3 plate squat if you're not a powerlifter? At that point, your legs will already be bigger and stronger than 99% of people, and going above that is just going to require you to implement complex programming and make you unable to fit into pants.

Fuck you my physio has advised me not to squat for the time being

i have a fucked up back and still squat, but i usually only do 4-5 sets of 10 reps with 225. switched to lowbar to try to restrengthen my back but i'm taking it slow. Took 2 years just to be able to squat the bar without pain. I deadlifted a few times since then but it doesn't feel like a necessary exercise for the risk anymore

not everyone with back problems is lying or a pussy

im guessing you think you're superior high bar squatting 185. I literally don't even feel the weight on my legs with 225 it's 90% a back and core exercise at this point

meanwhile i actually get meaningful hypertrophy with cables for my legs while you are sitting there smirking going for your 5 rep max every week listening to skrillex

Whats wrong with doing the big?
some of you really are fucking idiots

not true. gays love butt