Why didnt the nazis just shoot the jews would have taken them a day or why didnt the nazis just deny the jews water for...

Why didnt the nazis just shoot the jews would have taken them a day or why didnt the nazis just deny the jews water for a week?
Were they retarded or did hitler order the jews to be killed at all?

>Were they retarded

They’re Nazis so that’s self-explanatory

They did shoot a lot of them you Mong.

If Hitler gave the order to exterminate the jews it could easily be done in one day.

Why didn't he just plugged their buttholes? Anal plugs are cheaper than bullets.

Something fishy there...

You have to round all of them up first. Not to mention slave labor was used to make up for the fact that every able bodied German was being ground into schnitzel in Russia. So they enslaved a lot of them and fed them starvation rations cause they could of cared less if they died.

25 billion rounds shot during war.
We cant afford to use 7 million rounds to wipe the jews in one day...

they shoot a few hundred thousand of them but then the SD troops got PTSD and Himmler got squeamish so they decided to gas them instead

Bullets are expensive and one-use only. Buttplugs are cheaper and multiuse.

Why was no ash found at all?

because they buried them in mass graves without burning them?

what a waste of bullets. A blade does the work far more cheaply.
If he really meant to exterminate the jewish people, there wouldnt be anyone left in camps. the truth is most camps were labor camps, not death camps (doesnt mean people didnt die, duh), but the propaganda press couldnt say they were lying after winning the war, could they? not especially when the creation of a country was involved

Why are there no bodies found?

>Were they retarded

Two reasons, first off its more efficient to work them to death, and second the people who did the shooting got PTSD and all out of whack so they figured it would be easier to gas and work most of them to death instead.

According to Soviet reports they did find Ash. There are even photos from Majdanek showing ash and photos from Klooga camp showing partially burned bodies.

there were

They did. The first phase of holocaust was mostly conducted that way. Mass Camps started springing up only in 42 as a means of converting ghetto populace into slave labour and go about the procedure more systemically.

Why do people execute prisoners with bullets? It's unironically wasteful. Just fucking slit their throats.

>Were they retarded
Uh...yeah. That sums up Nazis pretty well.

Hmm thousands of bodies were found but supposedly 6 million people were killed


yeah it turns out that if you find thousands of bodies in hundreds of places that starts adding up

Good luck finding 50 million bodies killed in WW2. Or even 25.000 from Dresden.

Germany should have drafted the Jews to fight instead of holocausting them. Most of the Jews had a bone to pick with Russia anyway, it's like they'd be more pro-Russian than Pro-German

>Spout Aryan jack off fan fic
>Jews start winning battles
See the problem here?

The Jews did voluntarily fight alongside Germans in WW1 to prove their loyalty to Germany.

The jews werent bombed to atoms they were supposedly gassed, shot or starved to death. Yet there is nowere close to 6 million corpses or the ash

What exactly is "6 million ash" user?

There aren't any bodies for Nanking, Tokyo, or Dresden either, were they all made up?

I dont remember at the top of my head but david irving explained what that would be

>or the ash
Gramatically he's correct.

Dresden definitely was.

What I'm saying is that ash blows away in the wind, how the fuck are you supposed count it?

>bombed to atoms
No one in Dresden was "bombed to atoms". Most of the victims there died in a fire. You know, like the Jews.

25.000? I bet you won't be able to find evidence of even 100 bodies.

Heilige Scheiße, it was zehn millionen dead in Dresden, du Juden.

Dresden? More like Dresdidn't happen

They were and still are being found around Eastern Europe

>inna war
it's like you haven't read the talmud

It's like you haven't read anything even about WW1 or even before that