Can you lose weight with Intermittent Fasting without counting calories?

Can you lose weight with Intermittent Fasting without counting calories?

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So long as you're still in a calorie deficit. (you don't have to count calories to be in a calorie deficit, but you still need to be in a calorie deficit, no matter what you do)

>Can you lose weight with Intermittent Fasting without counting calories?

>Are you likely to be successful?

>Are you likely to be successful?
Why not? I've read that it helps regulate insulin and boosts human growth hormone, alone with other health effects.

Obviously you don't binge eat everything in sight when on a feed, but surely you're blitzing fat away when on a fast?

read up on the studies IF provides no physiological benefits over a normal diet

the only thing is with IF you basicly skip 2 meals and then proceed to eat normal so yeah it might work if eating too many meals is your thing

dont buy into the ''increases HGH so you get more gains'' thing thats just a way to sell you stuff like bcaa's

>Why not?

Because you have no idea how many protein/carbs/fats & total calories you're consuming.

You have no idea if you're in a calorie deficit or not (which is required to lose bodyfat), or if you're getting enough protein (which is required to maintain muscle/recovery from gym)

Because you are likely to fuck it up without the constant feedback provided by calorie counting.

Additionally, any weight lost during fasting is likely to be put straight back on during “normal” times. You need to consistently expend more calories than you consume to loss weight over an extended period of time.

So this is mostly lies?

Of course I understand that there is a product to sell (Eat Stop Eat book), but can he just straight up lie about it, and have Leangains back him up, and get away with it?

Protip: The entire diet/fitness industry is 1 giant meme.

Do you have a university tier education level? If so, go start doing what you learned how to do in university and research peer reviewed journal articles on what you're interested in finding out.

the thing is a normal diet would also give you these benefits so there is no advantage

I have not seen a study contradicting the fact that it increases insulin sensitivity.

Who is selling you BCAAs? Martin's programmes says you don't need it, he only mentions it in the fasted morning workouts if your first meal is at 12 (which he thinks is retarded, but it's what most of us with real jobs end up doing).

So you're saying a normal diet increases Human Growth Hormone, just like a fasting diet does?

yeah m8 just use some IF bro everyone is getting Bigg on it im sure you'll look like kinnobody even without his program

im sure you'll get huge swole not eating anything

>You have no idea if you're in a calorie deficit or not (which is required to lose bodyfat),
You don't know that if you're counting calories either since your cumulative margin of error is higher than your actual deficit.

That's why so many people bitch about not losing fat despite counting calories and autistically measuring out their meals.

Calorie counting is only good as a first estimate, if you still aren't losing weight eat less, if you're losing too fast eat a bit more than you think you need to.

just a counterregulatory response to low availability of glucose and amino acids so there's less promiscuous breakdown of lean body mass, something literally any caloric deficit will do

it's still a net catabolic state due to other metabolic and hormonal changes

The people bitching about not losing weight while counting calories are doing it wrong, there's nothing wrong with the method itself just that fatfucks can't admit they might have eaten over their daily calorie allowance.
t. finished the first cut of my life recently, counting calories.

>That's why so many people bitch about not losing fat despite counting calories and autistically measuring out their meals.

That's not the reason they don't lose weight.

They don't lose because they don't know how to track properly, not because of what you said.......

I've been counting macros/calories for the last 3 years straight and I can manipulate my body like a fucking RPG game. Then again I am not a fucking retard and can actually count properly.

>it's still a net catabolic state

Is it though? Copy pasted from Leangains:

This myth hinges on people's belief it's important to have a steady stream of amino acids available to not lose muscle. As I explained earlier, protein is absorbed at a very slow rate. After a large high-protein meal, amino acids trickle into your blood stream for several hours.

No studies have looked at this in a context that is relevant to most of us. For example, by examining amino acid appearance in the blood and tissue utilization of amino acids after a large steak, veggies and followed up with some cottage cheese with berries for dessert. That's easily 100 grams of protein and a typical meal for those that follow the Leangains approach. We are left to draw our own conclusions based on what we know; that a modest amount of casein, consumed as a liquid on an empty stomach is still releasing amino acids after 7 hours. With this in mind it's no stretch to assume that 100 grams of protein as part of a mixed meal at the end of the day would still be releasing aminos for 16-24 hours.

Only in prolonged fasting does protein catabolism become an issue. This happens when stored liver glycogen becomes depleted. In order to maintain blood glucose, conversion of amino acids into glucose must occur (DNG: de novo glucogenesis). This happens gradually and if amino acids are not available from food, protein must be taken from bodily stores such as muscle. Cahill looked at the contribution of amino acids to DNG after a 100 gram glucose load. He found that amino acids from muscle contributed 50% to glucose maintenance after 16 hours and almost 100% after 28 hours (when stored liver glycogen was fully depleted). Obviously, for someone who eats a high protein meal before fasting, this is a moot point as you will have plenty of aminos available from food during the fast.

Number 6:

>The people bitching about not losing weight while counting calories are doing it wrong, there's nothing wrong with the method itself just that fatfucks can't admit they might have eaten over their daily calorie allowance.

>I can manipulate my body like a fucking RPG game.

>t. My stupid bro anecdotes

Do you actually think that number you read on food labels/the internet is accurate? Fucking retards. It's a stochastic estimate some idiot lab tech found and it's understood by non-retards to be just that.

At best the final number of a culmunative day's count will have an accuracy of +-400 kCal. That's before you even consider the variation in BMR and exercise.


(1) there is a well known phenomenon called the 'muscle full effect' where a refractory response to hyperaminoacidemia makes net protein balance greater when ingestion is proportioned throughout the day -

(2) Cahill's work is too short-term and not designed in a way that it could be used to support his claims. if you are fasting intermittently for a period several days, weeks, months, etc where you are eating at a deficit, you are creating a state where E_in < E_out (and usually protein_in < protein_out, glucose_in < glucose_out, fat_in < fat_out) hence tissue catabolism to supply needed energy and metabolites to your cells so that you do not die. it's a basic principle of weight loss. perturbations in intracellular signaling and the hormonal milieu tend to be altered in such a way from E_in < E_out that there is almost always some degree of lean tissue catabolism. higher protein intake can compensate somewhat, but it isn't enough, for example

It's not anecdotal you fag. My calorie tracking and body changes literally go exactly how it's said in decades of peer reviewed research on macro-nutrients and caloires.

It has been working for me, that's all I care about.

they saw that fasting while bringing GH down to deficiency levels is bad. what is your point?

Yes just weigh yourself and eat less food if you don't lose weight
