What is the ideal age for a soldier? Is sending 18 years old into combat really a good idea...

What is the ideal age for a soldier? Is sending 18 years old into combat really a good idea? Are older men less prone to bullshit and more likely to mutiny?

Depends where, teenage boys are ideal for running but are fucking useless for carrying anything, they also freeze to death much quicker then men over 25.

Average age for a soldier right now is 20
Age for a squire to attain knighthood 400 years ago was 21
I’d say that’s a pretty solid age

Didn’t mean to reply

I’d think the ones that stuck around would be badasses by 25. Train them early

25 is the maximum age, after that you are basically useless in a combat situation, too slow both mentally and physically

I joined at 18.

>Is sending 18 years old into combat really a good idea?
The marine corps is by far the youngest branch and they have a good reputation on the battlefield so id say yes.

The ideal age sort of depends. If you're a grunt then sure, you could be 18.

Really depends on how specialist the unit is. Most grunts can be retarded teenagers made to zerg rush the enemy. But with say snipers, youd want a spooter and shooter that have been training together for more then 6 weeks at basic.

What the fuck is this doing here:

18 is probably too young, considering 18-year-olds in the armed forces are most likely there because they're mentally deficient to the point that they couldn't finish high school.

Its easier to convince 18 year olds that running into machine gun fire is a good idea

Scramble for Africa showed that best soldiers were late 20 - early 30.
The same goes for Horse archers in Persia and Mongolia.
I would say that this age is best as you still in physical peak but also hardened , survive most diseases and had enough experience to not panicked when shit happen.

Younger men are far easier to manipulate and motivate. This is especially true in regards to the way armies try to resocialize and indoctrinate recruits. It's a mix of fuck fuck games, cynical bullshit that plays to your emotions, and manipulation of the likely new experience of being utterly isolated from everyone you know while desperately trying to not fail. "omg so intense changeyou forever" basic to an 18 year old is summer camp with guns and yelling to a lot of adults. By the late 20s, you have a sergeant yelling at a guy who is flat out older than him.

Eighteen year olds generally don't have wives or children and haven't entered college

Recruiting 16-20. Young enough to be enthusiastic and soak up all the information thrown at you.

Deploying 26-30. Still in good physical shape but with plenty of experience and well developed skills (battlefield first aid, small unit tactics etc.).

Doesn't matter the age so long as the can physically do what must be done.

It's the training and organizations mentality that either makes a soldier proper combat material, or a shitbag

point and shoot a gun
be calm enough to understand and follow orders autonomously yet not rebelliously
probably 35

Colmar von der Goltz argued that 17 would be the best age, because only the youth is eager to die. Older men are already established, they have possessions, achievements and a place to go. Also, he has more life experience. A youth in his late teens or early 20s has much to win and little to lose.

This is also in line with Stirner's ideology, who argued that the youth is possessed by the spirit and most easily influenced by ideals and spooky things in general.

No connections to the world but family, so you make the army their new family.

Also 18 year olds have no understanding of mortality, theirs or anyone else's.

Also you can convince them it's better to risk dying than be embarrassed in front of everyone.

>americans can sign their life away into government slavery three years before they can purchase alcohol

Guess that's why almost all Rangers and SFOD are over 25.

This swings both ways though. Here in Australia you can enlist at 17 and half. Of the young men I knew that did this, half became fucking outstanding troops by 22 - 23, the other half were perpetually broke alcoholics by 20.

you know literally nothing. quit pulling shit out of your ass and get the fuck out.