How'd he get away with it?

How'd he get away with it?

He should have sent in the tanks at Dunkirk

played both sides.

he didn't get away with it, he got sentenced to death and then poisoned himself

>pro socialism
>pro markets
>nice fascist aesthetics
Is titoism the final redpill?

Get away with what?
Uniting 6 different ethnicites under one country?
To start off, the chetniks were dumb having a history of collaborating with germany and at the same time Josip was lucky. The brittish decided to collaborate with the yugoslavian partisans despite them being communists and despite chetniks actually being a better ally.

The reason why I am telling that Josip was lucky was that Sir Fitzroy Maclean liked Tito, after getting to know him he respected him and admired him. Alongside with SOE James Klugmann also reported that Jozip Broz was somebody you could count on. In june 1943 the brittish took the sides of the partisans with the reason that Tito was a a more reliable partner than the chetniks ( which in my opinion was a mistake).

It is true however that Tito was a good ally. He did play both sides, and he did it very well. When the allies asked him to invade italy and Trieste, he did it, not because he cared about italy, but because he could despite having they own conflict on another front. He did a lot of favors for the allies which further increase their relations for the good.

The state of Veeky Forums.

Spoiler: That's not Goering.

He was seen as a bulwark against the USSR, yes he was a commie but his rejection of the Soviet Union and his relative friendliness with the West made him many friends.

:v) Lel trolled u XD

But if it isnt goering then who is it?

That's the fucking meme...

No. Autogestion sounds great, but in practice it was plagued by the same problems regular socialist economies suffered from, which is, all-powerful trade unions mean there is no real mechanism to reward hard work and punish laziness, meaning that hard workers feel gipped and stop trying to hard, until everyone is lazy and half-assed.


How have numales managed to emasculate the beard?


Dumb fucking faggots.

He made the perfect system.
In short he leeched of the east and west and made his country rich and his people happy,
Except the nationalists

>made his country rich

What? You DO know which country he ruled, right?

Get the fuck back to Plebbit.

The one which is non existent currently

>hurr muh funney maymay XD

You're the only plebbiter here, faggot.

What is that he's smoking there? is it a strange looking cigar?

It's a cigarette. They didn't have filters back in the day so you had to smoke them using a cigarette holder.

Tito was shit. No self-respecting person would defend socialist era Yugoslavia.

he did great at 'unifying' yugoslavia.

after he died,shit happened.Yugoslavia became history.Some of it becomes muslims,some christians,some democratic.

and then 1991.Christians rapes muslims.

and thus,"kebab removed" meme was created.

he lost weight and skedaddled out of the nuremberg prison to run yugoslavia

what an amazing man!

>Chetniks literally fighting for Germany
>they would have been a better ally for the British.

Not sure if you missed WW2 but the allies were fine with siding with commies if it meant beating Germany

But the thing is, they barely collabed with germany. Besides, after the war, Tito did a great job arming Syria, Libya and other Non-Aligned countries. IN the aftermath, the allies would have been better off with an authoritarian fascist regime such as the Serbian Chetniks.

You know that's not Goring right

While the Chetniks had a strong russian bias ..

Arming Libya etc didn't matter considering both sides were doing that anyway

Strong PR skills and he knew how to make everyone happy.

If I could go back in time and kill anyone, it would be Tudjman and Milosevic. Fascist fucks ruined the only functioning communist state in history