Im starting to get disillusioned with white nationalism and far right politics in general...

Im starting to get disillusioned with white nationalism and far right politics in general. Internet politics is absolutely autistic and full of retards. The same thing can be said about the left wing, chapotraphouse is an absolute farce of a podcast.

Is the true redpill on politics to not give a shit about politics?

not Veeky Forums related

OP here, should have added that im looking for a new philosophy to live by.

>Is the true redpill on politics to not give a shit about politics?
Not necessarily, but it is realizing that unless you're powerful enough to make it happen, your opinions on how the world should be don't matter anyway.

Come to the light.

I've read both marxist and far right literature. What Marx said about praxis really made things start to click in my brain. What's the point of all the theory if in practice tranny retards ruin marxism and autistic LARPers ruin nationalism/traditionalism?

ive been considering it, but the absolute state of the church is making me hesitant

>Is the true redpill on politics to not give a shit about politics?
No, it's balance, taking the good parts of both, and opposing the cancer of both far-right autism, and far-left autism.

how neoliberal of you. A person is more than just pieces of identity grabbed from an imaginary shelf m8. As long as you're just piecing together what different sorts of propaganda offer you, you won't be able to think for yourself or outside the box

I just want an alternative to stormfaggotry, leftist poz and libertarian heartlessness

Ordoliberalism+moderate conservatorism?

Those are all meaningless names to describe meaningless ideologies (because they're based on a concept of morality/religion). Believe in what benefits you the most and disregard morality and religion (they're only holding you back). E.g. believing in 'saving the white race' is retarded because even if there were benefits of doing so, you won't be alive to see them.

The common thread in all of these is people. People suck.

I hear you. Any new movement directed against the current order of things will be destroyed quickly though. look at occupy Wall Street for instance. Following old schools of thought makes you a Nazi or Commie. Thou must not think outside the box, citizen.

be a libertarian without the heartlessness


>look at occupy Wall Street for instance.
the problem with "Occupy" was that they had no idea what they fucking wanted, beyond generic slogans, and every group, from ancaps to commies wanted a piece of the action.

Close. What you should take is the Prussian Blue pill and awaken to the greatness of realpolitik. That is to say doing whatever it takes to make sure that the people under your care are looked after, which by extension means ensuring allies and trade partners to lock everyone into a mutually beneficial agreement.

Great politicians IMO are the ones that manage to bridge bipartisanship and unite the state harmoniously. Tyranny is easy but short lived since it just requires blind faith, controlling the means of production, and weapons to give your enforcers.

The western world has run out of men like Bismarck. We have Trump who is shit, but compared to everyone around him is a man amongst boys.

>what is an agent provocateur


>a man amongst boys

Stay away from the whole "online politics" bullshit. Podcasts, blogs, videos, imageboards or whatever are not where you look for anything intelligent.

>white nationalism
Retarded concept.

Traditional Leftism, Red Conservatism, and Moderate Liberalism could all apply.

How about a liberal, conservative, social democrat, centrist, or any other political opinion that's anything more but a fucking meme like holy fuck I'm not sure if you're trollin or not

m8, being against importing the entire third world to give them unlimited welfare will always make you an enemy of the left and their liberal masters

Die Linke (nicht Partei) ist tief gespalten. Die antideutsche Fraktion um die Antifa herum sind auch bloß Knallchargen, die dem Kapital dienen indem sie die Linke spalten. Da wird Globalisierung mit Internationalismus verwechselt, was dazu führt, dass der klassische Arbeiter sich nicht organiseren kann sondern bloß immer noch jemanden unter sich findet, auf den er spucken kann.
Das heißt aber nicht, dass es nicht auch traditionelle Linke gäbe, die den Kampf Arm gegen Reich für wichtiger erachteten als den Kampf Links gegen Rechts.

Welcome, brother.