Does this thing work?

Does this thing work?

Weak chin here and I want that chin and jaw gains.

Other urls found in this thread:

You can't possibly be this stupid.

In the image that you've posted he just looks like hes at a lower bodyfat. Happens to me all the time.

Higher body fat -> loss of facial aesthetics, moonish soft puffy face.

Lower body fat -> Face looks more defined and chiseled including jaw line.

Don't fall for these scammers.

If your chin/face whatever really bothers you then save up money and find a good surgeon who can actually help you.

What about this?

Surely kickstarter will penalize scammers right?

What is wrong with your fuckers that don't just try things and see if they work.

Go buy his product, try it and if it doesn't work then now you know it doesn't work.

Fuck sake man

This is an infinitely better product.

Taste good, and doesn't look retarded while chewing. I take this while going to the gym. Shit is great.

lol literally chinese scam cosmetic tier

His face didn't change. He got a thicker neck.

you must be blind my man. compare his eyes between each picture. compare how much of his ears you can see. the photos are not apt for comparison because they're drastically different focal lengths

>shows atrophied jawline from not chewing for so long
>makes gains anyways because it was atrophied with normal chewing
>sell product

the hustle is real

Saw that on shark tank

Why don't you just chew gum
10 mins per side daily

It doesn't look nearly as retarded and it helps your breath at the same time.

B...but he won't scam us r...right guys?
I mean he looks like he won't scam.

>Why don't you just chew gum

>ingesting all that chemicals
>not as hard as jawzrsize
>not being able to make gains
>enjoy your diabetuus

you shouldn't need to try things to work out if they work.

especially shit like this

e.g. hey dumbfuck gravity don't real

are you going to try test the hypothesis? or are you going to know because you're maybe a non-retard that gravity is infact real?

Well you can test gravity by just jumping on your place. No need to fucking die because of it.

>what is sugarfree gum

you are quite the critical thinker my man


>sugar free

>taking aspartame


what about all those other articles saying aspartam is perfectly fine? who should i believe?

aspartame is literally the most researched chemical on the earth.

every health organisation in the world has cleared it unequivocally.

diabetes association has cleared it

cancer council has cleared it.

so the question is who the fuck are you and why is your opinion important.

falim fucking idiot

Aspartame? lol no

Sugar free contains high fructose corn syrup which is more dangerous than aspartame

>being this dumb

coke zero has 0 kcal so it cannot contain fructose syrup
i think i'm good

k enjoy living a life where you can't eat 90% of the food on supermarket shelves and you spend 900$ a month using a """"organic"""" vegan diet from local farmers that lie to your face


> focal length scamming

you'd think in the age of chronic self-assessment and obsessive selfie taking, most people would understand that photograph conditions can make you look dramatically different.

this is also why you look like shit in your passport/driver license in case you were wondering.

Now to play devil's avocado, there is some evidence that an increase in the strength (and thus necessarily the size) of the masseter muscles will increase the amount of forces placed on the mandible and cause it to hypertrophy (and/or create bone spurs) to accommodate the greater force.

Nobody has ever "trained" their jaw from a potato into a lantern however, and most of the bone hypertrophy is thickening, not a significant change in shape (which would also necessitate a change in function)

While people with larger jaws do indeed have larger masseter muscles in most cases (of course, it would have to be larger), it does not follow that increasing the size of the masseter will give you a large mandible. Just as increasing the size of the hamstrings, quads and calves won't increase the length of your legs.

tl;dr looks like a scam, and its not the first product of this kind. You can get the exact same "muscle toning" by chewing food or gum.

What I'm chewing right now
>gum base
antioxident 321

> sugar free
> contains HFCS

you really are a fucking moron

it's actually sorbitol, which is known as the alcohol sugar, pretty much anything ending in ol is a sugar when it comes to ingredients

>tfw men are this easy to scam

Lmao it literally looks like youre sucking dick with this product
Someone photoshop a dick in

>a tiny pack of gum with barely any shit
>gonna do something bad
>meanwhile he probably eats mcdoubles, tootsie rolls and poptarts for his "iifym summer bulk"

Fucking fatass summerfags

The site that also advocates homeopathy and is anti-vaxx obviously,

It has a money back guarantee. Calm yourselves.


where the fuck is the rest of his right ear?

Yep, total scam.

Are you fucking stupid? You must be

> taking aspartame

its almost as if I replied to a specific point made in a specific post.

astrosperg rein it in.

I know Dr. Mike Mew that's why I'm going to give jawzrsize a try because he recommends chewing gum.

yeah bullshit

product is even released yet.

anybody can claim anything pre-release, its a fucking kickstarter product for fucks sake.

i told your mom my cock was 12 inches long moneyback guarantee

even after she fuckin it and realised it was only 6.5 the only thing I gave her was a moneyshot on the back.

Enjoy being cattle that is being force-fed poisons. Disgusting.

And aspartame is a poison, an extremely addictive one at that.

no its not.
