>still using roids when sugar is better


Good thread

inb4 diabetic keto fatties attempt to lecture lean people about the dangers of insulin and fructose while downing bacon grease and eggs with cheese for breakfast

He's more insecure than everyone on Veeky Forums.

Almost every video he shows off his babby muscles or rants about steroids, if he's not ranting about steriods, he's telling you to make your diet exclusively sugar.

>trying to tell a fatty to lose weight
>eat tons of sugar, unlimited carbs!
>you guys don't know shit!
>soda is fruit in a can!

Hate this piece of shit

he does probably have a point in terms of if you want to lose weight you gotta exercise to some degree and having simple sugars occupy a higher proportion of your calories in order to train more effectively isn't that outrageous.
>not eating 10000 bananas a year

He's schizophrenic, user. It's just a matter of time before he kills someone or himself.

Ausschwitz mode with a few scoops of crack addict? No thanks.

Isnt he the one who stated you dont need protein to build muscle, only some enzymes found in raspberries?

Wow he looks like shit

he is skinny. he works with low weights high rep so we just see the pumped muscle. no much hypertrophy because he cant hold the muscle on. because for that, you need a balanced blood sugar. not bananas or refined sugar which will get out of your blood stream as fast as it gets it. and for good blood sugar levels, you need healthy fats and cholestrol. complex carbs also helps to keep the muscle on and of course, animal protein. he would go complete skelly in a week after he stopped workin out

he doesnt train with weights at ALL, he just rides his bicycle

>he would go complete skelly in a week after he stopped workin out
because now he isn't ? wtf he looks like he weight 50kg, i'm pretti sure i can OHP him AND his girlfriend

is that a joke ? he can be serious .
and who the fuck listen to the diet advice of a guy who look like a crack addict?

lol nah mate see he was lifting. dumbells that is

yee. ok he is doin his own thing anyways. no need to kick more

lmao looks like a child

My 13 year old brother is bigger than him

the thread.

U young guys, dont listen to that foo

freelee must be very crazy to stay with this guy

Roids make you bigger regardless of whether you lift or not, sugar doesn't.

>enjoy your diabetes
>also enjoy being 400 pounds
the only reason this guy is skinny as shit is because he cycles every day for hours on end that burns thousands of calories

>moved to thailand

except that sugar doesnt cause diabetes


It does, just not the kind of bigger that you want :^)

carbs are underrated in a way because soccer moms, broscientists and paleo/keto faggots demonize them but that goes for complex carbs mostly

oats are great, sugar not so much

could've worded it better, meant to say that complex carbs are underrated, people who are anti-carb don't care about the difference

Tell that to mark sisson
