PSA: Drinking large amounts on a regular basis, to inebriation, is one of the most efficient ways to ruin your gains...

PSA: Drinking large amounts on a regular basis, to inebriation, is one of the most efficient ways to ruin your gains, recompose your macronutrient intake in a worse way, and to make you a fatass; 7kcal/g for alcohol, 4kcal/g for carbs. I guarantee you obesity prevalence would lower substantially if prohibition worked, on virtue of people being in denial of those liquid calories while making a big fuss over whole milk and shit.

So, Veeky Forums, do you drink responsibly?


Sort of off topic, but I just wanted to address-

>I guarantee you obesity prevalence would lower substantially if prohibition worked, on virtue of people being in denial of those liquid calories
I think most people don't realize two things about the Prohibition era

1) How large and out in open the black market actually was. It was worse than weed is today; it simply did not prevent people from drinking

2) How much of an effect Prohibition has on the quality of the alcohol. Instead of the 2-4% alcohol level beer that was common to everyone, the underground industry started really pushing hard liquor, which beer had to start competing with... and now our common beers are double the alcohol level they were before, and bars are full of cocktails with 40%+ liquors. Also, the cheap nature of the high alcohol spirits that became common during prohibition made them taste like shit, and this is when we got a ton of cocktails that were filled with sugary shit to mask the taste. So now you go into a bar, and instead people ordering beer that would taste like hoppy water to us today, you see a ton of people getting blasted with a ton of high content alcohol and sugar.

Simply making it illegal couldn't work, and in fact worsened the problem quite a bit. In the same way that drugs have gotten significantly harder and many of them have gotten more prevalent over the years of America's drug war, if Prohibition had stuck we'd probably have worse alcohol problems.

That being said, I agree with your main point. People who spend all day trying to treat their body right, and then spend all night getting drunk, are just fighting themselves. Total waste.

We should legalize heroin

>using booze to enjoy yourself
>being alpha

I don't think the legality of it is the reason why most people don't use

How do I stop being autistic at parties without drinking?

Recovering alcoholic here. Can confirm alcohol wrecked my gains. Granted I drank probably between 10-20 generous drinks a night. Now that I am sober I'm leaner, stronger, and all around happier than when I was drinking. Take that as you will because I have 0 moderation when it comes to mood altering substances.

No problem with legalizing it then. Glad we're on the same page

How long sober do you have? How fast did gains come?

So how much liquor is a good amount?

I am not proud to say no, I do not drink responsibly.

I am proud however to have quit cigs and except on busy weeks I am controlling my drunk ass much better this year in general.

So no I haven't made it yet, but I will.

I'd say enjoy a drink or two for a social occasion for taste, don't drink to get drunk.

Or: Don't drink at all.

I don't drink alcohol at all 'cause im a real neighbour and i do real neighbour shit.

fake neighbours sit down.

We should treat heroin addiction as a medical problem, rather than a criminal problem.
Like everyone always points out in these debates, look at Portugal - pretty much the only industrialized country with drug rates going significantly down across the board. They decriminalized everything, then started spending a fraction of their drug war budged on medical treatment and research.

Not making something illegal isn't the same thing as saying, "this thing is good!", or saying that we shouldn't fight it. Let's simply be smart, and fight things in a way works, rather than sperging out and just attacking something we don't like in the same way over and over again, even if it consistently fails.

All we're doing when we make drugs illegal is make criminals out of people who haven't done anything but (potentially) fuck up their own life, make drug gangs rich, militarize the police, and increase drug potency and use. It's dumb.

I only drink socially.

I don't remember when I last drank. Maybe a year and a half ago?

I agree OP, my cousin became a fat fuck in college because she has no self control. She was 110lbs during freshman orientation and over 300lbs by graduation. A lot of that was booze.

I budget my booze calories like I budget any other calories, though this means that my drink of choice for a few years now has been a shot of hard liquor mixed with a diet soda. My friends and family always give me shit over it but they're all getting fat now anyways so I think I'll have the last laugh.

They treat addicts as a medical condition in California. Heorin addicts are given many chances to clean up before they throw the book at them. There is outreach programs all over the state, there are rehabs, detoxes, sober living, salvation army bunks etc etc. The help is there and everyone on drugs knows about it, yet they still fuck up, at what point does it go from trying to treat them to needing to lock them up?

9/10 people using meth or heroin are criminals in other facets to fund their addiction.

You ever deal with junkies bro?

I've been sober for 8 1/2 months. Dropped 30 lbs in about half of that time and am now about 11-12% bf. I lost a little bit of strength with the weight loss but once I start a proper bulk at the end of summer I'm confident I'll blow my old numbers away.

Can confirm, have dropped 20 lbs just drinking a bit less

I drink straight vodka. About 800-1000 calories worth every other week. I cut ~100 calories every day of the week I plan on drinking. Then the day of, I cut an extra 200-300 to fit in for snacks and shit.

anyone have any before afters of party girls/chads having drinking catch up to them?

Bullshit. Alcohol is just another source of sugar IE carbs. You can get fat or you can work it off and grow muscle. If you let alcohol stop you from liftng or neglect you nutrition and rest then sure but thats not the alcohol.
Alcohol is just another source of calories.

uh, alcohol has caloric value that is distinct from carbohydrates. you can have drinks with both sugar and alcohol, but alcohol is higher in kcal than carbs, bro

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. No, if you are drinking alcohol to the point of the body becoming dependent on it makes the body crave the alcohol molecules. When people are detoxifying from alcohol use candy and very high sugar foods. The sugar molecular structure is nearly identical to alcohol. So the body starts to switch from alcohol dependency to sugar dependency.

But i do agree, beer or any drink with high amounts of sugar or high fructose corn syrup, is very much a high contributor to obesity. But without the prohibition era, we wouldn't have low calorie hard alcohol like we do now. That era forced us to concentrate alcohol to make it easier to hide and made the value skyrocket. Maybe read a few articles on alcohol, its quite interesting.

I've seen so many friends get chubby from drinking after they got into their early 20s. Lucky me I don't care for beer that much and if I do drink it's usually a little wine or spirits 1-2 times a month.

If you drink, please spend the next few days drinking water and eat/drink probiotics like crazy. Drinking kills beneficial gut bacteria, making your digestion less than optimal and your body breaks down less nutrients in the digestive tract.

Drinking literally steals gains.