Are you ready to get insane? This is Max Interval Circuit and it's gonna kick your butt. Are you guys ready to go?

Are you ready to get insane? This is Max Interval Circuit and it's gonna kick your butt. Are you guys ready to go?

Put the arm up to the back of the room... hold it there. Now, hold it there - I'mma fix Darren real fast. Darren, stay exactly how you are.

He's a little unflexible, so we're gonna help him out.

You gotta be in it, you gotta be ready. 'Cause we're going for it now. I want you to push yourself as hard as you can do it. Alright guys, here we go.

Get in it, get in it, get in it, get in it! I'm sweatin', I need to wipe with my shirt.

Don't come below your knees, though, Jimmy, don't come below.

Jump it up, go! Four, three, two, high hook up, up, level change go, down down, jump it out, go, four, you're doing great Ashley, stay with Ashley.

How we doin'?

Boom! See those abs completely engaged as that butt goes down - pushin' his butt down.

No matter where you are, if you layin' on your couch, if you layin' in the garage, I dunno where you lyin', I want you to focus - come back to reality. We're here. That's why it's called Insanity - 'cause we go insane for a minute and we gotta come back to reality.

Good job - drink your results and recovery formula, and I'll see you next time. Peace out.


Th-thanks Mr. Interval Circuit

Don't make your legs to wide
Don't make your legs to wide

i was going to do this but i didnt want to get too muscly and gross



man this brings back memories, i remember when i was 260 lb i started insanity and felt like i was dieing during the warmups. i was so outof shape that i ended up doing 2.5 cycles of the first month before starting the max workouts in the second month. lost 80 lbs doing this shit

Shawn T is the man... I did Insanity to drop the weight and establish a work out habit. That was back in October. Now I'm lifting every day and doing Max30. I love how he manages to psych you up, even if it's a video...

just do half of your bodyweight twice as much and youll get toned

That Josh, such a fecking idiot!