Can we just acknowledge how fucking insane Cold War African dictators were?

Can we just acknowledge how fucking insane Cold War African dictators were?

I mean it's beating a dead horse but this guy in particular was a whole different level of crazy. For dictators like Mobutu and Bokassa, there was a method to the madness. Both basically enriched themselves beyond belief at the expense of the population and found ways to squeeze out as much money as they could, whether it be through plundering natural resources or receiving financial assistance from Western powers.

the west picked their dictators to be corrupt, as corrurpt individuals can be easily controlled.

an example of an un-corrupt dictator is kim jong un.

you will find that the soviets picked ideologically bound dictators or nationalists.

the west picks corrupt shit-bags, as they won't go off having a moral dilemma.

There were a handful of good ones though like Nyerere or Sankara.

They still are

good (abhorrent) post, comrade !

Nyerere wasn't even a dictator.

If somebody had western ideals, they wouldn't be a dictator.

Yes he was. Literally all of Africa was ruled by a dictatorship in 1985.

found the liberal

hur hur librul

>the three african countries with highest living standards (Namibia;Botswana and SA) were the ones without a dictator ruling over them


The Gambia was one of the freest African nations in 1985. Yet they somehow manage to produce a large amount of the refugees fleeing into Europe

Dictatorship is the default of black societies whether its a autocratic or oligarchic like most african political parties.

Yeah man Nguema did some crazy shit:
>The president's paranoid actions included mandating the death of those who wore spectacles,[6] banning use of the word "intellectual" and destroying boats to stop his people fleeing from his rule[2] (fishing was banned).[7] The only road out of the country on the mainland was also mined.[8] He Africanised his name to Masie Nguema Biyogo Ñegue Ndong in 1976 after demanding that the rest of the Equatoguinean population replace their Hispanic names with African names. He also banned Western medicines, stating that they were un-African.[8]

>Macías Nguema was the centre of an extreme cult of personality, perhaps fueled by his consumption of copious amounts of bhang[3] and iboga,[2] and assigned himself titles such as the "Unique Miracle" and "Grand Master of Education, Science, and Culture". The island of Fernando Pó had its name Africanised after him to Masie Ngueme Biyogo Island; upon his overthrow in 1979, its name was again changed to Bioko. The capital, Santa Isabel, had its name changed to Malabo. In 1978, he changed the national motto to "There is no other God than Macías Nguema".[9]

>During Macías Nguema's government, the country had neither a development plan nor an accounting system for government funds. After the killing of the governor of the Central Bank, he carried everything that remained in the national treasury to his house in a rural village.[3] On Christmas Eve of 1975 about 150 of his opponents were killed. Soldiers dressed in Santa Claus outfits executed them by shooting at the football stadium in Malabo, while amplifiers were playing Mary Hopkin's song "Those Were the Days."[10]

Say what you want about dictatorships, but they are necessary for growth in the third world. Look at the fastest growing economies in Africa, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, DRC and Djibouti they're all dictatorships. If you are still aren't convinced then look at China, they were once the poorest nation on Earth, and because they had a dictatorship they grew up to European standards in just a decade.

Dictatorships are good for the third world!

I wasnt calling them bad I am just pointing out to all the white idiots that was surprised black societies end in dictatorship. There many examples in african american cities of oligarchic city dictatorships with no end in sight because blacks try to kill their opposition unlike white cucks.

Your logic is borderline retarded. Why isn't Chad, Sudan, Central African Republic and Eritrea growing? Growth simply depends on the leadership and if they are willing to help develop their region. Most of the time they aren't dictatorships

>that map
>anocracy =/= autocracy
>in fucking Africa
>Sierra Leone etc
My fucking sides.

I think that Bokassa was worse.

>He personally supervised judicial beatings and introduced a rule that thieves would have an ear cut off for the first two offenses and a hand for the third.

>In December 1976, in emulation of his hero Napoleon, he appointed himself emperor of the Central African Empire, with a coronation ceremony in 1977 costing US$20 million ($80 million today), practically bankrupting the country. His diamond-encrusted crown alone cost $5 million ($20 million today).

>In 1979 he had hundreds of schoolchildren arrested for refusing to buy uniforms from a company owned by one of his wives. Bokassa was reported to have personally supervised the massacre of 100 of the schoolchildren by his Imperial Guard.

>Bokassa imposed a number of new rules and regulations: men and women between the ages of 18 and 55 had to provide proof that they had jobs, or else they would be fined or imprisoned. Begging was banned.

>In September 1976, Bokassa dissolved the government and replaced it with the Conseil de la Révolution Centrafricaine (Central African Revolutionary Council). On 4 December 1976, at the MESAN congress, Bokassa converted back to Catholicism and instituted a new constitution that transformed the republic into the Central African Empire (CAE), with himself as "S.M.I. (Sa Majesté Impériale "His Imperial Majesty") Bokassa 1er." He was formally crowned in a coronation ceremony on 4 December 1977.

The reason they're the fastest growing economies is because they started out the poorest.

>ruled by one crazy asshole for the past 30 years
>opposition party brutally suppressed
>"open anocracy"
Is just having openly fraudulent elections enough to boost you halfway up the chart?

>Santa Claus outfits
>Mary Hopkin's song "Those Were the Days."
This sounds like something straight out of a British comedy.

>massacre of 100 of the schoolchildren
You gotta be pretty fucking next level to have a field full of sixth graders mowed down for sedition.

this isn't reddit


Crazy people are generally smart and charismatic

>an example of an un-corrupt dictator is kim jong un

In Mobutu's case personal enrichment (while certainly a motivation) was only part of the reason he stole. He was also ridiculously generous with personal "gifts" (really bribes, lets face it) and ran Zaire/Congo through what was basically an elaborate system of co-option and patronage.


Nit even being ironic even a cursory investigation of current african politics clearly shows that while they might claim to have elections that might not even be fraudlent its till the same old african system underneath, which isnt really dictatorship, cronyism is probably the most fitting word for it, or neopatrimonialism for people who actually know about these kind of things

>You gotta be pretty fucking next level to have a field full of sixth graders mowed down for sedition.

He's a fucking nigger, what did you expect?

btfo nathan

This is your brain on /leftypol/

you are aware that leftists are now almost as anti-science as bible thumping rust belt flyover state white trash trump voting deplorables, right? Just check @RealPeerReview for some samples

Why can't Africa get their fucking shit together? Latin American countries were also a bunch of colonies, but we never had these massive, government sponsored massacres and genocides, or some mad dictator bankrupting the country with lavish parties and expensive jewelry. Yeah maybe we purged some commies but not to the extent of Africa. The fuck.

Imagine aboriginal Australia except there's hundreds of millions of them and they don't all die of smallpox

Africa has to get all the way from the Iron Age to the internet age.

In contrast, Spain was only about a century behind England.

say what you want, but he is a die hard korean nationalist that will not but swayed, by anything.

instead of being invaded or killed off, the most corrupt regimes in Africa, got guns and money for allowing other countries to come in and mine their natural resources.

that money goes right into the leaders pockets.

rulers that have nationalized their resources are quickly labled 'evil' and killed off by some outside funded rebellion.

you only make it to be a leader of an african country if you care more about the interests of your "backer" than you do of the country you lead.