My Greek grandma gave me this disturbing picture book with real photos from Greece during... ww2...

My Greek grandma gave me this disturbing picture book with real photos from Greece during... ww2? She claims they had to hide this from the Germans. Thoughts?

Seems like something the Germans would get up to.

In areas with partisan activity, they'd hang 10 people for every German wounded, the actual ratio varying depending on the area and how pissed off they were.

Needless to say, they probably didn't approve of people making scrapbooks of said activities.

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I see, there doesn't seem to be as much information on the occupation of Greece compared to other countries it seems.

Not all the photos are of war crimes, so here is a photo of a cute Greek soldier lol


Could also be collaborators, or women who slept with Germans/collaborators

They usually just shaved those women's heads. They didn't usually kill them.



What if they like, banged the entire regiment?

they'd probably gave her a medal

Shouldn't have fucked with the Axis.

>Shouldn't have been sitting around waiting for Italy to attack you.
>Shouldn't have had the audacity to defend yourself.

Settle down boys, real men fight with fists not wits.

Thats fucked up

you may have discovered something hella interesting OP give it to an archive or a museum

Fuck off Cali trash.

Haha no, I am sure other people have copies of this picture book, though it seems to have been forgotten and probably only distributed in Greece a long time ago. Some of the photos are quite happy, like this one.

Also I am not sure if all the photos are from ww2, like the ones I posted on the soldiers, they may be from the Greek civil war which took place after ww2.


>NEETsocs will defend these atrocities (mostly against white people) as being necessary for the defense of the white race

It really does feel weird being the only White Nationalist apart from Jared Taylor who finds Nazism completely indefensible sometimes.

we only claim the ones from a few thousand years ago.

Well she grew up in Greece during the period, all I know is she brought it over from Greece years ago. Why... I don't know, but it's not like she just has it laying around her coffee table for everyone to see lol


>Greeks are Slavs
Most American post of the century

>Jared Taylor
Not liking Hitler is one thing, but accepting Jews as white and your allies is a disaster. You can be antisemitic without liking NatSoc.

It is a printed illustrated edition, not a private photo album. That suggests the assumption it has been published after the war to keep the memories of war is hell alive.

I consider Jews to be a mixed people. They're not pure European in the way Anglo-Saxons are, but they have some European blood regardless, and that should be appreciated for what it's worth.

So no, I don't regard them as wholly alien the same way I do Africans or Asians.

They're mestizos, pretty much on the same level as Mexicans. The fact they wormed their way into white societies and then proceeded to destroy it from within already proves we shouldn't accept them, they're cancer in human form.

hating millions of people because of an accident of birth is wrong, no one ever asked to be jewish

This idea that only certain groups have mixed blood is ridiculous. There's thousands of Anglos that even have a little Indian blood, from the time of the British Raj in India, majority of mixed race Anglo-Indians moved back to Britain and other British colonies where they more often than not mixed back in with the pure Anglos. Everyone is mixed, some may be mixed from further back, like Jews but everyone has mixed lineage, even if the DNA was passed onto you. Get over it. The line between European and non-European gets blurred when you get to regions close to where the imaginary line of where Europe is and isn't ends.

If a Jew truly gains some degree of conscience about the evil of Jewishness, he should completely withdraw from public life and never breed. Because I believe Jewishness is toxic and evil on a genetic level, not just a cultural or religious one. There's been high incidence of inherited schizophrenia, psychosis and various kinds of neuroses among Ashkenazi Jews, they're literally already born fucked in the head, they selected for these traits for millennia and they just won't magically go away once you take the culture out of the equation. It doesn't matter if they're religious or secular or "assimilated", it's still there. Even many Jews who weren't aware of their Jewish ancestry turned out to be evil, sociopathic cunts (see Madeleine Albright for example).

>everyone is mixed
In Europe? No. People are mixed but only with other Europeans, not with Middle Easterners, black Africans or Amerindians.

>They're mestizos,

That's roughly my idea, except the Jew have been intermixing with Europeans for much longer than Native Americans have, so they're a lot more European than most Mexicans.

>pretty much on the same level as Mexicans

Ehh... That depends on the type of Mexican we're talking about.

Quite a few Mexicans (especially in the upper class) are of completely European descent. The former Vice President, Vicente Fox who's quite fond of yelling about how he's not paying for the Trump Wall for instance (he's mostly Basque, Spaniard, and German). I must admit one of my favorite The Right Stuff/Daily Stormer articles was one pointing out that Mexico is essentially a White Supremacist country in the most literal sense (people of European descent ruling over those of non-European descent).

>The fact they wormed their way into white societies and then proceeded to destroy it from within already proves we shouldn't accept them,

Or maybe it had something to do with the fact Jews have traditionally not given the chance to be accepted and remain outsiders rather than assimilating, intermarrying, and eventually being absorbed. I'll point out that even during the Second World War, half and quarter Jews still flocked to Reich's banner to prove themselves loyal Germans, even though the German government often at best, mistreated them (or murdered them along with full-blooded Jews).

Lol you don't think some South Eastern Europeans are mixed with Turks? They occupied the territory for hundreds of years.

>see Madeleine Albright for example

Or it could be because her ideological mentor was Zbigniew Brzezinski (who isn't Jewish mind you, still a piece of shit though).

>Lol you don't think some South Eastern Europeans are mixed with Turks?
Bulgarians probably are, but Turks themselves especially on the Aegean coast and in Thrace already are fringe European genetically even though they're LARPing as Mongols.

Plenty of Europeans are mixed with non Europeans, you think a country on the border of Europe has a population that strictly only mixed with people westward and not with people who live directly bordering them east.

Western and Northern Europeans have not mixed with non-Europeans historically, but certainly Eastern and Southern Europeans have mixed as they they are only partially surrounded by other European ethnic groups.

Exclusing Russia, Eastern Europeans didn't. Their genetic profile doesn't have a trace of Mongoloid blood, and in the case of Russia it's often racial Mongoloids who got culturally russified rather than ethnic Russians mixing.

Are those soldiers in German uniform? I know some parts of Greece were also occupied by Italians, I can't tell...?

German judging by the tunic and NCO insignia

To be fair, i can't think of a single political ideology which hasn't committed indefensible actions.

>They're not pure European in the way Anglo-Saxons are
>Anglo-Saxons pure

What is an Anglo-Saxon? An englishman who has forgotten that his grandfather was a Norman, his grandmother was a Welshman, and his mother is Irish.

Fucking amerishits, go away so we can have actual comprehensible discussion without your incomprehensible lip-flapping you call 'speech'

Germans for sure