Lifted near drunk today. Was fun as fuck, had some good lifts

Lifted near drunk today. Was fun as fuck, had some good lifts.

Every end up lifting while intoxicated or high?

I have 6 beers and a bottle of wine each day to function and I lift most days so I guess

Have used the weed to get a fucking SICK bulk on kant

No because I'm not a child.

Try going on a rollercoaster while on LSD, experience real terror. Also horror movie in the theatre while on LSD and try to not shit yourself while crying

Did some high rep stuff to feel how a pump felt on mdma.

Why the fuck would you do that

You are mad in the head cunt that sounds awful, I bet you stare at yourself in the mirror on LSD too you freak

To feel extreme things. Yeah I stare at myself in the mirror but don't really understand why some people freak out over it.

I went for a 5k on MDMA once, it was extremely fun but I nearly pissed my pants from how much water I drank afterwards.

Nope, but I've rode my bike long distances on a bike while drunk/high. It's not fun

Do they even allow intoxicated people in the gym?
I always assumed that they didn't because the drunk patrons would guilotine themselves on the bench or shit like that.
If you are homegym then nvm

Sounds like a good way to fucking kill yourself you retard. Unless you only do machines, but still dangerous

If you can't put on an act of sobriety while piss drunk your non white genetic trash that couldnt handle your drank

You know the term "white girl wasted" is a thing for a reason right

Yeah you got a point there I guess, fucking vapid whores can't handle their drink

yeah so white girls can have a couple of drinks then blame their bad choices on alcohol and not being loose

If you're in a good space and happy while you're tripping it's alright checking yourself out in the mirror and having a giggle. Just always remember you can gtfo if things start to get weird and you'll be fine.

Fuck no. I rarely get drunk anymore (maybe once every 2 months) but when I do I make sure as hell that my wallet is as empty as it can be, that I'm wearing clothes that can get fucked up, that I don't have to get in a car and that my schedule is empty the next day. I will usually not stop drinking until I blackout

t. ex-frat guy with almost exclusively ex-frat friends

did when still wasted, broke a squat PR then hurt my back going for a triple

I lift most of the time because I'm a daily drinker. Lifting without it I don't do as good. As for gains I haven't noticed them suffer but most of my family were/are alcoholics. God damn it feels good to be white.


lifting on speed

made me strong as fuck, broke all my weight records, i've been lifting like a madman for 3 hours straight without a trace of fatigue

speed is ultimate workout drug, but apparently this much stress on your heart could kill you if you do it regularly

and how did it felt?

it's ultimate on many things incl. studying and work

>Lifted near drunk
I also lift sober