I want to learn

Hi, i want to learn core philosophy. I want ancient greek and roman philosophers only (Socrates, Plato, Cicero, etc.) Can you guys please give me the big titles? The ABCs for philosophy. Thanks

I'm making my way through the Greeks right now, and I started this way:
Presocratics (The First Philosophers is a good book)
Plato - Five Dialogues (Apology, Euthyphro, Meno, Crito, Phaedo), Symposium, The Republic.
Aristotle - Nichomachean Ethics, Poetics, Politics, Organon, Physics, De Anima, Metaphysics.
And that's all the help I can offer so far.

Republic, Apology, Nichomachean Ethics, Politics, Meditations

Plato is extremely easy to read. Read what

Why do you want to read it for?
General culture (as a modern classics student) or as a way of life (in the way the Greeks did)?

As a way of life, bare in mind i am devout Christian so ideologies involving gods and mythology won`t be taken much into consideration. I want to understand the life and concepts of a philosopher, especially plato and socrates because i started understanding that democracy is just a scam for mob rule. From some youtube vids i understood that Plato promoted the idea of modesty and that of a voting class composed only of educated people. I also understood that Cicero mentioned that in times of war the law isn`t that much of an importance (see NSA, CIA and other spy agencies) which makes me think of Orwell`s 1984 and today`s world. It fascinates me how 2000 years ago ideas still don`t change and somehow events repeat themselves. Call it self improvement session.

>Plato's Republic voting on anything...

Not sure what sort of youtube vid's you've been watching. Just buy a copy of the Republic and jump right in. Its very readable and the best place to start. The Teaching Company has start companion lectures on the subject.


The Symposium is all you need.
Diotima of Mantinea should be your only godess.

>As a way of life, bare in mind i am devout Christian so ideologies involving gods and mythology won`t be taken much into consideration
Philosophers were quite often labeled atheist. There is not much about gods, apart from the very concepts of goodhood itself (Xenofanes wrote about it IIRC).

>which makes me think of today`s world.
You honestly should not project modern issues upon the old times.

>Call it self improvement session
If you only care about modern politics, you are wasting your time here. Jump straight to modern political theory like Locke or Burke and study it in depth. If you actually care about philosophy, start with Illias and Theogonia, then jump to presocratics.

(It's me op) What are some key points to learn from greek and roman philosophers? Some ideas to make me a better man.

To read ancient Greek philosophy as a way of learning the 'basics' of philosophy is like learning to rollerblade as a way of learning the 'basics' of nascar.

Read Descartes; Meditations on First Philosophy.

Agreed. Op, What are you trying to do? I saw that you mentioned "Be a better man". That I guess is an admirable goal. So to is your quest to gain the classical education you were cruelly denied by the modern liberal race-to-the-bottom education system.

So over all I think you are awakened to the idea that you are missing something. But I suspect that studying the classics isn't going to fulfill the longing that you have for becoming a better man.

You want to spend several years reading alot of questionable recollections and transcripts of conversations had thousands of years ago. Well, ok. It will be interesting and enriching. You will be better at trivia nights. You may even consider yourself more educated for it and rightly so. But to be a better man? The dialogues of long dead men may not get you there.

You want to understand philosophy? You need to live life. You need to walk silently a great distance and see for yourself the world, not read about it. If you do not have the proper frame of reference, a clear eye and and a clear mind ready to critically challenge every thought you have, then you will be just reading words without much significance or revelation. You may as well just read the bible, or the Bhagavata, or Superman comic books. You can study those and not turn out any worse or better than reading dead Greek guys if you don't understand life.

Its kind of one of those things that you get out of it, what you bring into it. If you are an empty vessel, you will not be able to fill it with classical philosophy.

Do not seek to do as they did. Seek what they sought.

>i am devout Christian
>my religion completely destroyed the philosophical world and tradition that I now wish to study

What a train wreck of irony.

I read the Bible and i live my life to the fullest. Thing is that many quotes from ancient times still prove to be accurate today, especially latin ones. I would like to understand the context of those quotes. Just as Bible quotes, it's easy to say God is a murderer, a blood thirsty evil entity but unless you read the context you won't understand much of what actually happened. Call it general culture. Yes, both school and highschool and society do not promote values such as philosophy. Even if it does it's pretty basic and normie level. I am opened to any type of philosophy (exept nihilistic type, i believe in God and afterlife). I see general culture as a way of becoming a better man.

Let's bring back human sacrifice to the gods user, also let's not forget pedophilia. That way we can have a better society without degeneracy. Christianity gave better rules, other than the laws of the state.

Because the Christian religion doesn't have pedophiles right? RIGHT?

It was Christians who dropped two atomic weapons on innocents.

You didn't get rid of atrocities, you merely industrialized them.

I change my mind. You are self denying normie. I hope you get blown up by a Muslim while persecuting a Jew. Fucking abrahamics need to go extinct.

>the many Bible verses that promote pedophilia
>Harry S Truman was such a great chriatian. He was a mason? So what masonery is sooooooooo (((gud)))

Typos evertwhere