Spend all day getting plowed at work

>spend all day getting plowed at work
>come home and my bf has got me this

i opened the picture and i swear i could smell it.
fuck you nigger

>plowed at work
>come home and receive food

Are you a slave?

I'm hard :/

>plowed at work

Are your son and your bf getting along well?

Cant believe he's done this

>getting plowed at work
It's like you don't even work for the money


What is that thing in the middle?

It's to keep the box from collapsing of the Za, bra.

Has that ever happened to anyone ever

While YOU are spending all day getting PLOWED at work CHAD is your BF AND AT HOME getting some fucking PIZZA.

Stacylife isnt fair

If you stack a bunch of them for delivery then yes.

I'm sorry you don't have someone in your life bro

Why the fuck do you think someone would invent something to prevent that?

Big plastics trying to illuminati their fingers into the pizza delivery industry. god help us all

>Just a cheese pizza
>no toppings or anything else

I'm sorry your bf hates you..

what horrible pizza

It looks thick and full of fat

You americanos disgust me

Where the fuck are all the toppings?

What sorcery is this?

I have an erection looking at that pizza

Also femanon OP, are you saying your cheating on ur bf at work? Details?

You're a hooker?

looks like shit. not sure how flyovers can stand diarrhea on bread like this.

getting plowed is slang for someone having sex with you. so are you a hooker or ? also your boyfriend is a real cheap piece of shit to get you a homeless nigger pizza like that. if hes going to feed you sickness and fat might as well actually be a good pizza. fuck you and him.

Wheres the tits you filthy cumdumpster??? No one gives a shit about what your boyfriend does.

What if fag?

tru dat

Veeky Forums = 99.9999999999% chance op is a fag.