Do Olympic swimmers have broad shoulders because of genetics, or is it because of all the training?

Do Olympic swimmers have broad shoulders because of genetics, or is it because of all the training?

Is there any way to actually increase shoulder width through exercise (I mean, apart from getting bigger delts)?

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Genetics. Every olympic athelete is an example of the genetic pinnacle for their chosen event.

Jösses en sådan kvinna
>tfw no gf

Their shoulders look huge because they have massive lats and small waists.

She is so beautiful

big lats

>chinese basketball team

Holy shit is it wrong for me tor mire this?

This is why. They have big lats, which push the arm out slightly even when relaxed, almost like how a bodybuilder does a "Front Relaxed" pose.

Also, they don't tend to have much as far as Traps go, so the combination of big lats, and smaller traps gives the illusion.

There is NOTHING about swimming that will lengthen your collar bones.

Perfect example of how a swimmers build give illusion of wider clavicles, the rock when he was younger... looks a mile wide

Now, look at him here, with much bigger Traps.

He looks bigger and stronger sure, Trening hard, buuuuut he doesn't look like his collar bones are anywhere near as wide.

The fuck are you talking about... he still looks about as wide as a house.

Get your fucking eyes examined. He never said the rock looked narrow you fucking idiot. Quit attacking your own retarded assumptions. He fucking pointed out that as a swimmer the Rock had that unusually wide collar bone look, just like the Olympic swimmer. In the after picture the rock looks like a typical bodybuilder with normal collar bone width. Yeah he looks wide, but not like he has a fucking upsidown coat hanger under his fucking skin. Shit you're dumb.

Before looks like a a Kite shape, the after a Bell shape. You don't see that?

She also looks hunched over.

>Is there any way to actually increase shoulder width through exercise (I mean, apart from getting bigger delts)?

No. How the fuck would that be possible? Change your skeleton?

This. Skeleton will not change. Fretting over collar bone width is silly.

< isn't gonna change
< is getting ridiculous in self examination

Wrong > direct

first post best post

Every girl I know who swims has wide shoulders.

because the ones without good shoulder genetics are bad at swimming and stop doing it

Who is she? Fuck

As a competitive swimmer myself, I can tell you that your shoulders do get broader over time. It's natural that they would, considering you need massive amounts of upper body strength to pull yourself through the water. You'd be retarded for thinking shifting all that water with just your arms and legs wouldn't build muscle in your arms, shoulders and chest.

Sarah Sjöström

It's half the lats pushing her arms out in stance, half genetics making her a better swimmer than those with narrow shoulders.

elite athletes like the ones you see in the OLYMPICS, all have perfect genetics for the sport they are doing. Thousands of people try to compete in swimming, only a few is good enough for the olympics. So the few that makes it, usually train alot and have great genetics for the sport.

They trained for their sport since puberty. This has the biggest impact.

e.g. archeologists examined skeletons from roman gladiators. From their bone structure they can identify what kind of a fighter each one was.
The one with the net and fork hat a 1-1.5 inches longer upper arm on one side, from the constant swinging of the net while in puberty.

>larger delts
>longer clavicles
We are talking about the latter.

sounds like a fairly bullshit theory, desu senpai

ever wondered why mostly kids in their puberty visit the orthodontist?

>There is NOTHING about swimming that will lengthen your collar bones.
Just like there is nothing in gymnastics that makes your growth stop
But people are stupid enough to think there is

Its just that short people do better in gymnastics
Like people with broad shoulders do better in swimming

or why mouthbreathing is so fatal while in puberty?

Not in mens gymnastics, but there certainly is in womens.

we are talking about archeologists who claim to be able to determine roman gladiator fighter types by their bone structure. I don't think you understand how unreliable something like that would be. where do you read about this, and what about it made you determine that the results were reliable?

this was just a random example.

There, some more stuff from archeologists. This time it is tennis related.

Big lats right on me. I got them big lats right on me.

Ah okay, well then it's obvious that you can't literally stretch your skeleton. OP is a retard.

It's mainly collar bone length, which is 100% genetic. That being said, having big delts and lats will make you appear wider, it's just not as important as the bone structure.


>Not in mens gymnastics
Yea sure, look at all the tall people doing the rings.

I remember reading about the longbows englishmen used causing bone features on the left arm by steadying the bow as well

Damn, I guess genes really do determine everything

guys, do you need genetics to get legs like these?

While it's unfortunate, this is the truth.

The Olympics feature the best of the best. Olympic athletes are not only the hardest working, but they also have the best genetics.

It doesn't really matter how much the average athlete trains. You can't out-train someone with amazing genetics that trains just as hard as you do.

ITT: people with bad spatial awareness calling proportion 'genetics'