ELTC is so cheap right now

eLTC is so cheap right now

What exchange is it on?

Is it added to Blockfolio yet?

Fuck off.
We don't need your fucking eNeo, eEth, eLtc, eBtc, whatever the fuck. Fuck off.

Wow, theyre really creative with these scams huh?


Was an open airdrop..


Don't forget eBST.

imagine if you randomly got a keychain in the mail that had '1 btc' and the logo stamped on it

it's a meme token not a scam

Etherdelta is full of these scam tokens now. There are already eLTC eLTC2 and eLTC3 tokens listed.
I myself have gotten some of the airdrops but my coins haven't come up yet.

Etherdelta. Yeah it's on blockfolio

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this e-shit? What are those? Why are they just adding "e" to already established coins?

Still a scam, just because you socialize the crime doesn't make it less so.

They are basically airdrops that people sign up for free. I just got some eltc. And then people shill them and make money off people who are dumb is what im thinking. Could be wrong but i have $50 in free eltc currently, gonna sell later

Nice, just had to re-download the list of coins on Blockfolio....

shit...less than a penny!

Talk about bargain bin prices.

Do they have any uses whatsoever? Like, is anyone even pretending they're anything more than scams?

I'm sure many MIT grads who thought BTC was a scam regret selling their BTC airdrop in the early days (which is worth like 4 million USD now.)

I got a few airdrops but i still need to add gas to each address to send them to a collective address. Sucks to be lazy

I know the feels.

We just got added to Coinmarketcap too!

I would literally pay someone to send the gas to all my wallets so i can continue to be lazy. half an airdrop :P

Which ELTC? There are at least four of them. I can't even keep track of which ones I signed up for; I believe all of them. Hoping to trade 'em all for a couple shekels

Read the bitcointalk forums. There are pajeets there who lost their whole life savings fomo-ing into eBTC lmao. But yeah these are all completely useless tokens, mostly without a developer or a roadmap, just a few lines of a smart contract. Just sign up and hope you can dump near the top after some shilling and idiots actually buying.

the main and first eLTC was labled eltc2 on elix (clone beat em too it), the others i don't know. I think it's best to look at that contract for each coin you have and do it that way.

ED* Freudian slip perhaps lool