How did Christians go from being badass crusaders to becoming LGBT cucks who adopt black children from Africa and kiss...

How did Christians go from being badass crusaders to becoming LGBT cucks who adopt black children from Africa and kiss Muslim people's feet? Did the first 1500 years of Christianity incorrectly practice their religion?

From savage murderers to peaceful citizens*

>Did the first 1500 years of Christianity incorrectly practice their religion
YesYou gotta turn the other cheek whitey


Retard thread.


Since they actually followed the scripture instead of justifying the papal order.

Nietzsche was right, JUDEOchristian morals are for slaves

Be a good goy and turn the other cheek like a real Christian.

Christianity evolved

You're just too retarded to understand.

>Since they actually followed the scripture instead of justifying the papal order.


Where do /pol/fags get this idea that Christianity is this hateful white supremacist religion? Have you ever been in a church? Or read a single page of the Bible?

You are a bunch of ignorant people.

Christianity was never racist. The Church of Ethiopia is very old and respected. Also, washing the feet is a very old tradition.

It’s bizarre

You’d think Nazis wouldn’t want attach themselves to a universalist religion of love, mercy, kindness, and hope

I’d rather they be atheists and just admit they hate all non-europeans instead of LARPing as Christians

The nazis and fascists in general were doing everything they thought would make them popular. Being pro christianity was what most people were back then so sucking up to them would get them more votes. Fascism dogma revolves around pretty much doing anything to attain power and keeping it.
Though plenty of the higher up nazis wanted to replace christiniaty with whatever their own idea of a ideal religion was. But i dont think they had time or all the nazis even agreed with each other what the ideal replacement was if they even wanted to replace it. They had some pretty conflicting ideas from my understanding.

>Nietzsche was right, JUDEOchristian morals are for slaves
t. sub 50iq monkey who couldn't even get the simplest message he was trying to communicate

>badass Christians
>sack Constantinople

This entire thread is populated with people who cannot tell Catholicism (Nazi Hitler Crusades Killers) from Christianity.

to be fair the bible isn't all sunshine and rainbows especially the old testament, a lot of "dashing the little ones against the stones" and "putting every one to the sword except for virgins who we kidnap"

WW1 & WW2 killed all strong men

why aren't Crusader LARPers trying to take the Holy Land now?
it's in the hands of Jews

Christianity is not some hippie American liberal religion. But it is not racist.

For Catholics it was Vatican 2.

What if I'm out of cheeks

take it up the ass

This is the correct answer.

>Did the first 1500 years of Christianity incorrectly practice their religion?
Yes. When Christianity came to Europe its preachers adopted many pagan Germanic traditions in order to sell the religion more effectively to the locals. Christianity is a very peaceful and cosmopolitan religion designed for the poorest people of society, and compared to the warlike Germanic folk religion, they were directly incompatible. European Christianity became mixed with local Germanic traditions many of which we still have today, such as Halloween and Christmas. It also gained the Germanic penchant for war which is funny because war is antithetical to Christian teachings. Our society today is much less violent and more apathetic than centuries ago and takes pacifistic Christian teachings more literally, that is why our pope kisses the feet of Muslims.


>When Christianity came to Europe its preachers adopted many pagan Germanic traditions in order to sell the religion more effectively to the locals
I recomend that everyone reads "The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity" when it comes to this subject

Yes also priest marry gay together in some Protestant church , in this way you can easily see that something is wrong in church

They do not follow god word , this is not peaceful Christianity, it is heresy