Is this transformation possible fitizens? I need to find a way to motivate my wife

Is this transformation possible fitizens? I need to find a way to motivate my wife.

need a bit more to go on honestly

but I have two warning signs to spot likely fake asses. the biggest one is a lack of any leg muscle development despite a large change in ass size. think jen selter

the other is if she posts on instagram a ton but never posts a pic or video of her lifting heavy weights. if all she shows are her doing stupid bodyweight squats and stair jumps, then she likely had work done.


thank you kind sir, I will ponder on that

training your glutes doesn't really make your ass bigger. ass is fat bro, it will just make it more firm and round etc.

all those before and after shots with amazing after asses are usually because they were skinny in the before and gained weight in the after.

if she has some fat but a flat ass, tough luck.
if she has some fat but a big but flabby ass, working out will fix it
if shes skinny with flat ass, only gaining weight will tell
if shes skinny with ass, god bless

If it's only to motivate your wife why does it matter if its fake or not?

is there a way to develop ass without huge legs? I want a big ass but I find the big legs unappealing.

yeah, trick is to gain some pounds and train the ass. you'll get big firm ass, which is the best imo.

wtf what the fuck

it is not possible to make asians white


hip thrusters and donkey kicks

just do those and you're fine

top kek

Yes, it's possible.
>be as skinny as in pic 1
>develop lordosis
>you are now pic 2


Not really. Isolate the glutes as much as possible. Real skinny girls never have much of an ass. There's an reason why. Bigger legs also mean bigger hips, which is sexually appealing to men anyway.

>Real skinny girls never have much of an ass.
Slow cars can't really go very fast.
>an reason
>Bigger legs also mean bigger hips
I'm bigboned xdd
>sexually appealing to men anyway
so are goats, what is your argument?

swing and a miss homeboy

Why did she string a bunch of cheese puffs on a wire and wear it?

Yes it is possible, but you have to lift heavy and expect some leg gains too.

You can have huge trIceps and no biceps. Same is true for quads and hamstrings. You can pick one over the other.

You have to basically do every hamstring glute excersize possible every other day and youll achiece your dream booty. Dont forget to hit lats and delts too.

Note the donald posture on pic 3

Still had some gains