Let's make some money

Ok boys

What did you buy on the dip

What are you still accumulating

What's the next 2-3x

ETHD is picking up some steam on coinexchange

I got ark at 50k

Waiting for transfers to get omg

1stblood will 3x

> tfw 100% BTC and failed to buy the alt dip

I've been swing trading OMG to bulk up my bag a bit in the event that this uptrend sticks around

KNC got more between 42k & 45k

you will get just'd on this one boyo. congrats if you caught the 10x



I would say Metaverse, but it's not a 2-3X coin. it's a 20-30X coin, so I'll go with Link.

>1stblood will 3x

no way, I'm stuck with my fucking bags forever

I just sold all my ark for odn. Wtf. Right move?


lol love you user... but yes etp next rocket

this. shhh

you're an idiot

Will odn not 2x or 3x after its listing on Hitbtc?

It won't. ODN won't moon until I sell, and I'm hodling.

Will odn not 2x or 3x after its listing on Hitbtc?

Pls sell. I'm poor and I need the money to buy drugs and hookers.

The only reason this coin is going up is because I sold all of mine. You'll are fucking welcome. I expect some donations for the favour.

trust me , just hold on

tfw picked up some meta

You won't regret it.
Well, you will.

But then you won't.

buy all of it

Ah forgot to mention link and sonom

buy some lumens you autistic man child

?? why didn't you buy this morning
I missed the very bottom too because I was dragged out to some retarded ass fucking normie party but I still got my 15% bounce so far

Ark will tripple soon, buy the dip.