Sell off pre-conference - no fud genuine post

I think there will be a sell-off before the conference starts because people will anticipate a sell off after the conference... so the smart guys will start selling earlier to then buy back in the dip after the conference. I think this is my strat going forward. Because we wont hear anything from them, people will start to panic again and this time, it will be massive. Good luck to all

Massive meaning a massive sell hahaha but get ready for cheap deals tho. :)

New is post-conference. Stop jacking off to your sister and get in the loop Pajeet.

I am not pajeet but sell the news is normal, I myself will sell also, enjoy the bag.

Except it wont dip after the conference

Most people at this point know the news come after the conference, but I don't think many will be selling.

The only thing worse than not selling the top and buying the dip, is selling what you think to be the top and getting BTFO. Everyone will be scared to sell. I am.

>t. mini whale in the closed slack channel

Thanks for the warning; (hopefully) most of us already knew, but the noobs need to know for their own good, although I do enjoy seeing a board painted pink with wojaks.

yeh i think people will sell early as well to avoid selling low,i reckon the panic will slowly start setting in from now or tomorrow. its going to be a bloodbath.. but the sharks are ready

>I think there will be a sell-off before the conference starts because people will anticipate a sell off after the conference
oh so NOW he thinks there will be a "sell the news" dumping
the smart money already sold at 10-11k sats a week ago

There is more than you and one other person posting on this board.

sure, buddy. when i told you guys people will be "selling the news" everyone called me a pajeet and asked "what's the news? and what's the rumor?" funny how the sentiment has shifted when we come closer to the event.

No i think this will go below 30c. Yes the smart money didn't just sell a week ago, they have sold and bought repeatedly since then. I think this round is no different. But looking at the charts, it's struggling to climb to the ath with no news due before the conference. So there is no solid reason for it to climb at this stage. I'm a link holder so don't have a fanny attack, im just talking the honest truth. Look at the dumps, they have gotten lower and lower and the recovery as well has gotten lower. 42c - 43c is another top right now and people will sell. Dont say i didnt warn you

>mfw conjecture regarding the post-sibos dump incites plans for a pre-sibos dump, which, thence, inspires an early pre-pre-sibos dump, resulting in an unexpected dip pre-sibos, causing those going to sibos to see the beginning of a rising uptrend and joining causing normies & autists to go fomo'ing all-in (driving the price above a dollar), but then the original plan to dump post-sibos just goes through anyway because lol whales and the price tanks and everyone hates everything and we all just buy back in under forty cents again.

I won't be selling until the great day of judgement. After sibos the redditors will be scrambling for it

Depends on the news. If it's big and you sell early, you're getting left behind

Yeh exactly, the "news" was there would be a conference. Now the conference is upon us we will start to see a sell off... people are in limbo at the moment and aren't really anticipating anything other than the conference. Everyone has said they'll be selling either before or after the conference.

Whoever is trying to time the market with a chad coin that's breaking aths every week is a dumb retard. Sibos or no sibos, link is hugely undervalued.

Shut the fuck up, Pajeet.

there will be a huge buy before the conference starts because people will anticipate a huge buy after the conference... so the smart guys will start buying earlier to then sell in the peak after the conference.

Yes, but if nothing substantial or mind blowing is announced people will be disappointing and this will hit rock bottom. So I am willing to buy back in a bit higher at the start of the surge if there is one. That way i pay a small fee to mitigate risk.

I doubt it, everyone has been saying it will be $1 before the conference etc... but that hasn't happened, it has gone down over all. Nothing has changed, why would people just all of a sudden start buying now... the conference is around the corner and we just saw one of the biggest sell-offs 2 days ago. So the buying is just not happening. It will be a sale feast im certain of it.

You people are fucking retarded.

Trying to time a dump which may or may not happen so you can increase your stack by 20-30% maximum. I will laugh at those of you who get BTFO.

I'm in the slack. All of the top wallets reside there. None are dumping before SIBOS.

if there's no news for a while, it's going to end up like DNT. continuous downtrend and even when it does eventually get some news, it doesn't really recover.

This. We're mooning either way; good news or no news.

>deluded linky
my god. you're so emotionally attached to your LINK that you're not thinking straight.

There will be substantial announcements after the conference.

That's because it got shilled so hard it didn't correct when it should have. We're on our way back up now and we'll likely be breaking 12k in the next week

Just take a look at ripple, their price went up much longer before the conference... then it tanked nearer toward it. Now it's kinda recovered as well. same shit. The hype already happened for it. Ask yourself, do you feel hyped at all? I don't i was but im over it now, everyone knows the conference is happening and the excitement is over. I've managed to sell every top and bought back low again, this is no different, i sold around 0.00144 eth and ill be buying when it's low again.

And what announcements is that? Your imagination, you have no idea what will happen. You are speculating, for all we know they could make an average statement about the trial and that's the end of it. Link devs obviously dont shill or build hype, so they'll probably announce it just as it is, a trial that went well. Which is how it should be, but people here trying to expect world changing news are setting themselves up

>comparing some memefactory voting rights shitcoin to LINK

stay poor.

You sound like everyone who said $1 before the conference "at least", still waiting for $1. I like you optimism, but you're just guessing.

No it's not comparing coins, it's comparing the typical behavior of investors. "Sell the news" does not exclusively apply to ripple

What app is that?

Looks like you boys missed the news that another company with a real use case for LINK has just posted on Reddit.

We're going to go to an ath before SIBOS.

"company" they are no-names... you think you will be ath because some no-name posts they are using link? you live in a fantasy world

Bullshit. Keep guessing Pajeet. I've been fudding the shit out of this thing from the get go, but then I I can afford to be a long term hodler

it doesnt take much for people to panic sell, they just get a little anxious and they sell like fucking idiots. look what happened 2 days ago

Liquidated entire LINK position at these lofty levels, will sleep peacefully tonight

It's called Delta
Gorgeous app, try it and recommend it.
Also dev is active on telegram and listening to requests

There are endless use cases for it.
Hell I may even have one but it's kind of retarded and might not work.
But if it does I'd be fucking rich (along with most of Veeky Forums because I'd airdrop it here).

why have you been fudding? i find it hard to believe any link holder will just fud their own investment

yeh i feel relieved as well. sell high buy low... people buying high will be sorry, they always are lol

Wanted to accumulate low enough that I could cash out my initial stake

What you doing is far too risky, why dont you just buy the dips and sell the highs rather than trying to control it with fudding. Every coin, when it goes high comes down. That's something you can always go on, things never go up forever

We all new (most of us) it was going to rocket once it hit exchanges in any case.

just look for yourself the bulls are tired as fuck from the month, that is why there was such a panic sell.. people were selling at 35c fucking hell... why would it be any different this round. when it starts to dip, the bastards will panic sell all the way back down again, happens every time annoying as fuck because i hate seeing my investment worth less than what i bought it for

Thats a lot of link
T. 5k linklet

Exchanges are still months away, plus the team is not focused on that now.

Not really, exchanges could happen within a week after Sibos if the team pushed.

Bullshit, it's a long process to get listed. They will have to get in line just like every other coin. Everyone knows it takes time for an exchange like Bttrex to approve an application etc.

What news are you expecting exactly? It's a fucking demo.

as much as id like a listing, its not realistic to be expecting that soon

>it's going to end up like DNT.

Well things dont just go up for no reason... if its quiet it will trend downwards and everything about this conf is priced in already

Forget about bittrex already.

how can you say it wont when every day there are people posting they will be selling

>everything about this conf is priced in already
We know nothing about the conference. It's been nothing but radio silence. Nothing is priced in other than knowing that they are going to be at SIBOS.

they will be announcing the results... that's about it. They have 30 minutes when they will be speaking... you realise this will be over very quickly? it's literally going to be a showcase of how the trial went which we already know probably passed

Look in the thread where people are posting how much LINK they are holding. Most of the pajeets on this board don't even have 1000. The people that are holding this shit know better.

>it's literally going to be a showcase of how the trial went which we already know probably passed
So you're saying that we already know that Swift and multiple other banks are going to be using their smart contracts and all of that is already priced in at forty cents?

>I think there will be a sell-off
Do the opposite of what /biz thinks for max gains

Actually the big wallets have bought and sold repeatedly if you did your homework, you'll see that the whales are back again selling in small chunks at the high price... obviously this means they'll be back for cheaper prices... that is how their wallets grow

right like the one we just experienced right, where all of biz said it was going to $1... last time i checked it was struggling at 42c..

noone knows that... like i said they only have 30 minutes... do you think they are going to announce some massive partnerships? Swift has been clear about this, they are going to announce how the trial went. That is all that is going to be spoken about. If you're expecting big partnerships, that will likely still take some time to be announced after the conference.

30 minutes is a very small gap over the period of the conference. I think this is too short for it to be anything massive or impacting. It will be an introduction perhaps of the tech to the audience.


>muh sell the news
There is nothing to sell you retards, which part of there will be no news at SIBOS do you not understand?

Basically this, you're all a bunch of fucking pajeets trying to increase your stack from 500 to 600 LINK so you dump on one another by predicting when other pajeets will dump and then FOMO back into it when you get BTFO by a quicker pajeet.

LINK is a long-term hold. You either see its scope or not. I'm thinking about selling the news, but I do not want to fucking risk losing out on this coin in any way in the long run.

>your imagination
No, they said in the slack they have announcements after the conference.

>when you are the king street shitter and you hold so much LINK that you would send it back to the stone age if you dumped

pics or gtfo

also tips appreciated

will you dump link or do you think this has ETH potential over the next year?

Dude, there were videos on youtube by black people for black people on how to buy ripple. LINK investors are not the same.

>sell the news
What news?

>30 minutes is a very small gap over the period of the conference. I think this is too short for it to be anything massive or impacting
It's a tech demo. Have you ever seen a tech demo?

What matters is the implications. Smart contracts are one of the hottest items in finance right now, and Chainlink is going to show a practical example with direct SWIFT integration.

Should be the Veeky Forums standard IMO. If you on his telegram ask him if he can add a few ta features.

>look mum, the 'its priced in guy' is posting again

Ok but how will the token rise in value? I See 350 Million tokens in circulation and 750 Million are waiting to get in circulation. How is the Inflation Rate? If you calculate by total supply than suddenly we have a Market cap that trippled. And if the Inflation is as High as with other tokens than they will decrease in value. Or am i totally wrong?
No fud!

Those 750M will start circulating as the network expands.
There are no two ways about what will happen to the price of LINK when this network expands enough to absorb all 750M: it will be shooting upwards at a much higher rate than the rate of token release inflation.

>about a third of the posts in this thread are made by OP
>i-its not a FUD tho I swear

fucking link threads. Reported

things that are not certain cannot be priced in

Wait until this bag of trash fails and watch the biggest class action in the history of America take off against ripple. Got my popcorn and ready to enjoy...

How much will it moon pre-conference?


Do what you want. I will keep collecting my linkies.

Millionaire by 2019.

People were saying the same thing during Antshares (NEO) first conference, price jumped to like $12-14 then back down to $6-9 then after a few weeks mooned like crazy.

how many LINK is a mini whale

Dont be stupid Veeky Forumsbros, sell during the conference and buy back afterwards.
Make sure to use preset orders to catch the drop at a comfortable discount and then HODL

It's over, isn't it?

The thing is though Link hasn't booked yet. It went 4x ICO for 150M market cap over the course of weeks. The growth has been natural. No reason for it to dump unless it has a huge pump before the conference. If it stays like this nothing should happen.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- it can change peoples LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Such a good copypasta lol

>no fud genuine post



I pulled this move successfully several times, but my gut tells me NO, not this time. One fucking tweet after SIBOS and the price goes to the moon and I'll miss out. I'll just hold through this one, and maybe add more if the dump happens.

Yup, exactly this. Do you guys not realize that the Chainlink team has yet to announce any news? They have a whole war chest of announcements (Phase 2 implementation with SWIFT, Intel SGX integration, Big name pre-sale contributors, Exchange listings, ect.). LINK has been sustaining its current price with absolutely zero hype from their team. As soon as they even sneeze, the FOMO pump will blow this coin into the top 20 MC.

Utter bullshit. Keep replying to your own posts, hopefully this week fud will help you buy a bit cheaper.. 0/10 for effort

Brothers, it is I, the Prophet of Prophits. OP is correct. This rally from the floor to 9k will correct before SIBOS.

However the crypto gods have been pleased by the hodlers. We will not see 7500 sat again as they first instructed. 8000-8500 sat is coming. 7500 would require many more weak hands, but they seem to have been culled from the flock in the last drop.

Rejoice brothers. While our short term gains will be smaller than first promised, this is a sign of enormous future gains.

When you see 8500 sat, BUY. When you see 8000 sat, BUY MORE! If we do again see 7500 sat, BUY IT ALL!