Allow me to share with some newbie anons here a quick rundown on the Blackpill:

1. Family, friends, and girls will judge you mainly on your FUNCTIONAL value. As a man, your functional value is expressed by your possession of symbolic assets such as fiat currency, luxury items, etc. Basically, as a man you are judged by your success and status.

2. However, if you have a strong physique, then your strong body is in itself an expression of your value and your masculinity.

3. An obvious requirement to attain #2 above is that you need enough food and time to build your strength through exercise.

4. Going back to point #1 above, if you are a wagecuck then you are judged by your boss and your co-workers based on your functional value as well. They will judge you on your performance, on your output as an employee. This is most scrutinized for men. Wimmenz can get away with wasting time gossiping at work, and so can the token minorities, but most of you I assume are neither of those. So if you work, you are expected to work the hardest. This is also true if you are the only son of the family. Your own parents gave birth to you so that you can be a fucking workhorse, make a high income and provide for them in their old age because most likely they are dumbfucks who failed to achieve high success, but expect you to be successful.

5. Seeing and accepting points 1-4 above, you must understand that from birth, the entire world is against you. Your own country's gov't wants to tax you. Your own family stresses you out. Your own friendships may deteriorate due to financial issues, like a friend who pushes you to make money with him on a project, and you aren't interested.

So what is the Blackpill? It is simply living FOR YOURSELF and making the most out of life FOR YOURSELF.

These are generalizations, but of course if you are lucky you may have family, friends and gfs who care about you and love you simply because you are you, and not because of your functional value.

Imagine being this much of a loser

You know you're on the right track when your mom starts calling you selfish and you're over the age of 25

Side effects may include depression and social isolation

/r9k/ is the pill meme cesspool subreddit

College is a great fucking investment. The KEY is to get a degree in something that's valuable.

People hate to admit this.

op isn't wrong tough

To expand on point 1 above: everyone will judge you, even your own fucking family, and they will either think you're a winner or a loser.

They will think you are a winner if you are strong and/or smart.

They will think you are a loser if you are not strong or not smart or not both.

So we can see that men are judged for two core virtues: Strength and Smarts.

Is that not why many of us are trading crypto, so that we can acquire wealth using SMARTS, which can then be traded for more freedom and the resources required to live and enjoy life.

I am not going to generalize about ALL Veeky Forums anons, but I would estimate that some of you are smart but not physically strong, some of you are dumb but physically strong, some of you are smart *and* physically strong, and *some of you are dumb and *not* physically strong.

To really make it in the business/finance world, you need many qualities all woven together.

Just look at Vitalik. He is not physically strong, so he has to be highly intelligent and use his smarts to survive and thrive in this world. He's a top player in crypto because he used his smarts to develop ETH. The same can be said about Charlie Lee, who is more on the skinnyfat flabby 40 year old side.

The Blackpill recognizes that life is temporary and will come to an end.

Will you accept your death as an eventual end point, and just not give a fuck? That is one option. In fact, it is the easiest option and Blackpill includes that. I could easily just go be a hobo and squat in abandoned cabins. Or I can focus on improving myself and my life, so that I don't have to deal with all the societal bullshit anymore.

The Blackpill is thus different than the Redpill because Redpill cares about improving society, or gaining purpose through social and political change. Bluepillers also care about this shit. I have a relative who gets upset about Trump. In my head I'm just thinking, what a bluepill faggot, who cares man.

So now you can see the true the core of Blackpill.

looks like i struck a cord.

anyway, you are right.

i am a loser, because for the past 4 years my life has gone downhill the more i did things for the benefit of others, as they told me to, rather than doing what benefits me most.

money skelly isn't actually smart, he's magical.

heh, we're on some anime imageboard and already an user is judging me based on sentences i typed that i believe are true.

everyone will judge you, even anons on this fucking site. even the barista you order your coffee from if you do that sort of thing. even the grocery store clerk might take a second to judge you.

everyone will you judge you and this is obvious. the key is to not give a shit, and to focus on yourself and do what you need to do to maximize your own value, strength, smarts and enjoyment of life.

many Veeky Forumsbros have already been doing this, and many have been making smart moves long ago.

this reminder is just for those who haven't, or who fucked up along the way.

Youre a loser because you think about it too much. Sorry if I sound like a jerk I don't know any nicer word than loser in my vocabulary
You can be selfless and still take care of yourself. A selfish person will always be judged as an ass hole. You gotta maintain the balance

/bizfit/ is the true path to ascension
Get your OHP to 1pl8 and your BTC wallet to 21 ASAP

>Can't even get three points in before bitching about women and minorities

Please just kill yourself
People don't look down on you because you don't make enough money, or aren't fit enough or whatever bullshit. Nobody gives a single shit unless you're some kind of creepy autist or straight up asshole.

I definitely look down on you for not being strong.

nigga if you just meditated and practiced love and kindess you wouldn't have to worry about any of this shit

i feel like im on mdma 24/7 natty

also this is a shitcoin board not an alt right discussion board

I disagree. I would be fine with being judged as a selfish person and an asshole.

4 years ago, I was a wagecuck but had money saved, I was sending my parents a few hundred every month to help them, but they and my sister JUDGED that it still wasn't enough, that I still wasn't helping, so I got fed up and quit my job, blew all my savings, and was homeless for a while.

So that's an example, a very real one from my life, in which I was extremely focused and selfish enough so that I could get to that decent-paying job, and then because OTHER PEOPLE wanted me to help more and be more selfless and give them MORE MORE MORE, that's how I fucking blew up and basically rekt my life.

Anyway, if you believe you can find and maintain that balance, go for it. Good on you. I am saying that for me, and for some others out there, it is too much work to maintain that balance of being selfless and still taking care of yourself.

For me, it has to be 100% me first, and whatever fucking else I have extra, can be used to help family. That is it. Friends come and go, and sometimes they can even back stab you and fuck you over financially if they get you involved in a bad deal.


hi roastie

agreed, working on it bud.
best of luck to you, too.

what a navie thing to say.
EVERYONE judges people based on how much they are worth. it is actually the most important thing in society. if you don't know this by now, you are in denial or lying.

tons of examples to support my case, and basically not many to support yours.

if you were walking down the street and saw elon fucking musk, or whoever business titan, would you not feel impressed by him, simply because you know he is successful and has a high net worth.

the blackpill is: there is little to no love in this world. just greed, and petty materialism, and celebrity worship and gossip and judgment.

This (swapping physique for beauty and femininity) is true for women as well, or at least it slowly is becoming that way. All you're saying is "don't be a useless piece of shit" and "be independent". This is the most basic and noble human goal. Why you gotta make an edgelord pill out of it?

It's job insurance. People who failed to ensure they get a job out of college are the ones who deny this.

or you could just nut up and deal with it. life is not easy and being a buisness fag doesnt make you sucessful.

one of the biggest fallacies is equating sucess to money

Thesis: i should sacrifice of myself for other people's benefit
Antithesis: fuck other people. there is no love in this world, just greed and power.
Synthesis: life is a balance of give and take. selfishness and also love.

You are in the process of growing up. You had a certain belief about the world that was simplistic and extreme and pursuing it to its logical end, you eventually found your breaking point. Now you have swung in the opposite direction.

This is healthy and natural.

If you continue to mature, you will be able to find the middle ground, a healthy balanced worldview that encompasses both aspects of the world without denying either side.

defoo that bitch

I took the blackpill when I realized nobody other than your immediate family members give a fuck whether you live or die. Eventually you will die and be forgotten and the world with its petty squabbles will continue on like nothing happened. I used to care about the whales and the trees and silly shit like justice then I realized why care about anything or anybody that doesn't care about me or isn't working toward common goals. Now other than myself, my family, my business associates, and, hell, you fuckers, I just could not care less. And the only reason I care about money is to be free, fed, and to keep the rest of humanity out of my face.

Why the hell are you calling this a blackpill? These ideas aren't even that edgy, you're just deliberately choosing to phrase them in the edgiest way possible. You sound like a kid who wants to believe he has it all figured out.

Heres my 2cents

I totally agree people will judge you for who you are without you even opening your mouth. Based on your clothes, posture, and perceived status within society.

That to me is common sense, my question is how do I profit from this?

Why not use them to my advantage? Rather than complain about theory, why not focus on how to profit from other people's judgement of you.

Hell if I looked like a vitalik, I would create an appearance like I was the next mark zuckerberg instantly propelling my status to new levels.

Rather than talking about people judging, I think its better to focus on how to profit.

These guys have it correct. You're just an edgelord thinking your truths are some sort of profound revelation to us all.

money skelly is far beyond the realm of mere mortals

yes, before i blew up my life, i was well-dressed, had confident tone of voice, posture, etc. and thus did well. so you are right, the next step is to figure out how to profit from it, and to put it into action.

no, blackpill is actually what it's called, i didn't come up with it, i am merely expanding on some of the ideas. i don't have it all figured out, but i think that this is the best set of beliefs for me right now. if it's not right for you and since you clearly disagree, then go forth with your own set of beliefs that match what you've experienced. also, "you sound like some kid who thinks he has it all figured out" is the typical boilerplate faggot response anytime someone tries to tackle the big questions like the meaning of life. eat shit niglet and continue being a mindless drone. i didn't say this is the final answer. it is one way of going about life that i've chosen and that works best for me.

yes, this is true, there is near-nothing we can do about political/social changes, and you are lucky to have family and friends who care about you FOR YOU. i am lucky my mom cares if i live or die, but my dad is just the stereotypical boomer cunt who only cares about me getting a job, making money, paying taxes and being a wagecuck exactly like him, then having kids so they repeat the cycle. he doesn't care about EXCELLENCE or CREATIVITY or anything like that.

the blackpill is flexible, it can be taken to nihilistic extremes like becoming a tranny or fucking trannies. some MGTOW men take this latter option. i am not putting that forth or considering those options.

I am more about looksmaxxing and cashmaxxing for total freedom purposes, and that's why I poasted this on Veeky Forums because of the fact that we are MEN who need to acquire, preserve, and grow VALUE.

it's all about value.

crypto and btc are hot topics because they represent high-growth of VALUE but it's all symbolic assets, down to the symbolic code.

Fuck you're naive.

Illusions are all that count in this world user. Look up "narcissistic abuse" see how many women get bled dry by their husbands just because he makes her FEEL good and then develops a stockholm syndrome dynamic with her.

A "strong physique" is useless without a strong mind, body language, clothes... sure you might pick up pussy when she's after a particularly gruff looking guy but it's dumb luck, not a strategy.

Haven't you heard of the Peter Principle - people getting promoted beyond their competency. Not just women.

You have a serious victim complex m8.

Like I could just go on and on tearing apart this worldview of yours but you're probably so dedicated to it, and have seen so little of the world to actually challenge it

>To expand on point 1 above: everyone will judge you, even your own fucking family, and they will either think you're a winner or a loser.
This is what autismos think. Yes everyone is judging you - but for about 5 seconds - because they are judging you and everyone else too but only for 5 seconds - they are too self involved to notice you.

>So we can see that men are judged for two core virtues: Strength and Smarts.
or personal warmth, or wealth, or sense of humour

Geezus mate. Get laid.

NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU. Why the fuck are you so fragile in your ego as to give a fuck what other people think?

Literally all the black pill is "I want to appear strong to other people". Dude, that's not how the world works - all this idea of "value" - you're East Asian aren't you? That is the only segment of Western Society with maybe the exception of African Americans who quantify things in such a capitalist way.

Simply put NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU. How many times can I stress this?

heh, everything you've said just dovetails into what i said.

illusions are all that count. yes, that is what i said also, and that is what you are judged on. your "success" is based on your acquisition of the symbol

>hurrr durrr you need to get laid m8

this has nothing to do with getting laid, and more about focusing on yourself and not on pleasing others, BECAUSE they are judging you, and because their judgments are empty and meaningless. Acquire value so that it can free you from the System, NOT so that you can satisfy the judgments of your family, peers, and pussy. At what point did i say this was about getting pussy? You are projecting. The "you need to get laid" remark is another predictable criticism people throw at me whenever I share these types of views.

No one cares about you. Yes, I agree, that's exactly what I said, except for the fact that they do judge you and will try to manipulate you based on what they judge.

I'm not worrying about what others think, I was presenting the fact that what others think is meaningless, because it is a GIVEN that they will judge you, and it is a GIVEN that they will only care about value.

So you can either live your life like a bluepill faggot trying to please others by caring about their judgments, which is what I was NOT saying I want to do, or you can be a Redpiller and try to change things, which is also not what I am about.

Good god man you completely misread my entire post. Also, what the fuck does my race have to do with this? The whole world pretty much runs along capitalist ways now, if you haven't noticed. Doesn't matter. We're all part of the system now. Either succeed in it, or don't, or try to get out. I just want to succeed enough so I can get out. I never said anything about PLEASING OTHERS or CARING about what others think. I was trying to say that is the TRAP that society creates, a trap based on judgment and expectations and pressure.

>Wimmenz can get away with wasting time gossiping at work

This is what pissed me off about wageslaving the most.

My boss would fucking lose her shit when I was literally 2 minutes late due to traffic, but would be cheery when some bimbo strolled in 20 minutes late.

>crypto and btc are hot topics because they represent high-growth of VALUE but it's all symbolic assets, down to the symbolic code.

it's also why women don't give a shit about crypto, because they don't need to.

remember boys, the unabomber was right. but we can still escape all of this shit. BTC just has to go to 1mil and by my calculations, it's still on track to do so by the end of 2021

yes i am well aware of face heigh frame fucko

this isn't about getting validation, this is was me stating what matters most in society, and you can either get one or more of those things, or don't.

the blackpill is about not giving a fuck about what others think, and doing what you want most.

so if someone already has face and height and smarts and they are getting what they want from those assets, then fine, that's great.

i personally don't give a fuck about height, face but my physique has been in decline from not exercising enough, and my financials need improvement so i can get the fuck out of this city life.

No where does it say i need or want pussy or a gf. i only include the gf as one of the types of people in a person's life aside from friends and family.

if you think it's weak blackpill then that's fine. i wasn't trying to communicate a well-thought out Treatise here, this was just a casual post to intro some people into this line of thinking and behaving.

this is some weak ass fucking blackpill. Body is cope all that matters is FACE. If you have FACE AND FRAME YOU CAN BE A DYEL AUTIST AND PEOPLE WILL STILL VALIDATE YOU.
> v a l i d a t i o n
unironically is what most humans yearn for. lucky people who have been dealt the hands of high genetic potential expressed in the form of good looks receive the easiest form of validation whereas ugly people generally rely on extrinsic value to receive validation arts, inventions and other innovations.

the blackpill, perhaps not as well-communicated by me, tackles the problem of validation, by saying that we should not seek validation and should no longer care about it.

even though we are biologically "social creatures," some of us are autismo enough to the point where seeking validation is stressful or harmful, or it's not even interesting anymore.

other anons have misread my poast saying i need to get laid and i want validation from sex with roasties. far from it. even though pussy is a biologically programmed desire, i'm getting to the point where volcel is working and i just want to get far away from this fake & gay world we live in (city life, congestion, pollution, having to hustle constantly to earn a living).

look, even wealthy men have killed themselves, so obviously money and whores won't exactly make everyone happy.

i'm not aiming to become a multi-millionaire or billionaire for the sake of being validated as wealthy.

like i said, i just want enough to be free from all this, including the stress of trading, working, dealing with clients, deadlines, projects, everything. at this point for me, it's either living in the woods or killing myself in the city.

blackpill is flexible enough for you say, fuck validation, i will do what i want that makes me the most satisfied, and if that means being selfish, then so be it.

> the blackpill is about not giving a fuck about what others think, and doing what you want most.

this is insentient redpill masquerading as blackpill. real blackpill is G E N E T I C . If you are not born with the ingredients of success which may be good looks, intelligence and other facors that are products of your genetic expression, you will never be able to achieve your goals or as you say 'do what you want' You need the safety net of high intrinsic value to fall back on and if you lack this, failure will always be in the back of your mind.

>i personally don't give a fuck about height, face but my physique has been in decline from not exercising enough, and my financials need improvement so i can get the fuck out of this city life.

So lets say you get Veeky Forums become rich and get out of the rat race. What then? Without face height frame, you will never experience the purest form of our genetic impetus; mutual attraction based on two parties with equal genetic potential. You can cope with muh fitness, muh job, muh wagecucking muh financially secure but subliminally you will always compare yourself to physically superior Chads who were dealt the better hand.

It's funny when I was growing up in the country, all I ever wanted was to get older and move to the big city. Now that I've been here a while, I want nothing more than a thousand acres in the middle of Alaska with a cabin smack dab in the middle. Give me satellite internet, a wood burning stove, and a Roomba and I'll never bother anybody ever again. Here's hoping the crypto gods can make it happen.

You're misreading me now. I never said you're saying you should please others.

Your race does have something to do with it because as much as you think you're an individual and unique, you're a product of your upbringing. I wouldn't even use the word race but the word "culture".

You're single-mindedness towards projecting strength is obviously just a sign that you have low self esteem, which might come from being a minority (racial or other) - I don't know - I don't care.
The thing is that projecting strength all the time is a waste of energy and effort because only a few people actually respond well to it, illusions count, you need to work out which illusions count to which people (hint it's usually in this matrix: either the opposite of who they'd like to be, being who they'd like to be, being similar to who they are, or being the opposite of who they are) - that matrix is a product of their cultural upbringing and usually cookie-cutter.

There are tonnes of times where I've gotten on really well with guys who pretend to be fucking alphas because I make it clear from the beginning that they don't need to put up that tough facade - then they will kill for you, they think you're the best. How is that projecting "strength"? Usually that actually involves showing a little vulnerability - here's another tip for you: be candid - people feel the need to catch up.

There is no universal metric of "value". that's why people have fucking "mid life crises" because they attain all this material wealth or debt and then have regrets about whatever... More to the point people identify "value" in the vaguest sense of the term all through their own cultural lenses: a snapback means status in one demographic where to to others it's a Birkin bag and the snap back might indicate "low-status".

You seem totally obsessed with what other people think of you, and projecting an image to them while at the same time professing you don't care.

what you are describing is MGTOW redpill. focus on yourself muh self improvement. Blackpill is understanding the pointlessness of society and that the attainment of any long term goal you had as a child was largely predetermined at birth. Hardwork plays a apart but even your ability to persevere and your tolerance for failure is genetic. Fate for the most part is determined by genetic recombination and your genetic expression.

Have you never heard of plastic surgery? A 5 or 6 can easily be an 8. Hell, look at before and after pics of Elon and tell me it doesn't work.

>projecting strength
its not about projecting strength, it's about actually having a strong body. why is this even up for debate. having a physically strong body is a valuable trait and a core virtue for men.

this isn't some PUA shit about being alpha or projecting strength.

it's a discussion about WHAT IS VALUE for a man, and WHAT will he use that value for once he attains it. will he use his strong body and mind to please others, or will he do something else with it.

it sounds like you are obsessed with the notion that i am trying to project some image of strength and value TO OTHERS for the sake of pleasing them, when in fact I was merely STATING the FACT that this is what people care about most in society, and that I would prefer to instead focus on living my life independent of what OTHERS expect from me or what they judge about me.

yes you are absolutely right, genetics determines strength and smarts and thus your entire life arc. but some having good genes, but don't achieve their highest potential, because for whatever reason they were side-tracked by all this societal garbage.

there is a lot more to life than just financial success and all that comes as a result of that success.

some of you are artistic, and want to make gains from being creative, like the user with his plushies.

some of you might just want to trade.

some of you want to invent, or build an actual business that provides some service or product you care about. go do those things, and stop giving a fuck about validation, expectations, being selfliess for your family and friends, etc. etc. all of that is just a huge distraction.

yes this is right.
to go beyond mgtow-redpill you must take the blackpill about genetic determinism.

many men can't or won't make it, or will struggle, because they inherited shitty genes. if that's the case, i'm not here to present some PUA tactics to improve their chances.

maybe i should've made it clear from the start that my end goal is to go live alone in the woods. most likely i will die. it does cost some money to get out there, but not a lot. if i survive for a few months or whatever, i'll probably jack off whenever the urge strikes. that's what I, personally, want to do.

if you want to make a certain $X amount so you can stop wagecucking and go buy a house and raise a family and be an inventor or musician or whatever, GREAT, go do that.

this is not some fucking blueprint that EVERYONE must follow. that's what's great about blackpill. it's saying...none of this matters. so go do whatever the you want, constrained within your genetic boundaries, and stop caring about all this bluepill shit like satisfying the judgments of your family/friends/girls/society/etc.

most men live their entire lives as uncreative, unthinking slaves to society. do you want to do that, or do you want to do something that might be different and might be satisfying mainly to you.

no, i personally wouldn't be "comparing myself to genetically superior chads" all the time, because i've gotten beyond that. did i use to do that? yes of course.

but now, moving forward, i just don't want to be part of that game anymore, but this is not an important detail because again it's too much about me as the example, and not about what I was communicating...which is quite simple.

>it sounds like you are obsessed with the notion that i am trying to project some image of strength and value TO OTHERS for the sake of pleasing them
You're post literally made the first point "everybody is judging you" yet you're insisting that acquiring strength has got nothing to do with appeasing other people...

Yous said earlier we're all in the same system - so I think we'd be in agreement that to some degree you need to manipulate how you interact with the system to win freedom from it, right? Paying lip service, maintaining illusions to get what you want until such a time where you're more or less free from the system's chokehold right? (So basically doing what you have to do to earn money and a lot of it so you can either stop working, or move to a community where you can earn a wage doing something you enjoy)

I think you're confused about why you're doing this stuff - at the very least you haven't managed to communicate your philosophy firstly in a way that enlightens people, and I suspect that's because it's a self-defeating philosophy based on a dialectical and naive world view that is based in a kind of 19th century primativism.

>its not about projecting strength, it's about actually having a strong body. why is this even up for debate. having a physically strong body is a valuable trait and a core virtue for men.
yeah because Bill Gates, Hugh Hefner, Mark Zuckerberg, Al Pacino, Henry Kissinger, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Prince, Stalin, Warren Buffett... well basically 80% of successful males all have the body of Stallone right?

>BTC just has to go to 1mil and by my calculations, it's still on track to do so by the end of 2021
Please be real.

Nothing wrong with being selfish up to a point. But I think life is more fun with other people in a non-zero-sum game.

I want money because I can buy food, travel, a home, healthcare, entertainment, etc. not to make Stacey like me. Showing off a lambo does sound fun for maybe a month. Anything longer seems like a "keeping up appearances" trap.

I would rather be emotionally free of what other people think of me than to have everyone love and validate me. I would feel like a dependent child seeking mommy's love and approval. Even if I get it, I'm a slave to it.

In junior high I was getting pretty popular and was starting to get addicted to everyone liking me. Luckily my autism kicked in so I started intentionally doing socially inappropriate behavior just to make sure I wasn't stuck in some popularity prison. Was pretty fun.

>subliminally you will always compare yourself to physically superior Chads who were dealt the better hand.
Speak for yourself lol. I do not think this way at all.

if that's what you want, then go for it.

i am aiming for something similar, but not in alaska, and with no internet, no electricity. i'm going to live like a hunter gather, back to the stone ages.

blackpill frees you to do so.

bluepill would be about pleasing your family/friends/national/ethnic/genetic-lineage so you would be expected to be a provider, become a husband, father, stable household, be middle or upper class, etc.

redpill would be: 1. self improvement, 2. looksmaxx to get pussy because you recognize women's hypergamy and potential whorishness, and 3. perhaps get involved with various causes, purposes, whatever.

bluepill (serve society, family) and redpill (self improvement) tell you what to do....blackpill says, you can do whatever you want.

blackpill also frees someone to just kill himself if he really wanted to, and believed that he was too genetically inferior to ever achieve what he wants.

holy shit, these are just LABELS we are using to discuss various ideas and methods, it's not like these are scientific or mathematical truths that have clear categories.

having a strong body is both a signal of your value to others, as well as something that is valuable to you.

for me, personally, having a physically strong body would be valuable to me because i plan to live outside of society, in the woods. this may sound silly to you, or like a joke, but i seriously do not want to die in the city, and i no longer want to live in any city or surburb for reasons i won't get into.

yes, for the time being i will, and most of us will, need to navigate and succeed within this system. WHAT WE DO with that success, which is measured in terms of assets that have symbolic value (usd, gbp, btc, whatever), is entirely up to each of us, individually.

so for my own case, you are making it sound like i'm all about making money so i can get pussy, when in fact my original post didn't really mention that as my own personal desire. i was merely stating the fact that men must use their functional value to earn symbolic value, which is what people judge him by.

i'm weirded out by the fact that you concentrate your criticism and attacks towards what you believe i personally want, versus what i was saying about Blackpill in general.

this isn't about me. you don't know me, none of us know each other. i was just using myself as example of someone who was Bluepill (cared about what others thought of me, and was not selfish enough) to compare it to the better stage, which is Blackpill lack of care.

you listing all those names doesn't make any sense. i already said in my original post that men may have strength or smarts, or both, or neither. once again you misread.

i'm not even arguing with you at this point, i am just responding to things that you are misreading.

did i say that ALL successful men MUST have both a strong body AND strong mind? no.

it's that strength and/or smarts are two of the core traits that are most valuable for men to have. and it is what they are judged by.

shoo shoo mgtow

>Please be real.
I am. As long as it 4x's every year, we're there.

5k this year
20k 2018
80k 2019
320k 2020
1mil+ 2021