Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

75 a day? Wtf I thought my 50 cigarettes a day was bad

Best bet is to switch to cigars, I'm smoking 10 a day atm.

How the fuck do you have time to do anything other than smoke

that'´s almost 4 packs a day, fucking hell

Are you unemployed?

I work landscaping

There's a really good book aimed to assist people quitting for good. The only requirement is that you read the entire book in one or two sittings, preferably in one or two days, and to have the mentality that you want to stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lightin them on fire. The book is called Easy way to stop smoking by Allen Carr, and it's avalible as a free pdf online.

You can smoke more than one at once

Smoke them all at once to see how disgusting you feel after

That's not that many it's one every 10 minutes if he sleeps 8 hours a day. Each cig takes about 2-3 minutes to smoke if you don't smoke it like a pussy

Ebin troll xDDDD. I've gotten a hearty "kek" (as the fellows on this forum say) every time you post this! Have some reddit gold friend, you deserve it

>tfw I do actually kek when people respond seriously to this thread

it's only on here everyday and people still respond like " woah who smokes 75 a day that's crazy"

I kek when I think of the autist that makes these threads every day even though they were never really funny

> people posting genuine responses and not realising this is a meme


I think at first it was a legitimate thread by someone wanting to quit but he posted it so often that other people thought it was a meme and now it's on here everyday on multiple boards

It's posted on /b/ every time I go on that board

Have you looked into nicotine patches?

How much do you spend a month on cigs? That's a lot man you need to do something NOW for your health.

>27,375 cigarettes a year
>having functioning lungs

Pick one.

It costs me 36 dollars everyday, I'm in ontario canada and a pack is 12 dollars

OP, it must be extremely depressing to be faced with 2 realisations. 1. that you are irreversibly destroying your health and quality of life. 2. you are too weak to stop.

Holy fuck man I'm in Ontario too and there's no way I could afford to smoke that much. Do you even realize how much that adds up to over a year? I could pay my rent for a year with your money you spend on cigarettes

no point in quitting now OP just kys


Yes, I managed to quit smoking cigs. Cold turkey, too. I saw how people around me, like, my aunt and uncles, who died early with COPD..they couldn't fucking breathe because they chose to inhale some bullshit for 30 yes, I quit. You can too once you see what it will eventually do to you.

Iktf bro


Yeah, I used to smoke 2-3 packs a day. What made me quit was the realization that I could have spoiled myself with all the money I spent on cigarettes
>could have joined the homegym masterrace
>could have bought new weightlifting shoes
>could have hired a coach for olympic weightlifting
>could have built a new PC to play videomemes on
>could have made better gains by feeding myself properly

>anyone here managed to quit smoking?
Yeah. I never got up to 75 a day, but I was up to about 40 at my worst.

How I did it:
1) I gave myself official times that I can smoke, and a specific number of cigarettes I could smoke during those times.
2) The other times that I was normally chain smoking, I would use an ecigarette with a decent amount of nicotine.
>inb4 "*tips fedora* we get it you vape!"
3) I slowly replaced more of the cigarettes I could smoke, or the times I could smoke, with vaping.
4) Once I got to the point that I replaced all the cigarettes with vaping, I started buying eliquid with slightly less nicotine in it.
5) If I occasionally fucked up and had a cigarette (which did happen), I didn't beat myself up about it. I just got back on the wagon.
6) Eventually, I toned down the nicotine to zero, and was just vaping flavor with no nicotine all day.
7) After about a month of no nicotine with no fuckups, I found that I liked vaping, but didn't need it like I used to need cigarettes. If I forgot my ecig when I went to work or something, it didn't kill me like before when I forgot my pack of cigs. I kind of just started drifting away from it, testing how long I could go without it, or legitimately just forgetting about it.
8) Eventually I just stopped vaping too. It never really was a conscious choice, I just realized one day that I hadn't done it in a long time, and I didn't care to do it again.

So first I broke the reliance on cigarettes, then I got rid of the nicotine addiction. Yes, yes, I'm some vaping fag or whatever, but the ecig thing really helped.

I quit 5 years ago. My mom died of lung cancer a year ago and she was so happy I quit

You aren't going to like this but you're never really free. I still want cigs anytime I smell smoke.

How do you even breathe?

I'm at the 'only smoking when drinking phase'. I've been off cigs sober for about 2 months though. When i'm a couple of pints down, all hell breaks loose. I just need to get over the fact that standing outside a bar with a vape makes you like a complete and utter faggot.