Moon mission commencing

You have been warned. Volume is steadily increasing over the last days, has NOT been pumped yet. This sucker is ready for 3x. Competition is shitty as fuck (Iconomi and Melonport lol).

It is T minus 2h before take off. Don't wait and don't FOMO in when it is too late only to cry here when you bought at new 3x ATH and it corrects back.

Other urls found in this thread:

im finally ready

Why this shit is gonna pump ? News ?


i want to get out, blacked looks fun when you are watching and the little girl is being ravished but not when it happens to you

Bump. dumped all my eth into this over the last 2 days. First time I ever caught a good moon setup in its earliest days. Knew this had promise when I bought in at ICO and knew it was ridiculously undervalued when I doubled down at 70c. Sold my shitcoins into ETH then went to BMC to do the same and checked volumes.

This is actually it boys. The coin with a multi million dollar investment company, an extremely responsive team, and a solid stable concept finally gets the treatment it deserves.


bump for obvious reasons. still dont wanna buy?

this was my first ICO and I totally got shilled into it on BIZ. But I think it's a good project

Guess the thread isnt getting any traction. Private moon mission is fine by me

I'm looking at doubling my stack of this so I'm fine with the mission waiting for a few more weeks.

Sitting on 2k BMC since the ICO.

Friendly reminder to everybody to look at volume and price increase in the last 2 hours as I predicted. This would be such a nobrainer now. However, this is the last reminder because I don't want to be "shilling".

How dare I to bother very busy anons chasing coins that are already ATH and multiplied in the last days or crying over their losses after the usual corrections.

We meet again in some days when BMC reached new ATHs and the FOMO kicked in, while my described pattern of the usual biz investment strategy (buy high sell low) fits yet again.

Veeky Forums don't forget, blackmoon is just sucking on the real genius that is chronobank.

todays hitbtc volume came from bots, sorry

It's a security, right?

It's not a security. Blackmoons telegram is by far the friendliest I've ever been in, go ask them yourself to confirm.

Strapping in my space suit as we speak.

been in this since ico.. still -11% right now. Lets see where this goes

>strong fundamentals
>hasnt mooned yet
>Far shittier coins have mooned
>Active team
>Adequate shilling
Buying now is a no-brainer

>below ICO price

yeah buying now would be the best

Bought it, got weak hands and wanted to sell... Glad i didn't, nice green numbers soon after

Doubt it will moon. Huge sell walls.

Do you plan on selling now? I'm waiting atleast a year for real profit.

>Won't moon because of (artificial) sell walls

You new to the game?

22Eth sell order on 63 Eth market.
Not new, made some gains on Coss, ODN on daytrade. I doubt BCM will double next day.
I 'll try but not confident 100%

come on OP, 2 hours long gone

when will the black cock be removed from my arse