Where are all my LINK bro's at?

How you guys holding up after three days of bleeding? Will we blast through 10k sats again or will we see another dip?

Get the hell in here

>Where are all my LINK bro's at?
This is a gay thing right?

Reporting, feeling good after some bloody times

Enjoy my bags boys, off to the next PnD

22k reporting in, went straight the btc surge

I bought in at the 7500 dip. Feels good.

looks like another dip, i should have sold when it was a bit higher but at least im out before it tanks again to the last low. i dont see why it would go up for now

Waiting for the dip right now, hope it drops to 8k.

im cashing out for Eth i think it is about to surge

>three days of bleeding
You mean three days of accumulation. I now hold 50% more LINK than I did three days ago.

heyeh me too ill be waiting for the dip hoping it goes low as fuck

1,7K reporting in. I'm really pissed off because Kraken hasn't received yet the transfer I made them on Monday via SEPA. I was thinking on buying 2k more on that last dip.

bought more in the dip

Does krakes support LINK?

what you want with that kraken shitpiece?


I need $2 link or its game over


Gib 1k link and i will make a 5x5x5meter Linkblock in my Garden for the lulz

NOPE, but I buy my eth there in order to buy link in ED

Fuck... Why won't this piece of shit dip???

it did nigger where have you been

we tried to warn you

told u to HODL..

I survived the dip and I'm ready for the moon mission.

Where have you been the last 3 days?

>tfw so little LINK you're kinda hoping it doesn't moon because then you'd feel like you missed the opportunity of your life

Just look at the market cap. You can only delay the inevitable for so long.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergies optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change peoplea LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergies existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

i love this pasta


20k link 85% of my portfolio
I'm tempted to go for COSS and ETP but i can't bear to sell any link or WTC

Damn right!

Will there be a significant dip before the presentation?
As I understand the team will be releasing news (some time) after the presentation.
If we moon to 1usd or above before the presentation, will you dump your bags?

>If we moon to 1usd or above before the presentation, will you dump your bags?

No. People sold ETH for $5.

if it doesnt crash i will hodl this for a very long time
but im also a newfag and dont want to daytrade

too late for COSS or ETP brah.

Also WTC goes live on hitbtc in a few hours.

I'm still down 7%, lmao

$2? I need $20.

I love the coins I have too much to chase short term gains but it hurts to have watched FLIK an ETP go up >100% a day after they are shilled here

that being said I don't want to be stuck bagholding shitcoins when I like link and WTC
better to miss out than lose
I want to be rich user