Why is blood libel considered false allegation against Jews when both Christians and Muslims accused Jews the same...

Why is blood libel considered false allegation against Jews when both Christians and Muslims accused Jews the same thing in many instances?

What are the odds of both Muslims and Christians both using the same lie to persecute Jews and what would they gain by doing so?

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You're acting like there weren't massive Christian populations living under Muslim rulers + regular trade and communication between Muslim and Christian dominated areas. Al-Andalus, the crusader states, Byzantine Romans, Sicily ... there were plenty of areas where they overlapped and ideas spread.

Blood libel predates christianity and is pretty much universal across all cultures in contact with jews ever.

There's 2 cases before Christianity on that image.

Why do stormfags have to lie so obviously?

The first two blood libel claims in that image are referring to the same event which supposedly took place over 150 years before either of them existed. In fact, if you actually read Josephus, you would know that he was actually quoting Alpion's claim and refuting it.


Read the 8th paragraph and fuck off you enormous faggot.

This was directed at my bad

.t Jew relying on other Jews to prove that Jews dindu nuffin.

>Ignoring dozens of other recorded incendents and cherry picking one

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>image uses Josephus as a source to prove the blood libel
>the actual source states the complete opposite
>OY VEY can't trust jews anyway

I'm not going to go through an entire list on a claim that has been mercilessly disproven but the fact that the first two sources are blatantly misrepresented on this shows that whoever created the image has no interest in fact checking or even being correct at all. Prove an incident of blood libel, burden of proof is on you.

Little Hugh Of Lincoln was proven by sworn testimony and a confession you lying kike.

He proved it. He posted dozens of recorded historical cases and you just said:

"Everyone in the past was a lying antisemite. I know that because Jews say so and Jews would never lie"

>Prove an incident of blood libel, burden of proof is on you.
No it's fucking not. Not even him, but you're the one literally denying hundreds of accounts of accepted, documented history. You might as well fuck off Veeky Forums.

Wast majority of cases were never disproven as it is impossible to disprove something that was recorded 500 or 1000 years ago.

But Jews said it was all anti semitic lies so it must be true

Veeky Forums just goes full shill mode when it comes to Jews

I mean all groups of people can be blamed for horrible things they did in the past except Jews. Any criticism of Jews is propaganda and you are literally a neo nazi if you dare to dig up any uncomfortable thing.

>If we torture them and they confess, that means they did it
Reminder that these are the same people who believe the Nuremberg Trials were invalid due to alleged torture.

>He proved it
I literally proved he lied in the very first source he posted, which actually states the exact opposite of what he was trying to argue. Why should I believe any of the other cases listed if the author already showed he has no respect for intellectual honesty?

>hundreds of accounts of accepted, documented history.
Find me a single credible historian who believes in blood libel.

>Wast majority of cases were never disproven as it is impossible to disprove something that was recorded 500 or 1000 years ago
That doesn't make them true you faggot.

>The absolute state of Veeky Forums

It took you 45 minutes to come up with THAT? I thought Jews were supposed to be smart.

>Find me a single credible historian who believes in blood libel.
So you're asking for historiography, not history. Find me a single historian who believes that a single Jew in the history of the earth has never taken a Christian child and murdered him in a ritual.

Not the guy you were replying to but posting retarded shit like that really doesn't help your argument.

>unironically citing Der Sturmer for all of those claims

>sources are either ancient, conspiracy theorist works, or Nazi propaganda

Not really. Just that citing Der Sturmer isn't really good for credibility.

They also both believed in witchcraft.

Peasants are a supersticious lot.

It usually came to mainstream religious schoolars themselves to intervene in favour of the scapegoats of the masses.

This is why I don't believe in direct democracy.

>accepted, documented history.


What is it that Jews actually believe?

This would be much less plausible if the front page of pornhub didn't have jews literally holding up the horns associated with "hail satan" to celebrate Haunaka right now......


>hurt why don't you spend all your time on Veeky Forums like the untermensch i am

There is no such thing as Jewish ritual murder, find me a single proof for it from any Jewish text in existence and prove that it is taken seriously by Jews.


Because they lost wars so they whined about how jews casted a hex upon them.

Why are dragons considered not real when they are described in several cultures?

I'm going out on a limb here but what if the Jews secretly were nasty horrible devious people.
I mean just hypothetical and unironcally what if Hitler was right?

>implying dragons aren't real
they've just never been to a battlefield where RYuma breathes fire upon the unworthy

Then stormtards are retarded for lying so fucking much, what would the point be.

Probably happened a few times but it was used as an excuse to take land and money from Jews

There is not a single blood libel case before 1144 mentioned here (except for that vague mention of a blood libel case from Alexandria).

>Blood libel (also blood accusation)[1][2] is an accusation[3][4][5] that Jews kidnapped and murdered the children of Christians in order to use their blood as part of their religious rituals during Jewish holidays.
This is what blood libel is about. The blood part is the most important.

I thought /his was supposed to be at least a bit intellectual but the answers to this obvious bait shows that its not.

Blood libel was not just used against jews but against anyone different be it pagan, jew, muslim, heretic whoever happened to be the enemy at that time because if you say that look at (enemy group of different faith or whatever) they are murdering innocent (our faith) children we should really take up arms against them and kill them am I right?

See its simple propaganda

Isn't this the kind of shit stormfront supports/preaches?
You're mixed up on a few details I think user, but most likely I'm guessing you started posting here somewhere with the last 3 years?

Too many accusations and accounts of Jews doing devious things to ignore and just write off

>Isn't this the kind of shit stormfront supports/preaches?

>You're mixed up on a few details I think user, but most likely I'm guessing you started posting here somewhere with the last 3 years?

Anyway stormfront are the Nazi sympathisers what kind of stormniggers are you speaking of when you alluded to them denying the holocaust when the lot of them usually start and end every sentence with

>What are the odds of both Muslims and Christians both using the same lie to persecute Jews and what would they gain by doing so?

It's God trying to clue them in to the contents of their "holy book" and the fact that a mortal to claiming they're on a divine mission from God is a very bold claim.

To make the claim that you're on a divine mission from God to commit genocide, rape and murder takes a massive level of confidence.


Okay, let's pretend for a minute that every single one of the horrible "lies" spread about Jews were all fake, that every single civilization/race/group of people that was "discriminatory" towards Jews made it all up. Maybe they did for a reason? Like maybe they deserve it for some reason or another? JK everyone knows Jews are the only religious people that are completely innocent of all wrong doings.

Religious minorities were generally persecuted regardless of being Jewish or not.

Also these rumours and myths about and hatred towards Jews did not come from nowhere. In 17th century Poland-Lithuania for example the Ukrainians during their revolts committed terrible massacres of Jews (Polacks and Ukrainians also committed a lot of massacres against each other but that's another story), the rebellious sentiment was based on the religious persecution and grim exploitation they suffered under the Polish magnates. In the system the Jews were basically the middlemen between the Polish landowners and the Ukrainian serfs and in turn they became a clear target when the Ukrainians revolted.

And generally religious minorities were persecuted historically, Jewish or not (pic related). But Jews particularly stand out as a spread out and insular ethno-religious group that stands directly in conflict with things like Christianity (Christ killers) and Rome's imperial cult.

>Religious minorities were generally persecuted regardless of being Jewish or not.
>And generally religious minorities were persecuted historically, Jewish or not (pic related).

Wasn't it the Carthaginians who did this?

They burned children as sacrefice to Chronos, a hellenized version of Moloch, fire god of the caananites

Separate Catholics from Christians, and the answer will appear to you.

Catholics hate Jews, blame Jews for killing Jesus, and are essentially bloodthirsty pagans.

Christians know that Jesus came to earth to die, that nobody killed him, and that he both lay down and picked up his life with the power of God.

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