Need help Veeky Forums. I've been lifting for a year and have made some decent gains. I'm almost at 1/2/3/4...

Need help Veeky Forums. I've been lifting for a year and have made some decent gains. I'm almost at 1/2/3/4, but I'm still dyel and look smaller than my friends who aren't as strong. What gives?

you are too tall, or your diet is shit, or your sleep is shit, or your exercise is shit, its probably one of those.

body dysmorphia

You only do 3x5 squat, bench and diddly while your friends do 3x10 db incline bench, 3x10 pull ups and 3x10 leg press.

I do ppl, I do 5x5 for main lifts and 3x10 on accessories. I work out hard everyday, at the gym for 2 hours. Is it possible I'm not eating enough?

I'm only 6ft. I weigh 175 and look dyel as fuck

I'm basically at 1/2/3/4 except for deadlift, and I feel dyel af too. But apparently I'm the "strong" looking one in my group of friends and I get occasional compliments on my body from other people.

It's most likely in your head bro.

Post a pic fag


Im 6ft 200lbs 20%, Im dyel as fuck breh

weird proportions what's your routine?
also user that said you don't eat enough is probably right

Got some bad news for you m8. You don't lift.

1/1,5/2/2,5 x bw is when you leave dyel. 1/2/3/4 plate is just to escape auschwitz mode.

I do a pplxUL .
Push day goes like this
Bench press 5x5. Then a drop set with 135 till failure
Incline db press 5x5
Cable chest flies 3x10
OHP 5x5
DB OHP 5x5
Later raises 3x10
Cable lateral raises 3x10
Rear raises 3x10
Tricep push downs super set close then wide grip 10 reps each. 3 sets
Tricep extension with rope thing 3x10
Skull crushers 3x10

Pull day
Deadlift 7x5 ( 2 warm up sets with 225)
Bent over row 3x10
Cable row 3x10
Lawnmower 3x10
Pull ups 5x10
Chin ups 5x10
Then bicep stuff, too much to type

I'm think my arms are too small

I think your arms are okay but your chest and delts are definitely lacking.

What do then m8?

Just hit them more? I actually have pretty weak shoulders, chest and arms. Pic related

So I started running sheiko and I press 3 times a week and bench at least 2-3x a week. I also added arm and shoulder accessories at the end of each workout. It's a really high volume routine so I'm hoping hitting all my weak points hard three times a week will show good progress.

What is 1/2/3/4?

Strength doesn't = size.

You need to do hypertrophy training if you want big muscles.

shut the fuck up idiot memelord

1 plate (60kg) overhead press, 2 plates (100kg) bench press, 3 plate (140kg) squat, 4 plate (180kg) deadlift, considered an intermediate benchmark
Not very clear whether or not it's one rep max or working set weight

Congratulations you're on your first year of working out and thats exactly to be expected. now this is the time thats really going to decide if you make it. now that all your noob gains are gone are you going to be the few that go for 5 years of hard natural lifting with serious consistency not just with lifting but also diet. when you hit your 3rd year and your not looking like a sexy fuck toy then maybe you should make a thread about being worried. thats if you follow your workouts and diets religiously

What is a good diet? Like macros % wise.

Depends on whether you're cutting or bulking m8

Forever bulking bro I need some size

you do an insane amount of volume considering your stats and the fact you don't have mutant genetics or are on roids. just do like 2/3 compounds heavy 3x5 + isolations each workout and eat more (significantly more protein).

Is 1g per pound of body weight a meme or should I do that