Star Wars Quotes with US Presidents and Generals

>“I killed them. And not just the men, but the women and the children too. They’re animals! And I slaughtered them like animals!”

He wasn't really that bad but he really should have worked on Obamacare before he pressed it through.

>"Ho ho ho... manchy kabook noonee Solo..."




"It's treason, then..."

“Army or not, you must realize, you are doomed.“

"I hate sand. It's coarse and rough... and it gets everywhere."

Not bad.


"Now THIS is podracing!"

"From my point of view the Yankees are evil."

>"Major-General Hurlbut, the time has come. Execute General Order No. 11"

He’s a big guy

>only man ever to serve as President and Chief Justice
>best remembered for being a fat fuck
Poor Taft

>”Some day you're gonna be wrong, I just hope I'm there to see it.”

>“Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them.”


If you go into that tub, will you die?

This is where the fun begins.

*wookie noises*

A communications disruption could mean only one thing... Invasion.