What is it about lifting weights that turns good men into racist assholes?

What is it about lifting weights that turns good men into racist assholes?

How do we stop this from happening?

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Rape as many little boys as you can. Liberals are made not born.

They learn through experience that life gives you what you deserve.

Hard work is the great equalizer.

>Hard work is the great equalizer.
No it isn't.

Working hard for nothing is not better than working little and getting everything.

Living in ghettos or white trash slums and shitty places make people racist. I grew up in rural oregon and get along just fine with black and white people that aren't niggers or trailer trash (I'm samoan)

Probably because aside from the occasional meth lab, there isn't much crime here and people are pretty chill and laid back.

Because of the entitled gibsmedats who think they deserve everything for free because they were born poor.

t. born poor but actually worked instead of being a retard

In my case I feel I've become more aware of and willing to accept my genetic limitations due to lifting. From there it's not a big step to understanding that race (something defined by genealogy and physical traits) can be associated with similar limitations/benefits. For some, this logic leads to organizing races in a hierarchy. Granted I arrived at the same conclusions from playing D&D.

>good men into racist assholes

more like cucks turn to real men!

It starts with going to the gym. Noticing the biased perspectives pushed in on you by media, you visit /pol/ obligatory and never look back

>occasional meth lab
You Amerifags fucked up so bad. Sorry, but there's absolutely nothing to save your shithole country anymore. Gg no re

This desu


Unlike the children of the rich, who are given everything?

Independent alpha/ male mindset vs dependent beta/ female mindset. It's largely hormonal but I think there is something to self discipline and strength seeking affecting your outlook.

There's this site called Reddit you might enjoy.


no seriously that's their thought process.
it keeps them happy slaves
it lets them be talked into any horribly unfair things and accept barebones pay and awful living conditions

Fuck off cunt/numale.

Nice failure to respond, faggot

Once you get your natural test levels up, you develop a certain contempt for the watery-eyed, weak-chinned, limp-wristed, nasal/lispy-voiced, whiny nu-male libruls out there. Then they whine about how "racist" you are, which is just a librul buzzword.

To be fair, the contempt is exacerbated by librul nu-male's own pathetic resentment against more physically developed men.

Watch a gym full of buff right-leaning men. You'll see whites, blacks, and hispanics high-fiving and chatting like bros. Nothing racist about it. And if they vote for any actual racism (they don't, but they might), it's political necessity - darkies vote for librul policies and politicians, so anyone who wants to live under a more conservative/libertarian government necessarily has to vote in favor of whites and white people. If darkies would just vote for Republicans once in a while that wouldn't be the case, but it is. That's life.

> Bonus Veeky Forums protip
> Between the ages of 18 and 30, Trump supporting women are much hotter and more pleasant than supporters of Commie Sanders or TheCunt

Go write in Bernie, cuck

You still have a lot to learn my friend.
You can have it all and still be a miserable fuck. You can get next to nowhere and have massive appreciation for where you're at.
Hard work earns you a stable and positive self-esteem.

>Between the ages of 18 and 30, Trump supporting women are much hotter and more pleasant than supporters of Commie Sanders or TheCunt

Too bad that's not true at all. It's not surprising - given his horrible polling with women, there's simply far less women to be attractive in the trump camp.

Pic related.

More like people who don't lift have out of whack hormones (testosterone lower than their body is adapted for). As a result they take on a beta mindset and are ok with being taxed to support their genetic replacements. They are literally cuckolds, providing resorces for a non-kin's offspring instead of their own.

When did Veeky Forums become shit?

It's about health and fitness. Not you're rejection stories and advice, not about stormfaggots LARPing as lifters, not about "all women are whores yet I'm still a virgin for some reason", not about "muh chad", etc. I have yet to see more than 3 threads that are about health and fitness on the first page.

As for /r9k/ and /pol/tards, you have your own boards to spout your beta shit.

> Exactly one woman under 30 in that pic

True, and yet we're still better than you.

Exactly one woman in that pic. And for a cheer and dance girl, she's butterface and weak legged.

lifting increases test

You're the kind of guy that believes the surface level stuff is all that there is. Lots of work goes in behind the scenes of peoples' lives and it gives them opportunities and improves their luck. Sure, some kids have millionaire parents, but that is the exception to success.

The development of racism generally depends on the community that you're around.

E.g. Anyone living near Arkansas or Louisiana ghettos will hate them because black crime occurs 10x+ the rate of others.

Why do leftists think testosterone is bad?
End the red plague.

Everything is fascism. Even moderate thoughts. Everything is an ideology. Because it violently governs all aspects of life, through taxes, traffic planning and management of all sorts of things.

What you have here, this view on right wing people, is just how another fascist group looks at a group that is not their own. It is just more political thought.

There is no normality. It does not exist.

But I find it funny that these people are capable of criticizing others. If you were to go off the r/K selection theory. Most r types, which made this comic, still feel kinship to the K types. They are not that capable of truly criticizing the K types effectively. And you can see it in the thing that they made. They have shown their view, how they perceive the world. Showing more of their flaws, rather than the flaws of the K selected.

Though as a K selected person, I the same fascism on reality applies to me. That is why there can never be any cooperation between the two groups. Only death and children matter. These collisions of ideology do not. There is no reasoning with them, and they cannot reason with us. As much as you cannot reason with a duck...to stop acting like a duck.

Thus even within the race there wont be commonality, universalism and equality.

Though these thoughts take a K minded person to formulate them. An r selected person will never be able to see the true nature of reality.

when will people realize...
/pol/ is always right

Maybe if your parents weren't illiterate niggers you could have been born into wealth

A parent has the right to give whatever they want to their child.

A poor fuck doesn't have the right to receive whatever they want from everybody.

Cry more, faggot. I was born upper middle class, however, I was also taught to work to increase wealth and overall societal development.

Says who the fuck? We had high inheritance taxes for quite a while because (a) it doesn't disincentivize productive work, and (b) the US did not want the creation of a heriditary aristocracy.

(Mods plz)

Hereditary aristocracy is about the best thing that can happen.

It greatly increases the likelihood that the values and ideologies of the successful family will be preserved.

You don't want to create economic incentives against that.

>When did Veeky Forums become shit?
we used to have attention-whoring trips with some good advice. now we have a couple of trips who are fucking retarded. if you haven't jumped ship except for the occasional visit you're a dumb faggot


>as a K selected person
your gestation took longer than 9 months?

No it isn't stupid.
That's really all there is to it.
Luck and being able to expand upon opportunities.
Simply WORKING HARD does not equal instant wealth or even living well.
That's not true and has never been true.

> seriously voting 3rd party

Yeah, that's pretty much against the entire point of the United States. The ideal situation is that the best individuals will rise to the top - hereditary aristocracy produces crap people.

Pic related.

>You don't want to create economic incentives against that.

It's far better to incentivize creation of wealth (income) than receiving of it (inheritance). Raising estate taxes, and lowering income, does this.

>Hereditary aristocracy is about the best thing that can happen.
We've had hereditary aristocracy for millenia. Nothing has been preserved you idiot.
For gods sake this entire corporation masking as a country has been ruled by an oligarchy for centuries.

>a tiny fraction of people have it significantly easier
>take it from them, this can never be

But why?

i guess u shouldnt work hard then lmao maybe eventually ur parents will become millionaires and u can leave ez life amirite xDD

>being able to expand upon opportunities
This my be tough for you to believe, but most people suck at this.

Prevention of aristocracy.

Also taxes must be paid. Infrastructure, public goods, defense, etc cost money. It's far better to tax the dead than those that work for their money, who can also invest it or provide demand for other goods and services.

If you want some more detailed reasons, read Capitalism in the 21st Century.

I think a lot of guys gain a "bully" mentality with a superiority complex. They felt bullied as a kid, feel the need to exact revenge, and feel right in doing so because they think being fit automatically makes them better. They're shallow people still in the stages of development they should've accomplished like a decade ago; they're retarded in the maturity/adult department .

Not everyone is like this though, just the miserable ones who will be the contrast to the happy in the rest of us.

>turnings this into a bitter neckbeard female hate party
I know where you're from! Now Go back to your contamination board, you're not welcome on the home of self improvement with bs like that

Hard work is good and will get you things.
But hardwork alone is not enough.

You have to be able to identify opportunities, save what you can, spend wisely, and invest in yourself and your future.

Most people are simply told to mindlessly slave away for their entire lives and even go into debt for things they do not need or want.
It's the narrative pushed in every piece of media and academia.
Why? Because wise spenders and people who know their rights and what they are worth as workers are dangerous.

>Prevention of aristocracy.
In every society since the dawn of time, there has been a ruling class and no inheritance tax or revolution will ever change that. If the power is not with the money, it is with the party or some other cabal that seeks to dominate society.

>Also taxes must be paid. Infrastructure, public goods, defense, etc cost money.
Agreed. Lolbertarians fail to see that a stable state with good public services is a great invesment.

>It's far better to tax the dead than those that work for their money, who can also invest it or provide demand for other goods and services.
You are taxing the living, though. Nothing stops them from investing inherited money: If they blow it all on hookers and blow, it's gone anyway.

Veeky Forums is full of former neckbeards from /r9k/. Fascism is the beta uprising.

When did it happen in the first place, buff guys are the most happy and nice people you'll meet.


>it's a "/pol/ fags are insecure and have to post their bullshit on Veeky Forums again" episode
this repeats everyday, with the same OP too.

>please mr banker take my money and wife
sasquatch rimjob goatee with erectile dysfunction detected

Stop forcing SJW shit down our necks and maybe we won't get as pissed off about it

This. Being aut-right doesn't mean you're alpha, it means you have some sense on politics but are too much of a social outcast to accept that normie conservatism is the best.

>calling other people happy slaves
Top lel friendo. I guess a cushy life is more important than free speech, autonomy, and most other liberties this country was founded on.

Accept that people have it better than you, some by luck, most by hard work. If you think more regulations and taxes are being proposed for your benefit you are a fool. The big corporations benefit most from the regulations because it squashes competition and tax codes are written with loopholes that only the super rich can take advantage of. Who gets shafted? Everyone whos not unbelievably wealthy or a politician.

To stop it we need to destroy all the other races. Remember, if wasnt for niggers and friends we wont need racism.

Fuck off Jew.

This is pink rock Pacific Ocean tier salt

Stop reading Shrugged Atlas every time you're depressed, it has twisted your vision.

Stay deluded if believing this crap makes you feel any better.

Are you blind? I counted at least 3.

They pushed the only minority to the front of the picture Kek.

>This my be tough
>this my

off the top of my head i would think lifting gives you confidence to stand up for what you believe. weak beta males go with the flow of being PC to everyone? makes sense to me

it really seems like you guys genuinely want to suck this old dudes cock

lel nope

>choosing your political candidates based off how their supporters look
lol do you really think you're going to get laid at a rally? Because you would have to leave mommy's basement to go there

if you're going to mention r/k selection in every thread, you might as well be a trip. also you are gravely missing the point of r/k selection and trying to apply it to sociology, which is not a field that theory was made for

>Prevention of aristocracy.

When you take away the wealth, you're giving it to the government to redistribute. That means the government owns the money. They can give you the bare minimum and horde the rest for themselves.

Stealing from the rich via taxes and government policies shifts the aristocracy from business owners to politicians.

Think before you post, user.

I am a successful, middle class, college educated working American. I have received minimal financial support from my family when I was moving out, but aside from that I am self-made, so to speak. I can say without a shred of doubt that I would not have the life I do today had my family not been financially well off, and had I not been white. I would have dropped out of high school had my parents not been there and helped me. Same goes for getting into college and graduating. I would not have been successful in searching for jobs when I was a student, had I not received advice and support from my parents. Literally one small mistake when I was young could have royally fucked my entire adult life up, and I would have made those mistakes had it not been for my family and the advantages I was born into. Everyone who achieved success did it through hard work, but not everyone who worked hard achieved success. This is why I believe it is the duty of those advantaged in society to assist those who did not receive the same advantages. Sure, some people are poor because they ignored the help they were given, and it's nobody's job to ensure that assistance is utilized properly, but this Rayndian selfishness that I see everyone toting around is ignorant and poisonous to society as a whole

Wrong. I live in a 99% white village in England. Going into the wog-areas of London is what made me racist.

From anecdotal experience, I became much more conservative after I started lifting seriously. Testosterone truly does change the way you perceive the world. There is a great deal of speculation as to why this trend exists however there does exists research demonstrating a strong correlation between strength and muscle mass and conservative views.


"What might this have to do with politics? While direct research linking testosterone to ideology is lacking, researchers have recently published data tying muscle mass to political preferences. One study shows that rich men with large biceps are more opposed to wealth redistribution than rich men with small biceps. Another study finds that weightlifting ability correlates with support for, er, a more muscular foreign policy. Plus, get this: Men with wider faces (an indicator of testosterone levels) have been found to be more willing to outwardly express prejudicial beliefs than their thin-faced counterparts."


"The figures revealed that men with higher upper-body strength were less likely to support left-wing policies on the redistribution of wealth...However physically weak males were more reluctant to assert their self-interest – just as if disputes over national policies were a matter of direct physical confrontation between individuals."

>once you get your natural test levels up, you develop a certain contempt for the watery eyed, weak chinned, limp waisted male libruls

I always thought Republicans were the unattended ones. They look mostly like overweight people varying amounts of facial hair who don't groom themselves.

t. Non American.

Liberals have inferiority complexes.
Read the unabomber manifesto

So let me get this right. You want an aristocracy (the government officials) to prevent the formation of an aristocracy, by taxing people?

I believe people should have the right to do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt others. I also believe that mankind progresses because of saving (essentially consuming less now to have more to consume later), and at the core of this principle lays the institution of the family.

they are presented this way in the media, but in reality it's the opposite.

Younger guys who are in good shape and lift are almost always at least mildly conservative or maybe libertarian. Women who are serious about fitness are more of a mixed bag, but the actual athletes (not including minorities) are more often somewhat conservative than not. Go to any college sports team that isn't basketball and you will discover this.

At least among the youth, the liberals are:

>the fatties
>the girl who does yoga hungover on saturdays (sometimes) as "exercise"
>the snowflakes who think intelligence and physical strength are mutually exclusive
>the flabby urban brunch set


hollywood actors are almost all liberal due to the nature of who they are and what they do, but they don't represent us

I don't know how you could consistently lift weights and have an appreciation for the fruits of your labor while simultaneously being a progressive/liberal tbqf

I grew up for a few years in South America, then lived in a poor neighborhood in the States and went to a ghetto school, then went to a country school, and am now about to graduate college

I've earned my own spending money since I was 9 and had to buy most of what I've wanted

I think I've had a good diverse experience ethnically, socioeconomically, etc. and frankly do not understand how some people can be so idealistic and/or delusional

A rich fool is not for long

Imagine if gains were socialized. Part of your gains go to some slack-jawed liberal faggot that doesn't even lift.

I grew up next door to obese welfare leeches so I had to witness that daily

I can't even imagine, and it's like people pretend we don't already have a lot of taxation and social programs here, we do, and they want more, it's crazy

Any white person that votes democrat has a mental illness

I'm right wing and I don't think that necessarily was the case in the past, but these days, yes

and unfortunately our only option is Trump, who I'm not convinced isn't a sleeper agent for Clinton with the way he's failing against the easiest Democratic candidate in decades

If you lift right it's very meditative. The enlightenment makes people racist.
>tldr facts are racist

Any person that votes Democrat you mean. These days they're all mentally ill degenerates that think wearing a skirt makes you a girl.

exactly. i'm not trumps biggest fan but he is getting my vote because clinton is close to the worst possible candidate i can think of.

First step in preventing racism would be to have separate countries and continents for peoples, also killing any politician that wants to let non-white immigrants in to said homogeneous country.

>What is it about lifting weights that turns good men into racist assholes?
They feel inadequate becuase they relalize black people are faster, stronger, and more explosive than they are

>when you finally learn that all it takes is one sweaty DYEL in various shades of brown about 5-15 minutes to stink up an entire otherwise neutral smelling gym for several days
>when you've experienced this enough times that you can actually distinguish whether the guy who stunk up the gym was mexican, indian, or middle eastern by the type of stink he produced without ever seeing him (shit-and-shit, shit-and-curry, shit-and-armpit respectively)
>when you're trying to lap swim and hordes of possibly illegal mexicans come in with their dozens of kids during all parts of the day and all parts of the week including normal public K-12 school hours and late as fuck at night
>when their children think it's okay to play with the equipment you brought from home and break the lane lines and do flips from the side of the pool into your lane
>when you politely tell their parents to keep their children under control and they pretend they only speak spanish
>when you politely tell them in fluent spanish to keep their children under control and they just stare at you like retards and laugh with their 2/10 4'5 hamplanet orc wifes when you walk away and they do nothing anyway
>when you give up and leave early and decide to come back later, head back to the lockers and find out that someone shimmed your lock and stole your cellphone and wallet
>when the only people that walked into the locker rooms were mexicans and you know this because the pool deck is the only way to access the locker rooms and you were swimming right next to it the whole time
>when the front desk says they can't do anything about it because there are no cameras


This is why I'm voting Trump. They need to go back. All of them. Better yet if we have that moratorium on letting middle easterners immigrate like Trump proposed...then all I have to worry about is the occasional shit-and-curry stink once in awhile. I think I can handle that.

Says the guy who still lives in his parent's basement

> How do we stop this from happening?

Watch Jason Blaha videos. Ultimate Beta Cuck transformer.

Imagine if gains where exploitable like the labour power of the working class. Like, you lift for two hours a day but you only get gainz from like the first half-hour. The rest of the time you're lifting just as hard but it does nothing to you and all the gains go immediatley to some slack-jawed capitalist faggot that doesn't even lift, but he's stealing gainz from so many bros that he looks bigger than Arnie while you're permanently stuck in dyel mode despite hard lifting and 4+ scoops/day.

You pretend that "socalism" means taking from the hard working fellas and giving to the lazy; yeah, that might be the liberal high-tax bullshit sometimes passed of as "socialism". But really, pic related: the true socialist ideal is for the hard workers to keep the fruits of their labour.

>When did Veeky Forums become shit?
When Zyzz fell and Tiny left. Without its titans to carry it Veeky Forums crumbled.

having a border and enforcing laws is racist you bigot

>One place, one dream

these things are usually mistranslations, but that's actually what it says in Chinese too.

t. Chinese major

>implying anecdotal evidence is worth a shit
