Anyone else ever get really strong feelings of "missing out"?

anyone else ever get really strong feelings of "missing out"?

its hard to explain but i feel like i just have to go to the store to get one thing but i know i will end up getting a bunch of extra shit i dont need

not at all. when i see people with unhealthy shit in their carts, i see them as the ones missing out. missing out on what help they could be giving themselves, rather than indulging in some consumer bullshit.

stores are closing soon and i really need anything but this urge is making me want to go

Why do you guys stick to these fitness model diets when you aren't fitness models. If your friends wanna go out and grab a beer and fuck chicks you're just gonna sit home because you hit your calories for the day? The fuck?

I get a deep feeling of missing out on normal things like having a good time, or having a girlfriend or going out.

I only feel like I am missing out if it looks good and I have not tried it before.

It is fine to eat a reeces or whatever every week.

Indulge yourself every once in a while. Striving for perfection is great, but you have to enjoy yourself every once in a while.

Nope I eat what ever I want for the most parts.ecxept chips which I miss so I bought I faint bag and didn't eat them because I thought of what Arnold said
>Am I more exited to eat these chips and cheat
>Or am I more exited to go to the Beach shredded while eating said chip

if it is sugar/candy you crave maybe you need more healthy protein and carbs.

>anyone else ever get really strong feelings of "missing out"?
Every time I see a cute girl

go eat some nice fruits instead

gains, obviously.
massive generalization on both of our parts.

>see filipina looking cutie
>she has BF
muh heart

every time i walk past the butchers market at the supermarket i always fucking buy overprice meat cause its look so damn fresh and good.

do you want candy you're gonna crave for an hour or a body you've craved for a lifetime, faggot?

ain't nobody got time for ben and jerry's.

overpriced? is the butcher market just the butcher market in itself? or is it attached to a grocery or something? regardless, +1 if they have elk.

>300 calories/125 ml

because after you get past the sugar addiction and ur body gets used to the healthy stuff you feel much better, physicaly and mentaly and the shitty food makes u feel awful just like how you felt before.

yep,that's me sad life

Because some people want to make it, unlike you.

At least eat real chocolate, goddamn. If you're going to waste 300 calories buy Neuhaus truffles instead of Hershey's milk "chocolate"

never go out for groceries on an empty stomach

you'll always buy shit by impulse because of your hunger


agreed. went to the store fasted the other day. impulse bought eggs, broccoli, salad and pork chops. proceeded to eat all of these for breakfast afterwards. it was horrible all i wanted was nachos and redbull