Thinking about starting a home gym and starting with purchasing a bench-press...

Thinking about starting a home gym and starting with purchasing a bench-press. What barbell exercises are worth doing beyond bench, (flat, incline, decline) and curling?

Obviously I would like to be able to squat, deadlift, and overhead press, but I've not got the room in my current house to be able to.

Are lunges, rows, shrugs, worth doing as well?

Also, will these exercises lead to damaging muscular imbalances or am I all g?

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Jus B Urself


Just go to the gym you autist, it isn't as scary as you think.

Rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee. Nahhh, but for real, can any of you actually answer the questions?

Yeah don't waste your money

How do you mean, senpai?

Man fuck your autistic crybaby shit, whose down for some Veeky Forums AoE II games?

How do I get villager mode

Building a homegym that won't fall apart in months will cost £1000s.

If you wanna skimp and buy cheap equipment itll break when you start putting any weight on it.


Bar:: Probably just a standard olympic texas rogue bar or oxide bar

Plates:: Found a place that sells them for two dollars kilo.

So 20kg would be 40 dollars

>Power rack

How do you have room to fit a bench press but not to squat/deadlift?

That bench will fall apart.
Also you can't use it for squatting.

$2 per kil will run you $100s if you're serious about making any gains.

A bar that won't deform or have its collars fuck up will cost you several hundred too at least.

And after all that you still lack lots of equipment for making optimal progress.

If you aren't willing to buy a power rack at least, just go to the gym.

Gyms in my area are $800-1,500 a year. I just figure it makes better sense economically (as a student) to buy the basic pieces, work out whether I enjoy the activity, and reassess my situation in six months. I mean, worst case scenario, I discover that I love lifting, sell my gear, and lose out on a little progress time, right? It's not like hunks of metal are going to lose their value if I do resell them in the future.

What sort of benchpress would you recommend if that one is garbage?

It's more of an either/or situation. I can just about find the space in my shed for one or the other but can't currently afford to purchase both.

IMO if you can't get a power rack don't build a home gym. You'll be missing out on too many exercises.

Buy only a barbell (and weights) and do
zercher/hack squat
powercleas to ohp/frontsquat

Would I need bumper plates for deadlifts or are regular ones fine? Floor of my shed is concrete but I'd rather not destroy it.


is the paladin a athlete?

Barbell squatting is essential for leg development. I put off buying a squat rack for a long time and deadlifted instead and because of that my legs suck compared to my upper body

Student here.
Buy a squat rack. Buy a stupid ass flat bench and bench inside the squat rack if you must. Thank me later. Also, get something sturdy to make chinups with. Iron construction bars are cheap, get two joist hangers and mount that shit in your corridor.

Regular + horse rubber mat. Look ebay. 30mm is o k.
I got some cheap 30mm plets, smaller in diameter than regular pl8s. Perfect bar height with rubber mats. 2brds1ston

Look at those delts omg

Op, buy a copy of SS and film your sets. Learn to judge your form.
Last three comments are by me, that's my good deed for today xD

since this thread is up, add me on steam if you wanna play aoe2hd with me and my buds