How many calories does a session of SL 5x5 or SS burn? One of you doing those routines aswell as cutting would know

How many calories does a session of SL 5x5 or SS burn? One of you doing those routines aswell as cutting would know

wtf I hate chloe now

wtf I hate Gordon Moretz now

what the fuck why is she 65% leg in this picture

>that face in the backgound

that fucking face hahahaha


You guys realize it's shopped in?

Everyone knows Pedro

To actually answer your question, it's hard to acuratelt measure calories burned by weight lifting, but it's probably roughly 200-300 kcal per hour depending on your weight and the intensity of the workout.

>What is 'Photoshop'?

You're the real Mvp. Appreciate it.

Who does SS for an entire hour?
It's only 3x5, once you're done with those 15 you got 3 more exercises then you pack it and go home, right?

It's a program used for editing photos and other pictures.

>the real mvp

Yeah, plus warm up sets.

Once the weight gets higher you need to take long breaks between sets if you don't want to fail, at the end of SS I was usually taking 5+ minute breaks between sets.

SS should take at least two hours.

OP, strength training isn't counted in calories. Put in zero.

It's not a meaningful question because (a) there are too many variables and (b) lifting burns so many calories over the next 24-48 hours by metabolic increase and recovery building.
Get a cutting plan that gives you calorie and macro guidance based on lifestyle and activity level.
If youre over 25, lifting hard 3-4 times a week, a very rough guide might be (1.25 x weight x 10.5). But don't rely on that.

What is SL or SS?

>SS should take at least two hours

This picture triggers me

Don't worry, she OD'd and died before she could really fuck the kid up.

goddamn both of you guys are morons. The program is designed to take an hour. If you're doing it in significantly less time you're not lifting as much as you could be because you're not resting enough between sets. If you're taking 2 hours I don't even know what the fuck, either you're counting your commute to and from the gym, you had to wait an hour for the squat rack, or you need to stop taking 15 minute breaks between sets.
