Is transhumanism the future? What forms will society and culture have then? [spoiler] How do we defeat entropy?[spoiler]

Is transhumanism the future? What forms will society and culture have then? [spoiler] How do we defeat entropy?[spoiler]

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ecological collapse, plagues, war over resources. this is the future of the humanity.

>our future is fallout new vegas

just accept that all things come to an end already. people have tried to extend human life for thousands of years and it always end in degenerate evil. if you lock human minds permanently to this peice of shit universe i give it a couple of hundred years maximum before they start with shit that would make cenobites blush.

>muh vidyagaymes

this. everything else is a meme and you all know it

Transhumanism will still be in it's infancy by the time global warming hits hard and the African population hits 4 billion and begins streaming out of their ruined continent to new lands.

We were in a race to see if we'd get smart enough before we over populated and it didn't work.

The mind of a person that lived for a thousand years would be different than a mind of someone who can only hope to live for a century, yes. But how much? We don't think about our mortality everyday and even a posthuman can be unmade, the thought of oblivion is still inside him, but he has a greater chance to survive the greatest catastrophes.

>>and the African population hits 4 billion
Those are projected growths through decades. Anything can happen in that time frame, including a radical change in Africa's politics and culture.

why do some people talk like this? are their mouths deformed or something? it's the auditory equivalent of watching a midget climb stairs. just awful

We will probably see distinctive waves of technologies transform the world in a gradual pace. How it will be utilizerd depends on the given social condotions.

>accept that we will become subhumans
Ill kill them all myself if I have to

You will be crushed under their iron heel.

>I am too intelligent for video games

don't let them drag you down to their level. consider enternity, brother

>my mental development stopped at 17

>Man in a race against their own appitite for self-destruction.
>Eventually becomes clear that no one will stand down from conflict, rampant industry, information war, and destruction is inevitable.
>Man decides to create a machine that mimics human thoughts and values as a whole to the best of its ability, because if man dies, at least the best parts will live on.

>Even after man is gone, the machine continues on.
>Other creatures throughout the galaxy are finally discovered, and their only idea of what humanity is, is this machine and its extensions of itself.

>Only buried deep in the core of the machine is the truth of the human formed contained.

One of the things that fills me with mirth in this world is most of the people who dismiss video games as a medium are getting old and will eventually die out, leading to a discarding of this opinion as newer generations take their place. I'm sure the same happened when motion pictures came about, or perhaps even when the radio was developed.


>we will make heaven

He probably still is 17

You don't have poesy in your soul.

Doesn't God Emperor of Dune just turn into him cloning old copies of his friends from before he was immortal and killing them over and over. And he's super weird and authoritarian.

Prof X's moon and stars blankie looks mad comfy

>ecological collapse
Already happening, but nothing that could be stopped or even repaired (Ozon Layer is growing back)
While multiresistant bacteria will be a great problem, there are new methods in biomachinery that can solve this problem
>war over resources
Will mostly be a local wars, it will not develope into a world war. We live in a time in which the majority of civilizations are as stable as never in the history before.

World will change in a form we can't imagine now.

>DUDE let's all live unatural extended lives just for the sake of living unatural extended lives LMAO
>what do you mean you'll get bored? just become a 5 star chef lol
>also you'll slowly lose all your memorys and everything you thought was important will fade and distort till it's unrecognisible or gone completly
>but don't worry about that, you ol' grouch! just chase the white rabbit of new experiense into a deep, dark hole where everything you were is irelevant and live as a beach bum a couple of decades to chillax brah!

I could do well enough with a few thousand years, honestly

That's the spirit

Transhumanism is a meme. Literally everything can be done with meditation.

Transhumanism leads to feudalism

Depends on how it will be distributed, if it will be distributed like cars or computers there is no danger of forming a monopolization of those technologies.

probably a sci-fi writer

The true purpose of Leto II's centuries of tyranny is to instill an independence and unshakable abhorrence of tyranny into humanity after his inevitable death. he did it to be instructive, not because he was some jackass

Transhumanism was born out of the fear of feath and the death of God. No wonder it's nothing but sci-fi faggots LARPing.

that drawing thing just makes me want to punch the artist in the face, just look at the naivety/arrogance in that guys face

and then, it'll be your turn desu

you have issues

Long live the new flesh!

the never-ending chase for dopamine

Why should I fear the cessation of being? Frankly, it would be a hell of a lot easier being dead than being alive. I couldn't give less of a shit.
But if it isn't for you, then don't do it.
Do you know why I'm interested in this shit? It's because it could let me do work I can only dream of now. I could continue to solve problems and learn new things, without being replaced by a machine. Knowledge and insights unattainable are suddenly open to me.
Only a fucking retard with nothing to live for wants to be thrown into some hedonistic simulation. Plenty of us want this so we can keep working, and work harder, better. Go ahead and euthanize the people living in "heaven." I couldn't give less of shit, and neither would they.

It actually did happen for those mediums. It's still happening for animation and comics.
It happened for literature, too, in the middle ages. "These kids don't respect the oral traditions! They can't remember shit! They have to write it down!" I'm really curious how the illiterate spoke. Because apparently the literate, who read books and kept schedules, were really, really boring. The villagers, who practically had talking as their sole form of entertainment, could talk circles around them.

What's with the contrarian edgelords in this thread? Someone tell me what's wrong with living forever with neurochemistry optimized for happiness.

in a way i can respect that but i think you're heading down a dangerous path with this "i just wanna continue my work" stuff. what if it's not that simple in the future? what choices will you be forced to make to continue being traped here for absolutely no reason what so ever? others will continue what you started after you are gone and if god is willing you'll have first row seats to see history unfold.

>others will continue what you started after you are gone and if god is willing you'll have first row seats to see history unfold.
I think you should realize that transhumanism is a philosophy for atheists/agnostics, not theists. Of course there's no point if God is just going to hand it to you. In theism, God gives you paradise. In transhumanism, you create paradise.

well good luck then. i hope you guys don't self-realise as actual monsters and some ayys have to put you down.

self-actuallise? am i even making sense? english is hard

Morally? Nothing. It just isn't going to happen

>It just isn't going to happen
Do you mean soon or in general?

You mean, for muh pleasure

And then, there was light.

Philosophically, we will see a return to the time of Classical Hellas and China. A hundred flowers will blossom and a hundred schools of thought will contend. In the end, we will finally understand that Plato and Aristotle were right on all matters of metaphysics and theology, and on a practical level we will implement broad Confucian policies. Hebrew mythology and Buddhism will be blown the fuck out and lost for millennia until, as foretold in Platonism, history necessarily repeats itself.

sorry for the lack of spoiler alerts but deal with it.

>Hebrew mythology
Stopped reading. Christnaity has a large dose of Platonism itself. Pro-tip: Christ as Logos.

>tfw someone spoils the future

Stop reading at your own peril; Christianity is the perversion of the West, just as Buddhism is the perversion of the East. Would that the area East of Ionia and West of Qin had been cleansed with nuclear fire before it could taint human development.

Pro-tip: Christianity is an incoherent mess. Yes, Christians have learnt much from their superior, Hellenic ancestors. Yet every lesson they have learnt, they have perverted through placing faith in hebrew mythology above reason. They do not love philosophy, they love the works of man; and specifically the works of a select few hebrews and their victims.

The apocalypse will not come quickly

By the time we realize its happenning it will nearly be over

Amazing technologies will be produced and easily available, but people will riot over the price of food and fight over scraps using directed enegy weapons

>They do not love philosophy, they love the works of man

>We must believe in the tales regaled within the bible, we must faith in its contents. Why yes, it was written by humans.

>Claims to love philosophy above the works of man.


Why do you need a balaclava when you're going to kill yourself with that explosive anyway

It's cold in Sweden this time of year

oh ok

It is ugly and immoral

from which metaphysical plane did they pull philosophy if it didn't come from people?

cant defeat entropy. Can prolong it, maybe. But entropy is just a thing that does happen, eventually. The universe isn't a perpetual motion scheme

it's not tho

As a fundamental point, philosophy does not place the works of man above reason.

As for your specific question, one doesn't "pull" philosophy from anywhere. Even if a person was raised and lived in isolation, he could still practice philosophy. Philosophy only requires a developed and inquisitive mind, and an acknowledgement that truth and the good (the divine principle of reason that makes all intelligible and ordered) is the supreme standard.

Immortality means that there is no check on the growth of the fortunes and political influence of the elite.

Do you really want a future where George Soros is still alive ten thousand years from now and owns multiple entire planets?

>philosophy does not place the works of man above reason.
whats the difference? maybe im not getting what "works of man" means.

How can you not know what "works of man" means? I have said it in a word, "Faith", and I have explained it at length: a Christian must accept the tales contained in the Bible.

The Bible is a requirement of Christianity, that fundamental belief in the extended hebrew mythology. The hebrew mythology that was, by its own account, laid out by various men.

Any Christian, any worshipper of hebrew mythology of any sort, places the works of man above all else.

i assumed to begin with that you meant that WoM was about people and how untrustworty they are. i really need to sleep now but if this thread is still up tomorrow maybe i can respond then. tell me how philosophy differs from trusting the works of man. wouldn't philosophy be shit as well and dependent on people?
i tried to be more eloquent and adress more points but it's to late and im to tired so i eraesd it on acount of it being a bunch of crap.

No worries, I know that this is just one thread of many and better points and arguments may be had later or in other places. I am not always on Veeky Forums but if I spot your response I'll read it.

I do mean that Works of Man is about people and how untrustworthy they are. The bible is a work of man, in the sense that it was composed by man and suffers from all their frailties.

Philosophy isn't dependent on people because, as I mentioned earlier, a person could still practice philosophy even if every other person and every written text was destroyed. If you're saying it's dependent on people because the actor is a person, that is besides the point; the actor is not the source of truth, it is an external, independent source that is not a person and is not derived from a person.

I'm the user you replied to here.
I appreciate that respect. As far as dangers go, we won't know for certain until we get there. If there are ethical complications arising from transhumanism that don't involve human obsolescence, I wouldn't be comfortable participating. However, I struggle to imagine how advanced life extending technology will harm others. That's mostly just going to be nanotech, femtotech, and some good mapping of human biochemical processes. With that, lifting the human mind into something a bit more durable and permanent seems plausible. But easier, slightly more destructive methods may be used depending on your interpretation of the Ship of Theseus. That's a whole different post in itself though.
And like said, I'm not really a theist. I'm an agnostic. After studying the biblical scripture through history, I can't really say I believe in YHWH anymore. But the possibility of a higher power remains.

Nothing is morally or ethically wrong with it. It's just pathetic.
You're a complex self programming elctrochemical machine. You have a limited amount of free will and self determination, but you still have SOME. Rather than actually attempting to utilize that and make something of yourself, you'd rather become a subject of one of your simplest neurotransmitters, and trap yourself in a feedback loop for eternity. Why even exist? When all you know is pleasure, what point is there in even BEING? You become a yet another pointless cycle of matter, scarcely aware of itself.

Rome had a secret society in place whose sole purpose was to bring Rome back faster than it naturally would?

>it was just a prank bro

Nothing but I would rather gain new experience than to be content. As long as I stay immortal of course.

I wouldn't mind living forever but i would mind all the other assholes having immortality

>While multiresistant bacteria will be a great problem

Multiresistant bacteria only thrive in enviroments soaked with multiple antibiotics such as shitty hospitals and labs run by pigs. Resisnatnce to even a single antibiotic is significant investment of cell’s resources, so in nature, the bacteria that are not multiresistant will outgrow, causing the multiresitant strain to either lose the resitances or die out.

This poster is a neo-Platonist and probably a kantian as well, don’t listen to his inane nothings.

pretty accurate desu

>don't listen to that guy, he's correct and making us look bad


Also, I am in no way a neo-Platonist or kantian. I have no idea what kant believed, but neoplatonism is rank heresy and should be renamed "plotinism" and subjected to almost as much ridicule as faith in hebrew mythology.

It's inevitable, yes. We're already conducting genetic experiments on humans, it's probably a matter of mere centuries before we cure most ailments including cancer and significantly artificially extend the human lifespan and mental faculties.

I'm actually enraged that I was born just too early to benefit. I mean really pissed off, going to die bitter as hell.

Dwarf Fortress could definitely train people in management better than most courses and books. That game changed how I perceive life and improved my efficiency. And I will say that even things such as first person shooters can teach you to interpret and predict the actions of others, search for behavioral patterns, observation/reflexes of course, etc. It gets redundant at a certain point though, like all video games. You don't need a thousand hours in anything.

Kant is the last person to significantly advance the field of philosophy. Cognitive relativism is irrefutable.

>We don't think about our mortality everyday
Speak for yourself there

I want power, to impose my will on the universe, more than I want happiness. Happiness serves only to condition my wants, going forward, I want independently of my expectations of getting what I want. Wanting is at the core of the self. Happiness is just a highlight, an internal marker, for the baser parts of me to know I approach the objects of my desire.


Because that worked so well for Claudius
>Escape will makes me God.

[spoiler]MUH SIX GORILLION![spoiler]

>DUDE let's all live unatural extended lives just for the sake of living unatural extended lives LMAO
...we, already do. Hell, most of us do near everything in our power to extend our lives.

I mean even you wash your hands and brush your teeth, don't you?

I hope so.

>Entropy is real
Stop falling for jewish lies

You are the same as me, you just haven't looked hard enough.

As to why we act, reward-to-cost-calculations are only performed for a minority of our choices. Most are performed in split-seconds and are largely explained by our conditioning.

As to wanting being more essential to a person, or any living thing for that matter, imagine that you are strapped to a table, inject with life-extending drugs and your brain is tapped into in a way that makes it unaible to perform any function other than feeling object-free satisfaction. You are guaranteed to feel pleasure forever, you won't be able to conceive of anything that displeases you. Is that hypothetical lobotomized "you" something that you can empathise with? And if you can't identify with it, isn't that the same as this hypothetical creature not being enough like you for you, right here right now, to consider that hypothetical you a different creature from yourself that just happens to be using your animated corpse?

I can imagine myself suffering and craving things forever, I can't imagine myself in a permanent pleasant stasis.

Buddhism is literally the only doctrine that can survive and adapt any paradigm change, Zhang

When you say transhumanism do you mean the use of technology to ease the burdens and better the lives of humanity (something which has been happening since technology began) or do you mean the meme religion of sticking magnets and usb drives under your fingers because ZOMGDUDEROBOTSAREDAFUTURE!
because I want to know if I should mock you or not.
>How do we defeat entropy?
There is not currently enough information to answer this question.

Gnosticism has the same qualities that make Buddhism so malleable.

i was a transhumanist believer. for numerous reasons i'm doubting and starting to change my mind. also why does H+ sound too much like eugenics to me

I'm more a Anders Sandberg than a Ray Kurzweil.

>Is transhumanism the future?
The only future humanity will have is doom and gloom. Anyone who says anything else is delusional.