My calves are the worst part of my body...

My calves are the worst part of my body. Any exercise I do to target them seems to have no effect (also usually gives me massive doms).

How do I improve my calves?

What has worked for you guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

Calf raisers bro

>become obese
>lose the weight
>get monster calves

wear a weighted vest everywhere you go

increase weight by 5lbs every week



I did 3x15-20 heavy calf raises after every workout for 3 months and my calves blew up. I just hit them 2x a week now and am able to maintain my size.

nothing, then again I gave up on calves

Doms usually means you are hitting them well?

I have 20" calves, so I know a thing or 2 about 'em. At the gym, other men look at my calves like us men look at a pair of tits.

First, it's genetics. My father has huge calves, my paternal grandmother had huge calves, this side of my family is German. My younger brother didn't get the genes and he doesn't have the same calves as I do.

Second, being fat probably has a bit to do with it as well, but I had huge calves before I got fat so that doesn't apply to me. A lot of fat people do have hugh calves though, so buy weighted vest and wear it all the time for the next 10 years.

10x10 strict calf raises, stretch at bottom, squeeze and hold at top.
Thank me later.

Gotta hit them fuckers 2-3 times a week, and you gotta hit them fucking hard. Still able to walk after 3 sets? No you fucking don't, get your ass back to those calf raises and bust out another set of 16-20. You need to abuse your calves bro. You need to imagine you just got home from work early and found your calves laying in bed with your girlfriend. You need to imagine your calves doing that ISIS beheading shit. You need to treat your calves like a redheaded step child that rapes babies. I'm not saying to treat your calves like Chris Brown beats Rhianna, I'm saying you need to beat your calves like a 14 year old beats his dick while living across the street from a nudist sorority house. You need to make those fuckers burn. Finally need a wheelchair to get you out to your car from the gym? Bullshit, go back and do another set of fucking calve raises.

not necessarily.

let's say I usually bicep curl 16 kg for 8 reps

I could curl 8 kg for 20 reps and get a crazy pump and DOMS, but it would do very little for muscle growth

or I could curl 18 kg for 5 reps, and get no pump or DOMs and it would stimulate at least some muscle growth

DOMs and pump often correlate with gains but they are not a sure sign

>You need to imagine you just got home from work early and found your calves laying in bed with your girlfriend.

every time he strokes his meat he needs to do 1 calf raise. do it on beat for best results. ▶

this , fat fucks have the best calves

So you don't know shit

Be fat for a decade or two and then lose a lot of weiggt. Alternatively, run with a forefoot strike

lol, dat calflet is mad

Good calves are half genetics and half volume. Do the same volume for calves as you do for your bi's and tries and they will grow.

I like your analogies young man.

& dubs of truth

Actually do cardio. Buy a pair of nike free's or another type of semi-minimalist shoe and you will be crying as your body adjusts to them, but your calves will flourish.

Do 100 calve raises everyday. Everyday. That doesnt mean skip a day, do 50 one day, do 75 one day. 100 a day

Find a ledge and put your feet shoulder length apart. Go full range of motion down, pause, all the way up, pause and flex your calve hard as if posing it. Repeat 100 times.

Takes 10 minutes a day, doesn't require a gym and I can ASSURE you that if you do them and are eating/sleeping, your calves will absolutely grow. It basically just mimics how runners and ballet dancers train to have massive calves: tons of hypertrophy. Don't do that meme 3x12 or 3x20 meme calve raise shit at the gym; calves don't work like that. TONS OF HYPERTROPHY

>tfw my claves are almost as big as your thighs

>Compliments dubs
>Gets trips

I hurt my right foot so I can't walk on it.
For nearly three months I've been hopping on my left foot using crutches and my left calf has grown.
My right calf has also shrunk due to atrophy.
>tl;dr hop on one foot, then alternate.

life's unfair

Is still fresh pasta I'm smelling or have I farted again?
One or the other, smells like a million dollars.
Well done.

Are calf raises good for improving leg athleticism for sports? Like better vertical, faster footwork etc.

standing calf raises on a step of the stairs.

I am DYEL and my calves are growing like fuck. Looks weird. I don't do any running either.

> You need to imagine you just got home from work early and found your calves laying in bed with your girlfriend.

how many sets/reps do you usually do?

>Finally need a wheelchair to get you out to your car from the gym? Bullshit, go back and do another set of fucking calve raises.
dude i don't remember last time i laughed this much


It's really nothing and im a skinny fag

see this

I do in fact. It's like I've been running with a 50 kg weight on me for a year.


Not much you can do unfortunately. As far as genetics go, calves are number 1 in predetermination. Your insertions will be what they will be.

Why not cycle?

Just attack some hills, standing up on the pedals, and you can really work your calves.

I went cycling yesterday and attacked a few hills and now my legs are fucking killing me

What did the hills do to make you so aggressive against them?

Anything that involves jumping. Get a weighted vest and do some hopping around to Cowboys From Hell.

Playing soccer and sprinting once a week (aside from gym) made a huge difference to my calves. Changing direction at pace places strain on the calves, and high repetitions, something like soccer, is most beneficial.

harboring hillbillies

Calf raises do nothing for you op. Not enough stress. Your calves work all day keeping you upright, 3x10 on the calf raises aint much. Do 20 minutes on elliptical at max slope and resistance. Once that becomrs too easy add a weighted vest, im slightly overweight right now so elliptical gives me nice calves with my extra weight.

am i the only one noticing OP looking like a horse?

After 2 years I finally found what works for me. For starters I don't know why but the last set of deadlifts on 5/3/1 really burns my calves, the AMRAP set. I also do 3x15 standing and 3x15 seated raises each day. On top of that I jog uphill with an emphasis on not letting my heels touch the ground. And with all this they have grown...barely at all but more than the last 2 years.

before/after pics?

I don't really believe oyu, unfortunately. I've been doing this for over a year and I still have DYEL af calves. I think it's largely genetic

>pic related

My dad and I, he walks 10+ miles a day as a mailman. I've been training calves exactly like you just explained for over a year. Our calves are almost identical.

surprisingly, no knees injuries yet. I'm really lucky, I guess

I was also with my dad the other day and noticed we have the same general calves shape but his are definitely more muscular . I'm guessing this has to do with him being in the military for decades and lots of running up hills and what not

I have my doubts about that, user

I walk 10 miles a day for my job.
My calves are fucking huge because of it.

Nothing I did in the gym before getting this job seemed to do shit for them.

mine got bigger to like that bu can walk only in the morning as is scorching here afternoon but i do 100 raises when i come home

run stairs or hills

try lifting

Stairmaster, and walk only on the balls of your feet, no heels, just keep doing it at a moderate pace until your calves are burning


Im at my parents house right now and my dad has calves as small as mine
He weighs 35 lbs more than me (fat) and his calve are no bigger than mine (12")

getting fatter to get bigger calves is not a real solution unless I get to 300 lbs, but that is shit advice

genetics is such a fucking bitch, been training calves for 3 years with no results
Im still trying to get them to grow... If i dont see any results in the next year im fucking done with calves forever, I wish I never trained them to begin with and instead spent that time on forearms where I would at least see a little progress

90% genetics

I did alot of this mixed with sprinting. I started off doing 100 calf raises every day saw growth in a month then added 50 heels in and 50 heels out. After a month of 200 bodyweight calf raises everyday I then moved on to doing them weighted and just increased weight daily. I don't train calves directly anymore bit they went from puny to huge. Now they still have the diamond shape but I don't train them nearly as much. Did above for about 6 months

Ooo and to add my dad had huge calves but I did not. I may have been a carrier for huge calves

Playing sports.
Farmer's walks.

DB calf raises.

Won't give you BB level calves, but I think it will balance them to your body.