Unpopular Veeky Forumsness Opinions Thread

Unpopular Veeky Forumsness Opinions Thread.

I'll start.

>If you can't double overhand grip your 1RM deadlift, you have no business deadlifting that much weight.

stupid opinion

also that guy's probably using hook grip

>1g protein/pound bodyweight is extreme overkill and is buying into the Protein Jew

If you cant mix grip your OHP 1rm, then you have no buisness pressing that much weight

That's just stupid. Why stall the progress of your legs, back, and abs just because your grip is average.

Let alone if you go to a gym where all the bars hardly have grip anymore

flat bench pressing is probably the biggest ego lift and one of the more inefficient lifts for chest gains

This is actually objectively true. Weighted dips and incline press are so much better.

I bet you waste money on preworkouts and other shitty supplements and/or waste money in way more ways.

true but people don't like hearing it:
>if you aren't arching in the bench, you are just setting yourself up for a shoulder injury

>form doesn't matter nearly as much as people here like to think it does and just trying harder is the #1 thing that will make you stronger
>lowbar squats are 100000x more fun than highbar, and people who think that lowbar is illegitimate either haven't been lifting for more than 6 months or have never tried lowbar
>hitching literally doesn't matter in a deadlift. if you started with the weight on the floor and ended with it locked out, you completed the rep

He's right though, 1g/lb is overkill, look it up
Plenty of studies that conclude that around 1.7 grams per kg of bw is enough for lifters

terrible bait

did they fugg?

Griplets mad in this thread


The last one does not apply to powerlifting meets.

So what? Plenty of other studies prove that 1.5 grams is better for strength and body comp

350 grams a day every day

Enjoy your lolnokidneys at 50.

I agree, but at the same time I really really enjoy improving my bench press.

Reverse grip bench is better than incline for upper pecs

lol where are these studies then? mine are easily found with a quick google search, yours not so much.
lol, stop bullshitting m8

Bad opinion

True but ballpark

Definitely true

Ego lifting is a meaningless term that means "they don't do the same thing I do and the thing I do is better." Benching builds the chest though, you just have keep your back tight.

True. Partly true. Wrong. Not in powerlifting.

I don't really care about studies I care about results and ppl on higher protein diets just look better

That doesn't prove anything though, those people would look as good as they do now even if they had a lower protein intake like 0.7g/lb.
The RDA is way too low for lifters but the 1g/lb is too high, that's a fact

>heavy squats and deadlifts will eventually lead to injury in 90% of the cases
>you can build respectable big legs and back without the aforementioned exercises

Fight me.

Define heavy and define injury

Squats more than 2 plates
Deadlift more than 3

Whatever forces you to stop lifting, from the pulled shit to permanent spine/disc damage.

If you have to sumo deadlift your 1rm you have no business doing that weight

>Squats more than 2 plates
>Deadlift more than 3


>Whatever forces you to stop lifting
Something, at some point, will knock you out for a little while. You could impinge your shoulder doing lateral raises, you could fuck your knee doing leg extensions.

Regularly handling near-max loads in the squat and deadlift would be dangerous, sure, but there's a good reason they're staples in any strength training program.

Pretty stupid imo, most people can barely double overhand 3 plate (my grip started slipping at 285-295, that's when I had to switch to mixed grip). Over time, you can build up your grip to be able to DOH 4 plate, but that takes time and it's still nothing compared to what your back can do, no reason to shortchange your gains like that.

This is true, you only need around 0,8 g/lb of bodyweight. I don't even count my protein, because my meal selection guarantees that I'll get more than that.

I personally enjoy doing bench press, but this is true. Doing OHP + weighted dips (please no shitty fedora meme) is more than enough to cover everything the bench can do, you could completely drop it from your routine and get no negative consequences.

Also true. Look at guys like Omar Isuf and Jonnie Candito, both have as good of a form as you're going to get, yet they still got injured. I still do both, but if someone wanted to drop squats and deadlifts, and just do direct ab work, leg press, leg curls, etc, they probably wouldn't notice much of a difference (assuming they are a recreational lifter). I do think you should build up to around a 3 plate squat and 4 plate deadlift (which isn't too hard to achieve and the chance of injury is still relatively low), but I think for many people there isn't much point in going beyond that.

>Ego lifting is a meaningless term
So you're saying the retard that loads up 4 pl8s and does the worlds fastest unrack and rack just knows a secret way of training? Same thing for the moron that loads up 8 pl8s to squat and shows everyone what earth quake knees look like?

I bet you get super asspained when you watch someone squat heavy as you do your 40th set of lunges.

Jamie Lewis does quarter pin squats with like a million pounds and it produces results for him. Is he doing it for his ego? Yeah of course he is, same as you are when you do 4x8 with a manageable weight to get big, same as a champion Norwegian powerlifter banging out controlled sets of paused highbar squats because that's what his coach says will make him better, same as some girl doing Smith machine squats to make her ass bigger. Also same as the bro halfrepping because he just wants to throw weight around. Even if it's genuinely for self improvement, it's all egolifting.

>Doing full ROM with controlled weight is ego lifting
No it's effectively lifting. You are extremely confused and probably around the age of 20.

I do agree with you on most of your points, but let's face it, an experienced lifter doing a pin squat for a specific purpose with an already preset range of motion is quite different from a gym bro doing a quarter squat because he intended to squat 4 plates, but wasn't strong enough to actually do it.

28, regionally competitive all natty PLer, I medaled at 3/4 of my last local meets. I do it because I like doing it, I like PRs, and I like competition. I could get hurt bad, I've had minor injuries, but I still do it. Effective, ineffective, dangerous, dumb, pointless, even if I think what someone is doing is stupid, we're all egolifters.

And that's what we call bro science

Great, so you're just a retard trying to be philosophical. Please stop Jaden Smith.

>Are you going to be home later?
>Are any of us really home man?

Fuck. Today I have bench and I'm reading all of this. What do I do? Just skip and improve my OHP?

Feel free to carry on judging people doing what they do in a marginally different manner from how you do it, I just don't let it bother me.

Just fucking bench holy fuck, when some nerd asks you how much you bench you want to be able to tell him something impressive, right? Best way to bench a lot is to bench a lot and here's a sweet side effect: you'll get jacked. It's not dangerous, definitely not any more dangerous than weighted dips.

I didn't say you should drop the bench, I personally still do it regularly. All I'm saying is that if someone didn't like the exercise, or it gave them shoulder pain (quite a common problem, actually), there are other exercises that can achieve the same effect. If you like the bench, keep doing it, don't change whatever program you're doing.

>Why is that guy driving his car with his feet? That's fucking retarded. He's going to kill/hurt himself/someone.
>Feel free to carry on judging people doing what they do in a marginally different manner from how you do it, I just don't let it bother me.

Did they up your SSRI captain 2chill4u guy? Or did you finally hit your weed and chill phase.

>this person is benching heavier for less reps and through a slightly smaller ROM than I am and I'm mad about it

I feel like you don't actually even lift weights.

Look at the goal post move. Didn't say "slighly smaller rom" or "less reps". I said retard doing the worlds fastest rack and unrack or dumb ass doing an earth quake sim for a squat. Keep trying.

>Why is he using a screw driver to bang in that nail?
>Feel free to carry on judging people doing what they do in a marginally different manner from how you do it, I just don't let it bother me.

People who use pre workout have no business being in the gym at all

And people who use energy drinks as their pre workout have no business living

Boxing is better than MMA.

Not even baiting or shitposting. Its the truth.

>form doesn't matter nearly as much as people here like to think it does and just trying harder is the #1 thing that will make you stronger
and then you'll break your shit because of bad form

>inb4 another example of a top athlete/lifter doing an eccentric exercise as justification for stupidity while completely ignoring that they also do more traditional movements

Also. 10 reps is objectively better than 5

Deliberately injuring yourself is obviously retarded but nobody actually does that. Half squatting a fuck pile of weight? Okay, they didn't hit competition depth, but they moved a ton of weight. You cannot even pretend you have better reasons for lifting than anyone else. You're like the cunts on /mu/ who think they have better reasons for liking a certain kind of music than somebody else does. It's pure vanity, and pure ego no matter how you skew it. If you want to talk about moving the goalposts, defining "ego lifting" was where we started.

This is your last (You), congrats on your Veeky Forums trophy faggot.

in what universe is striking with your two most fragile parts better than striking with 8 points, PLUS all forms of throws and grappling?

Sure, if you like form breakdown.

>Zac is 6'1".

I don't know about "in a real fight" or whatever, but I do think it's a good deal better as a spectator sport.

Go pop more xanax retard. You're starting to get upset that someone poked holes in your stupidity.

You haven't cited a single source to back that statement.

Lose weight, hit the showers, get a clue.

weighted dips fucked me up breh, shit gave me Costochondritis

>OHP + weighted dips

>hitching literally doesn't matter in a deadlift
not if you don't mind a herniated disk

it is but it's also the most fun lift there is

>Half squatting a fuck pile of weight
Except that's a great way to hurt yourself. You would get far more benefit in squatting your actual max that you can do full ROM with. You're wrong.

>I can't do shit properly so I go online to post about how doing things properly doesn't really matter
so what's your tumblr?

If you're sumo deadlifting, you shouldn't be criticizing anyone or anything else

I dont deadlift and dont see any value in it other than some trap hypertrophy.

> high bar squats, mid bar, low bar, parallel, ass to grass. None of it matters, just fucking squat

This opinion is very popular with me desu. Unless you have a history of multiple injuries, put a bar on your back and get strong you fucking quitter.

Maybe for a beginner vs beginner, each with a month of training. The boxer will have some basic combos and skill down pat.
But two guys with reasonable experience, all else being equal, the mma guy can fight at longer range with kicks, can fight better on the ground, will use his knees and elbows and know some boxing himself.
>t. Boxer of five years

If you are talking about from a entertainment perspective that's on you and I disagree. If you mean in terms of effectiveness... It has been shown multiple times to not be the case.

If you're squatting to anything above parallel, you may as well leave the gym.

>my 200kg deadlift is better than Benedikts 460kg deadlift because I don't use mixed grip.

This is correct, it's highly unlikely you'll need more than 0.8g per lb bw.

stop watching world star fights

Sumo deadlift should not be allowed in competition.

I don't even know why this is unpopular. The sumocucks never have an actual good reason as to why its allowed, its always ad hominem.

Because then it ceases to be a full body exercise and just becomes a masturbatory ego lift.

Other than some upper back and forearm it shouldn't change that much. Why limit yourself because one part of your body can't keep up?

squatting above parallel -> nothing wrong with that

not everyone has the proportions to make deep squats easily. and if not powerlifting, you can still make gains with half squats

The average MMA guy does BJJ and kickboxing and spars in both and is not very good at either
The average boxer only trains boxing and spars every single day

The boxer will be more effective and would be in a better place to defend himself then the guy who does mma.
Ever heard the saying, "jack of all trades master of none?

Why use the movement at all if you aren't going to fully strengthen every single part of your body involved with the lift?

It's pointless ego lifting and spits in the face of the "SUPERIOR MAIN LIFTS THAT MAKES ALL OTHER LIFTS MERE ACCESSORIES" and you can easily replace that lift with something else.

>lowbar squats are 100000x more fun than highbar

What do you replace DLs with?
Would it be more effective than mixed grip DLs to hit nearly everything then some grip work?
I think you can only get away with that "you only need the golden five" for so long before it becomes more effective to mix things up

>Ever heard the saying, "jack of all trades master of none?
Protip: The full saying is "Jack of all trades, master of none, but better than a master of one."

This isn't so much unpopular as it is retarded. Your grip strength will always be less than your back, hip, and leg strength.

One hopes they did.

If you lift weight to better yourself and get stronger and healthier then why use weight belts, wrist straps, wrist, elbow, and knee wraps?
What's the point?
If you can't lift the weight in a controlled or fast and powerful manner safely then you can't fucking lift the weight, are not getting the best results, and will inevitably injure yourself all for an ego lift.

Never heard that one.
Never seen a guy who was only kind of good at a lot of things beat a guy who was a master of one thing.
Have you?

There is no 'limit' for protein consumption for an adult with fully functioning kidneys.

This is a doctor tier meme. They'll all trot it out, but I've never met one who could think of a single case where they'd actually had or heard of a patient referred to a specialist for kidney issues due to protein overconsumption.

>you do not necessarily need to deadlift


Ever watched strongman competitions?
Ever see Eddie Hall win one?

I saw two people at my gym recently, squatting, with no shoes on, empty bar, above parallel.

can you maybe give some good chest exercises?

Ever seen MMA during the early days?
Ever seen royce gracie lose during that time?

have to agree for the ego lift part, OHP is a much better indicator of upper body strength but building chest, m8 I hope you're not serious
inb4 squats dont build your legs

Do the basic lift as intended then if you feel you're having an issue or weakness in your body and you want to continue to lift heavier with a certain movement then use exercises that will strengthen that weak point.

Simple as that.

I gave up on Deadlifts a while back and started doing full range of movement Glute Ham Raises where I put the fulcrum in a position that is the least favorable for me.

For me, it works better then deadlifts and I can feel it throughout my entire posterior chain including my traps

Matt Hughes, Kazushi Sakuraba

It goddamned well SHOULDN'T be.

Lu Xiaojun is a false god

A master of one style is beaten by masters of one style?

thread name has ''opinion'' in it

>If you wear gloves you belong no where near the gym.

>Kazushi Sakuraba
>master of one style
top kek

Yes it should, bigger muscles should be stronger than smaller muscles.

Its easy for a DYEL with

"PussyPad" actually helps to protect your neck and spine.