doesn't smoke/use nicotine

> doesn't smoke/use nicotine
> doesn't drink alcohol
> doesn't use illicit drugs

Anybody here fit this criteria? Not saying I have a problem with those who don't, just curious.

same except at parties

i don't understand people who come home from work and drink beer

I vape, that's my only vice. No longer smoke a pack a day so I'm happy.

Quit everything else 3 years ago. Ex druggie. Feels good being sober. Can't stand to even have 3 cans of beer anymore yet somehow use to drink 15+ a couple nights each week

don't smoke.
cocaine is my only drug
have been cutting back on the drinking.
24 and still pressured in my party years


26. You in the same boat?

Don't do any of those. Stopped drinking 3 years ago because of sudden spurts of severe anger/disgust combined with panic attacks even after just one drink. Still don't know where those came from, I used to handle alcohol just fine.

My info:
don't smoke.
cocaine is my only drug
have been cutting back on the drinking.
24 and still pressured in my party years

but use to be a big druggie as well.
hope to be sober soon, just can't resist the bar seen

maximum once a month I rave hard, alcohol, cigarets, weed and molly.

18, used to mess with mdma and acid every couple months. Stopped after picking up lifting 7 months ago and now drink lightly maybe once a month

only smoke weed every once in a while, like maybe 1 time every two weeks mainly because my brother will have it out and offer. Quit smoking cigarettes a little over a year ago when I realized how bad it was getting for me. Alcohol is just boring for me now and I already tried all the harder shit that I wanted to.

Mormon-bro reporting.
No tobacco/marijuana
No alcohol
No illicit drugs
No tea
No coffee
No porn

We're about as straight as they come.

I try and limit myself to one night out drinking a week. These nights I usually drink around 6 - 12 beers.
I don't smoke and never have. Not only is it terrible for you but in Australia smoking is extremely expensive.
I don't use drugs often. Might smoke weed once every few months but that's about it.

I find alcohol is the worst for lifting because it's impossible to train with a hangover. Weed is the least destructive because you wake up fine the next day and it can help you get those extra meals into you. Just have to be careful not to eat junk food.

Don't think I'm ever gonna make it.

I do well for like a week or two, then I end up going on a bender and spending over a grand on booze, drugs, and hookers


Once in a while (like, ~3 times a year?) I will have some beer, like literally one beer for the flavor with certain foods.

Interesting background. How'd you manage to stay away from the drugs for 3 years and counting?

worst I've done is drink apple cider... Sisters keep trying to make me drink more but I just never acquired the taste for it. Anyways I've always found it very unattractive when people are using drugs/alcohol as crutches or vices.

I don't drink/smoke/do drugs

>not saying I have a problem with those who don't

Well, I drink a cup of wine 1-2 per month

None of the above, used to drink until I got jumped and beaten up one night about 5 years ago.

Years of martial arts wasted because I was too maggoted to stand straight.

Made a serious vow never to drink again.




I don't smoke or do drugs, I drink alcohol in appropriate social situations but haven't had anything to drink in years.

Yea I am, not even once. Though you could say good things for LSD/shrooms for their neurogenesis potential.

Also, what should be another criteria as to how bad it is, is

>eating clean

Them sugars cause beetus, alzheimers and cancer.

That's usually around the time people relapse, within the first 1-2 weeks of quitting.

I'd advise you to use other means to cope. When the urge to do drugs sets in, go exercise/lift instead of going for the easy instant high.

Not that I'm advising to never do drugs though, just do it in moderate amounts.

can you drink decaff tea?
What about chocolate because it has caffeine in it?

Yeah I know that feel.. alcohol never tasted good to me, especially when I had my first few drinks. I just forced it down for the effects and eventually it got much more bearable but still bad in taste.

Not sure if I'm a hypocrite here but I think you're not being very empathetic towards those who use substances to cope. Some people have had a more nurturing and supportive environment than others. As a result, these people tend to be more secure with themselves and don't need substances to cope. Ex. one person who grew with up with caring and supportive parents vs one who grew up with parents that neglected them. Imagine the issues the child, whose parents neglected them, would have as a result.

My dad was an alcoholic, so I guess that explains my limited empathy. However, my mom was always nurturing so maybe that helped? Not the best example of the best supportive environment since dad made things bad for me growing up, so I may be biased in my perceptions of alcohol and drugs and I wouldn't enjoy partaking in either. Not liking the taste helps too.

Yes. I never want to be in a state where I am not FULLY in control of my actions. Also, smoking and illicit drugs are complete and total degeneracy. Drinking in moderation for social purposes I think is okay, just not for me.

I've never drank or smoked in my life and I never will. I was raised by a single mother and didn't get nurtured for shit. Don't make excuses for people with no discipline or willpower to say no to drugs.

None of it in my entire life. Not a single drag or drop.

I drink fairly often, not drank heavily for about a month though. When i was at uni it'd be twice a week. I've only ever smoked socially, stopped after I finished uni. I do MD occsasionally, and I've tried acid a few times (was great fun, bit scary at first though)
Not a fan of weed really. Bit boring unless you're on mandy as well

So aggressive. But doesn't mean you weren't nurtured and supported by others (e.g. teachers, relatives, friends, anyone who cared for you)

and just as you pointed out, they had no willpower or discipline to say no to drugs. Maybe their whole lives, they didn't have someone to teach them how to cope with their feelings and drugs seem to do the job so why not?

Herbal tea is accepted.
Tea from camellia sinensis (the "tea" plant) in whatever form is not.
Chocolate is fine.
We actually are not prohibited from consuming caffeine, although we are advised against heavy or dependent consumption. It's a fairly common myth that Mormon's "can't" have caffeine and some high strung Mormons avoid it completely.

I see, that's very understandable. Your dad probably has problems of his own he's not dealing with.

Have you tried any drugs? You said you wouldn't enjoy partaking in them so not sure if you have experienced them or not.

I'd point out that not all drugs are just for feeling good which causes people to conclude that drugs are pointless and destructive. I don't want to seem like I'm trying to convince to try drugs but just giving a different perspective for your own thoughts.

Drugs affect everyone differently and I can't try to explain it as if I'm an expert. Certain drugs (psychedelics in particular) do induce life changing experiences. People sometimes gain inspiration or newfound motivation to do something with their lives. It generally makes you more open-minded, willing to try new things in life.

I think it's okay if you choose to stay away from substances but you shouldn't demonize them and look down on those who do partake in it. After all, they're just illegal drugs, not much different from legal drugs (alcohol, caffeine, prescription drugs etc.) I'm sure you've heard some conspiracy theories as to why some drugs are illegal (weed, mushrooms) when they really shouldn't be. They help bring relief to a lot of health problems yet are illegal. What would it mean if they were legalized? The pharmaceutical companies would be greatly affected since this translate to decreased sales of their products.

I don't smoke or do drugs but I was addicted to alcohol. I needed to change my life and did so.last week after reading Allen Carr stop drinking now.

It has legitimately changed my life.


ive never not been sober my entire life except when I was cranked up on painkillers after wisdom teeth surgery

Yes that describes me OP. I'm not one of those holier than thou faggots that tries to shove their life decisions down your throat either, it's just how I live my life and I get on with it.

>It generally makes you more open-minded, willing to try new things in life.
Unless you get a psychosis and fuck up your life permanently.

>After all, they're just illegal drugs, not much different from legal drugs (alcohol, caffeine, prescription drugs etc.)
How the fuck can you compare alcohol to things like LSD and shrooms? I can see cocaine, weed, MDMA and such being legal but the things you are talking about are on a completely different level.

Never done any of those things aside from 1 or 2 drinks and a one time cigarette just to try it. It's pretty easy to not get into any of those things if you don't have friends/relatives who do. Alcohol and tobacco aren't enjoyable enough to be worth consuming if you don't have some kind of long term tolerance/addiction built up from forced use, and drugs aren't something you can get a hold of if you don't have the social connections.

Me. I drink maybe one glass a month, sometimes not at all for a few months.

My vice is sugar though. That's the only thing that is truly addictive for me.

LSD and shrooms are safer than MD and coke

No tea even? You have my respect, that is hardcore.

i smoke weed from time to time and am a caffeine addict.

Of course there are those risks but I'd go out on a limb and say the chances are really small assuming you don't already have a predisposition to mental illnesses running in your genetics. If you're aware of your family having history of mental illnesses, you should stay away from them. Not like the prescription drugs don't carry significant risks themselves.

The point I was trying to get across there is that they're all "drugs". People who demonize drugs are usually hypocrites and are taking drugs themselves, which just happens to be legal. And if they're not taking any drugs, well I better not see you taking drugs when you're really sick.

In what way? Getting a confidence boost with coke or a bit of euphoric happiness with MDMA isn't anywhere close to loosing all concept of reality. Nor will it make you lose control of your depression and kill yourself, start thinking you are a rock that doesn't need to breath, see your best friends as demons and so on.

>chances are really small assuming you don't already have a predisposition to mental illnesses running in your genetics
What if you're deep in the /r9k/ mindset of total hopelessness, self-hatred and despair?

But yes. I agree with you that it shouldn't be illegal. However I don't think they are as safe as many other kinds of illegal drugs.

You can't seriously be equivocating recreational drug use and medical drug use.

Yeah I fit this criteria.
I even stay away from painkillers and coffee and shit.
They're all bullshit and I won't take them unless I NEED them to survive.

Saying that though, I am planning on taking natural psychedelics like ayahuasca and psilocybin mushrooms a few times in my lifetime.
They're still less harmful than alcohol.

>In what way? Getting a confidence boost with coke or a bit of euphoric happiness with MDMA
I'm not talking about the feeling, I'm talking about health. Coke is very bad for your heart, and MD, as fun as it is, is quite neurotoxic where LSD or psilocybin aren't.
>hurr you'd think you're a rock

Who's to say that people using illegal drugs aren't using it for medical purposes? It just happens that their pain is more mental than physical.

Taking drugs in response to mental anguish is an express trip to dependence, not better health. Besides, you know as well as I do that the extreme majority of people take drugs because they're fun or interesting, not out of some holistic pursuit of self improvement.

Yeah the fact that they're illegal means that no research can be done on them, at least on humans if I'm not mistaken. Just like any other legal drug that gets put out into the market, it needs to be researched. The more it gets researched, the more safer it can become.

Very occasionally, on a hot day I'll come home and have a cold beer, but yeah the people who drink alone just to get drunk I just don't get.

Normally I'll have a cigarette and drink at parties, but thats like twice a month. Same for drugs.

I agree about the dependency issue but sometimes people don't know how to handle their mental anguish. They should be seeking therapy if anything to work it out but again, it's due to a lack of knowing how to deal with it.

>"Besides, you know as well as I do that the extreme majority of people take drugs because they're fun or interesting"
I thought about it a little more and I personally think it's a subconscious/unconscious thing. They're hurting inside and thus seek fun or interesting experiences to help get their mind off of what's bothering them. I do think some illegal drugs have some healing qualities to them. Of course this is just all my personal belief, nothing I can prove.

>"Taking drugs in response to mental anguish is an express trip to dependence, not better health."
Forgot to add that taking the drugs can lead to better health. Someone depressed starts smoking weed and sees improvements in their mood.

>just do drugs man xD getting HPPD is fun!
Fucking degenerates.

Bc they like it? They want a beer? They are adults capable of making their own decisions? Is it really that hard to fathom coming home from a hard days work and having a few beers?

before you guys say how can i lift an live this lifestyle i only strted lifting a week ago to counter act all the damage ive done/doing to myself
>ciggarette smoker half a deck a day
>drink on weekends around 4-8 beers
>do mdma/coke most weekends
>smoke weed 4-5 times a week some stages everyday
>have done almost every drug under the sun including meth DMT and acid
>barely eat proper foods mostly fast food
>as much as im killing myself i still get 9/10 cuties do to being mr cool an a sexy cunt
>still hate life i party to much

my only addiciotn is the internet

23 y/o
Used to smoke weed daily for the last 5 years, gave that up a few months ago. I still smoke but only like once or twice a week maybe. Never smoked a cig in my life. Drink maybe once or twice a month, but only if I'm out with friends or at a party.
Will take shrooms, acid, mdma at festivals or special occasions - probably do that stuff like 2 or 3 times a year.

I like where I'm at. Only "problem" right now is how much coffee I drink. It's been harder to cut down on than any of the drugs I listed above.

I don't smoke cigarettes, hardly ever drink, but I smoke a fuck load of weed (I use a flowermate though). Probably will have to cut back in a few weeks when I'm responsible for teaching college students again.

Don't care for alcohol, I like a beer or two but eventually the alcohol starts to taste really awful to me. Weed has no negative side effects and makes me feel great, I've basically ran a low-level high all day this summer.

a nice cold beer on a hot day tastes pretty fucking good. A few times after lifting or running when I'm all hot and sweaty I'll have a hefeweizen right from the fridge and it tastes god like.

Maybe if you were more informed your opinion would matter, but it doesn't because you are spouting bullshit only a teenager would believe.
Shrooms don't make you believe the world is unreal, they generally instill a great feeling of happiness and hallucinations are pretty mild (like simple alterations of things, like swirls).
Most adults I know who take hallucinogens either do it by themselves or with a close one, most of these people do it rarely and treat is as a spiritual experience.

And the most stupid thing is
>However I don't think they are as safe as many other kinds of illegal drugs.
You don't get to have opinions about things you have no information about, you can't overdose and studies have shown it only gives psychosis or mental problems to people who are already going to have it.

Coke is really bad for the heart, I really don't understand why you would believe something is more unhealthy even though all known information about it says otherwise, worse than HAES I swear.

>smoke cigars
>dip tobacco
>drink heavily
>smoke occasionally
no drugs though

Don't join the US military, dipping tobacco is the only thing that makes my job bearable

>shroom hallucinations are mild

Not when you do 10 grams your first go wew

>don't smoke
>don't do drugs

I used to binge drink once a week, but I've knocked that down to twice a month. I feel SO much better. Better gainz, clearer head, more money. I'll still throw down when the situation calls for it, but I'm 100% with taking it easy now.

Seriously. If you're looking to get out of control, take 7 shots & a preworkout to the face. Then dance/rage your ass off all night.

Snus a little and drink once a week das it mane

I tried smoking weed once.

It was terrible.

>he yells as he beats his wife

>no porn

dat dere grizzly

stopped smoking weed
stopped drinking coffee
stopped drinking alcohol altogheter
stopped eating sweets and drinking sweet drinks except orange / apple juice

it was actually really easy

No tea? Shit bro it's just leaves! I'm the same w/out tea

h-how'd you get th-those scars, user

true same. of course it wasn't willingly

some people like the taste of alcohol enough to drink it as a drink.

not that difficult; if you spend your time elsewhere you won't find yourself needing it

diff user here, 25 and in the same boat. a couple times a year ill take some tramadol/adderall though and replan/revisit/organize a bunch of stuff

congrats, i would agree that this is a better way to live,anything i gained on drugs could be had without them

I drink occasionally but have no interest in smoking or doing drugs.

Used to smoke and drink a lot when I was in college, but I have stopped now that I picked up lifting because I was leading a unhealty lifestyle. Sometimes I might open a beer when I'm with friends but that's it.
Never tried any drugs except for weed.

Because I can't seem to stop

I know you're not hating but I guess you could file that as taking way too much of a drug, which many legal drugs would kill you if you took that much over the "normal" dose.
I have a very petite friend who took as much as me once, me being a 6 and a half foot tall man.
Basically face down on the floor for 4 hours moving their hips.

I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, not even at parties. Some girls at parties really dig the fact that I don't drink and have hooked up with a few just cus of it.

Are you me

Sum it up in a paragraph

Good timing.

You never liked drinking in the first place (see other posts here in this thread) it is a poison. It doesn't relief any stress, in fact it creates it, like wearing tight shoes all day only to take them off for a few hours at night. You will not never quit for good using the will power method as with that frame of mind you feel like you are missing out on something - the truth is you aren't (see above points) you are gaining so much in life by never touching the poison again.

It's like $6 on Amazon. Buy it.

I don't.

Because beer is good? What's wrong with drinking a beer after work?

I bet you cum in your magic underpants at the sight of a nipple.

No coffee?
Sorry Jesus. Not going to happen.

No. Yesterday i snorted coke, ketamine did dabs of live resin. I k-holed for the first time 3 days ago. I started smoking cigarettes at 25 and i don't understand the addiction or chain smoking. I'm epileptic and I'm the healthiest most seizure free patient at my neuro. I also run 5Ks and have super healthy vitals. I made a dinner of brown rice and black beans while coming down from ketamine at 130 am last night.

Been trying to cultivate this mindset but it's tough. Also what do if friend wants to grab brunch at brewpub? Decline? Do food and a tea and not fit in?

Good mate, that's the first step.
The book covers that off also, you need to remember; you never enjoyed the taste or the drink (it's all marketing), you enjoyed your mates company. You can do that with or without the alcohol.

Started smoking at 24, two years later I'm down to 12 a day.
I always want to be the designated driver or just the sober guy around. If I do drink it's three glasses of water per drink. Can't stomach liquor.
I'm hypersensitive to weed and I've witnessed part of my sister's eight year replacement therapy along with the stories of everything she used.

Close but no cigar

Unemployed child living under daddy's roof detected.