Calorie count for the week so far

>calorie count for the week so far


This has got to be fucking bait....why did you only eat 160 calories on Tuesday and 630 on Monday of course you're going to fucking binge after that REEEEEEE

>literally had no time for breakfast, had like half a protein shake which I ended up spilling and had only a small portion of chicken and broccoli for dinner

>had a tuna wrap for breakfast, was sick the rest of the day


>drunk again

I don't even care about your bait or stupidity, I just want a detailed rundown on Wednesday's feast (meal1: x, y kcal, z g protein, meal 2:... etc.)

Something like 2000 of that was alcohol (pre-mixed cola shit), but here goes:

>picnic bar
>kit-kat bar
>packet of peanut butter-choc oreos
>connoisseur peanut butter ice cream
>2L strawberry milk
>half a tub (750g) peanut butter
>like 5 peanut butter sandwiches
>10 reeses peanut butter cups
>whole large pizza
>2 large sushi rolls
>salmon nigiri
>crab salad inari
>a ton of chocolate mud cake

And that's all I remember and or had packets left from to count, there was probably a heap more shit in there as well

>remainder: -3272

Fucking kekd audibly

And thus began the global peanut shortage of 2016

8000 calories what the fuck

I'm a peanut butter monster, literally can't control myself sometimes

>sandwiching a thick dollop of peanut butter between 2 reese's peanut butter cups

damn bro

once i was sick for a week, i probably ate like 3000 kcal the entire week, but damn bro

You eat like an 8 year old whose parents are away

For the love of Christ, man, get it together

Bruh.... W-worth the cheating day

I'm thinking of just fasting until monday, let my body sort it's shit out

What the fuck

You are so fucking stupid.


never, ever going to make it

breh what the fuck

Quit alcohol NOW. There's no point in getting drunk.


it makes me feel good

I should also mention thursday was pretty much the same

>an entire large pizza
>the other half of the peanut butter tub
>more reese's peanut butter cups
>more peanut butter-choc oreos

i will never understand this "no time for breakfast" nonsense. the most important meal of the day isn't just a meme, and it's also the easiest meal to make time for. all you have to do is set your alarm for about 20-30 minutes earlier.

as long as you are consistent XD

wtf is that mate? cant bother to eat same food twice in a row?

agreed. people who don't make breakfast are simply lazy.

>tfw been eating 3500 calories a day
>tfw in the middle of moving so all my cooking stuff are at the new house so it's just been me sitting eating 40 chicken nuggets a day while watching Star Trek.

There is a hell.

You're not going to make it

believe me, i've seen it lol

there's a heaven too but let's keep it a secret

I think the worse part is the girls at McDonald don't know why I'm coming in every day ordering 40 chicken nuggets.

I can't wait to be back on protein shakes.

>No one wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli

I wish it was only 9

>people like this exist
>they feel somehow justified broadcasting their shame here

lol you're looking for an excuse to eat nuggets. if your shaker is in a box at the new place, first thing... why?? second, buy a new one and buy some powder. you literally have no excuse to be eating mcdonald's every day.

My parents were packing up everything in the kitchen where my shaker was.

It's only for another 2 days.

oh you're underage

buy a new shaker or buy muscle milks or regular milk

>Living with parents means I'm underage
No I just rather save money then waste it on rent.

Nothing wrong with bulking on nuggets bro

That's only 8242 calories?

>be new to Veeky Forums
>read the sticky
>doesn't look too difficult
>see this thread
I'm drinking this weekend and I'm afraid that I will end up like you. Guess I won't drink. That or I'll workout more.

Could be more, I'm just going off averages for the sandwiches, the peanut butter and the alcohol I drank cause that's pretty arbitrary, but I counted everything from the packets and wrappers I had in my bin. Dunno about the sushi though

Don't drink bro, self-control goes OUT the fucking window

In you want to drink stick to hard liquor, less calories, beer is just a calorie carb bomb that does nothing beneficial for your body, physically that is. Mentally yeah who doesn't love being blotto.

>160 calories
>nah don't do that you'll binge

so fasting till dinner which is just broiled chicken and veggies to cut is no good then?

Strong fasting bro your even under calories for the week

Fast until late afternoon/dinner and eat your TDEE minus 500. That's how you do intermittent fasting, and when you're used to it it's the easiest way to cut.

Oh okay, I didn't think I was doing too badly haha

I love BMTH

This, IF is a God send for losing weight and after awhile your body adjusts so you're sharp and focused after waking up without food.


How do I know you're fat? Because I used to do the same shit.

Never gonna make it like that

How the fuck can someone eat that much peanut butter

how come everyone says you need to eat 3 meals, or your metabolism will go to shit and its unhealthy etc.

>gets sick
>drinks himself to death

Everyone complaining about peanut butter - I am more concerned about how you could possibly enjoy so much sugary foods.

I would literally puke

>750g peanut butter

hahahaha what the fuck

nobody says you have to eat 3 meals.
eating 3 meals is a relatively modern construct created for the working man.
you could eat 4 meals or 5 meals or 6 meals. as long as they get proportionately smaller.

put protein powder in a glass and stir it in with a spoon


And not the one you replied to, but yes, if you dont live on your own at 20 you are a manchild. People need to move out at eighteen and develop their autonomy, 20 is the absolute max.

This is every 30 year old woman ever.

Nigga, no man should love peanuts this fucking much.

You can't drink alcohol and diet at the same time. It just isn't possible.

Not only is alcohol basically the most caloric dense shit you can consume that doesn't make you feel full at it, it completely obliterates your willpower and self-control.

Alcohol is the king of making you go "that's a problem for tomorrow", the problem is you have to wake up in that tomorrow where you ate half a fucking tub of peanut butter.

>that's 1.63 pounds of nut butter
>op could have list that weight if he wasn't such a fat nigger

I'm pretty sure he meant the tub is 750g and he ate half of that.

Nah, I sometimes drink alcohol just fine on my cut.
I just plan it and count it towards my goal.

Half a bottle of like 600kcal, and after that I'm in a good mood and don't need any more.

>still drinking the alcoholic jew

The body can adjust much more than we give it credit for. What I do is eat large lunch, then have a very light dinner. It's much easier to keep an eye on your calories and macros, eating only 2 meals makes it way simpler to cook for yourself/plan your meals, energy is not an issue in the morning if it is just drink some black coffee and for me personally I have lost most if not all morning sluggishness. I wake up, I'm focused, I'm sharp and it 100% aids in weight loss.

There's a fair mount of legit studies you can easily google, but all the positives aside it's definitely not for everyone.

it cures my autism

I only had 800 cals yesterday. 1000 today. My body has been acting extremely weird, bros. It started with me INTENSELY needing to beat off 3 times a day every day for a week. Didn't lift at all during. Then boom this week my body has had an irresistible hunger to workout twice a day. My balls have shriveled up and something in that region next to my right leg tickles constantly. And my right leg keeps falling asleep. I'm in a constant sore, comfy exhausted state and my body keeps making me lift lift lift anyways even though I am eating little. I've started feeling attracted to girls again too. Used to be lost in a fog with no desires. 21 btw

There is nothing wrong with purging if you don't let the stomach bile fuck up your teeth and gums.

600,000 calories? Someone tell me what a fucking kcal is. Is it a European thing?

How the fuck can you not? PB is literally god tier

Calories as listed on US nutritional labels are kilocalories. In other parts of the world they measure in kilojoules or list it is kcal instead of Calories.

>all you have to do is set your alarm for about 20-30 minutes earlier.
>all you have to do

I know breakfast is important, but I really cherish the little sleep I get.

Me too bro, I set my alarm for the absolute fucking maximum amount of sleep I can acquire before I have to get up or be late

>makes life more enjoyable
>no point

I'm not OP but I've eaten 450g of peanut butter in one go before. I could easily see eating 750g in one day.

I usually eat 150g per sitting when it comes to peanut butter.

I just eat until I am moderately full.

If I start looking not as ripped I eat less and if I get to much abs going on I eat more.

Same for cut and bulk bulk eats lots more cut eat lots less.

Never counted and I always looked pretty good.

This is bait but I'm going to reply mostly because there will be a couple of people reading this who have real issues with binge or starving days.

Keep lifting, keep trying to hit your calories and macros. If you fuck up and undereat, or overeat, treat the next day like it never happened. Prepare every meal the day before, even if your going to be at home. Make it as easy and simple as you can for yourself. After 3-6 months, you'll laugh at the idea of someone being use to control binge days etc

This tbqh

>average serving size of PB is 22g

Fucking kek, that's like a heaped teaspoon