If time wasn't an issue, what would be wrong with doing a full-body routine every time you went to the gym?

If time wasn't an issue, what would be wrong with doing a full-body routine every time you went to the gym?


Then why does no one do it =/? I thought NEETs were rampant in these parts.

It's actually a good idea to do full body the only issue is motivation as it isn't that easy to do all of your compounds then do all of that isolation on the same day

plenty of noobs do some variation of a full body workout

as you become more advanced your workouts per muscle group become longer and you take longer to recover so you might as well split it up


>as you become more advanced your workouts per muscle group become longer and you take longer to recover
Pretty much only applies to bodybuilders, the ones on roids.

It applies to everyone, cf clarence kennedy who fucked up his tendons by training too much, and hes natty

It is REALLY hard to do fullbody at the intermediate level and propely manage your VIF relationship

I love switching between three times a week full body and four times a week upper/lower split.

What's a VIF, sorry?

What level would you deem to be intermediate, also?

Do bodybuilders ever do full-bodies? Or am I wrong in assuming that some steroids make them able to recover faster?

Your body can only heal so much muscle in a period of time and thus you can only get so strong so quick, natty or not. Eating protein and getting sleep helps but your body has it limits, you cant just deadlift 10x10 @ 400lbs then eat 20 steaks, sleep for 48 hours, and wake up jacked.

Maximizing rest time for each part of the body is the reason people typically split workouts


I tried, but I get too tired halfway in. My lifts go way down even though i push on as much as possible. Sometimes I will throw up a litle in my mouth or feel like im going to faint.
So I split it in two 1 hour workouts, twice a week each

in my case my back and chest need longer rest than arms or legs for instance

>AxAxAxAxAx etc
>hlr 3x15,clean and press 3x7 squat 3x5,bb calf raise 3x15 cg bench 2x7, deadlift 3x3 ramped, weighted leg extensions 2x15
Nothing. Once I hit 1234 probably won't be as sustainable. Feels good though, obv legs lacking

The key, for me at least, is not warming up for any lift but squat. Sounds retarded but it works if you place lift order correctly

Your body's capability to recover from workouts is limited. Doing a full body program like SS 3 times a week is sufficient for maximal gains. Working out more then that will not give you more gains as your body can't repair it self. So spending 5 hours in the gym everyday is not gonna get you more gains.

>Then why does no one do it =/?
people that are payed for it do it. they are called athletes

To be young and stupid again

>this is fat t-rexs actually believe

I may be young and I am definitely stupid but that doesn't mean it isn't working.

Overtraining once you get past babyweight