Tfw all countries will crumble and fall in your lifetime but yours will become a superpower with unlimited manpower and...

>tfw all countries will crumble and fall in your lifetime but yours will become a superpower with unlimited manpower and a strong sense of nationality

10000 YEARS

>comes to a history board to talk about his predictions of the future


The longevity of China was based on the idea that it collapses and rebuilds itself tho.

Why is China so interesting to study? Every time I feel like I have learned the basics of their history and culture, something new that I haven't even seen yet pops up.


shut up it's humanities ok

Honestly I find it boring as fuck.
Basically it goes like this
>dynasty ping pong gets mandate of heaven
>rebellions happen
>another dynasty conquers the first and starts a new one
>keep repeating this cycle

Honestly all existing countries in this day and age have have predecessors so in a way all of them got destroyed and rebuilt only some of them rebuilt on different pieces of land.

PRC/ROC's relation to Imperial China is vastly different From Roman Wewuzzing European kingdoms did.

that's just the surface, Chinese civilization developed tremendously during the different periods, and eras were quite different from one another despite having similar rise and falls of dynasties

think of it like this

shang/zhou - ancient, there isn't really a china yet
Qin/Han - classical, basically China's Roman Empire
Tang/Song - medieval, think if Justinian had actually been able to reform Rome
Ming/Qing - renaissance, Chinese civilization and culture continued to grow and change in different ways, became much more authoritarian and inward looking

I don't know, I got the exact same problem. Mostly because Chinese civilization showed me what it means to be a Chad. I mean read about virgin European history.
>siege of Alesia
>sieged by Romans
>pussy gauls let the civilians die horrible and slow death outside the city forgotten to history.
>lose the siege, gauls get cucked to extermination, which would later become an European tradition
meanwhile in Chad China
>Siege of Suiyang
>Sieged by An Luchans troops, not a foreign invasion because Chinese culture have been acknowledged as superior
>still his Turkic decent can only mean trouble
>Need to hold the seige until reinforcement arrive, but no food
>instead of letting civilians die a painful slow death. Zhang Xun offers his wife meat to the soldier, the civilians would later follow suit willingly being cocked for the soldiers to eat and honored for generations to come.
>China continue to exist to this day

European kingdoms were wewuzing in the medieval era, PRC and ROC are modern states. There is literally no logic in comparing medieval European successor states to an ancient empire to modern ideologically transformed countries.

An Lushan was foreign born but he wasn't some foreign conqueror. He was a Tang general except he was Sogdian in origin and was gunning to be Emperor Chinese-style

I like how you never bothered to open a book or watch a documentary, countless on jewtube, which would instantly prove your point wrong. But hey I guess its not your cup of tea, but then why would you be posting here?

>>Sieged by An Luchans troops, not a foreign invasion because Chinese culture have been acknowledged as superior
Exactly my point, while the Roman invasion of gaul was a foreign one, they had no interest in adopting gaul culture. Meanwhile it is the opposite in Chinese history, even for those who never served a Chinese Dynasty.

Mandate of Heaven

>If times are good, just obey
>If times are shit, you are well justified in killing whichever cunt is sitting on the throne. To the victor the spoils.

Is this right?

it means whoever should be king will be blessed with the power of natural disasters

Killing is non-essential. Just getting the guy off the throne is enough.

In addition, you have to honor that man's ancestors and enfief surviving members of his family as nobles. Even if they fell, they WERE bearers of the Mandate of Heaven in the past ergo in the eyes of Chinese Ancestor Worship, past emperors of the fallen dynasty were fathers and grandfathers of the state who deserve to be honored.
>It was a custom in China for the new dynasty to ennoble and enfeoff the leading member of the dynasty which they overthrew with a title of nobility and a fief of land so that they could offer sacrifices to their ancestors, in addition to members of other preceding dynasties. This practice was referred to as 二王三恪 (literally "the succeeding king honors the preceding one.")

How is this a Veeky Forums thread, you fucking chinkshill?

It basically says Might Makes Right. He who can into power is obviously the best suited to rule. Like natural selection. Half the reason the Confucian tradition originally evolved into scholar-bureaucracy was to ensure that even if the head of state is a literal brute the apparatus will keep the kingdom afloat.

I'm hoping for the Mongols to make a comeback. They were fun while they lasted.

>put the entire world's progress on hold for 200 years

being heroes is more important

Why do you faggots always make such uneducated assumptions on a Veeky Forumstory board. China's unification and history after that is pretty cool, it's basically what a competent Roman Empire would have been like.

>The longevity of China was based on the idea that it collapses and rebuilds itself tho.

It was based on having the biggest population in the world so invaders were like a drop in ocean.

This guy gets it.

>hurdur look how ignorant I am!
They were invaded by barbarians countless times and conquered those same barbarians countless more times. Not to mention the Century of Humilation. Your argument is already invalid.

>European kingdoms were wewuzing in the medieval era,
>what was “le third rome”

haha i post funny wojak i funny i win argumend

>basically what a competent Roman Empire would have been like