For someone who is over 6', a one arm pull up is pretty impressive, right?

For someone who is over 6', a one arm pull up is pretty impressive, right?

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For anyone, a strict one-arm pullup is fucking impressive.

Height has nothing to do with it. How impressive it is comes from weight, but likesaid,being able to do it at all with good form is good

What a pussy

manlet detected

you must be retarded if you think height matters in a pullup


Why so you think gymnasts are all manlets? Go on, really think hard about this one.

the taller you are, the more you weigh

Long arms -> Longer range of motion -> Longer moment arms dumbass

you must be retarded.

Because they start training when they're prepubescent which stunts growth and also selective bias for a lower centre of gravity. What's that got to do with one handed pullups?

your muscles also have longer moment arms...

i always assumed it was because of physics; shorter gymnast = less energy expended going full circle on the rings/bar

The reason gymnastics favours manlets is because of better leverage/relative strength at lower heights/weights especially for movements like maltese, frontlever, etc.
The taller you are, the heavier your skeletal system will be on average
although still still fairly correct in saying height matters little in a pull up.

The movement is vertical and therefore the leverage needed is very similar at different heights as opposed to say a front lever where the taller you are, the bigger the moment arm you create between your feet, hands and shoulders.

Someone who is shorter will on average have shorter arms (although not always true) reducing the ROM of the movement however this has almost no affect on how easy it is.

The biggest factor defining a one arm pull up is body weight (plus gravity) as that is the resistance directly opposing your pulling.

This guy is 6' btw, and he can do 5 rep sets with each arm now. Fuggin beast.

You can't figure out why having an extra 10-20kg of bones is a disadvantage in a bodyweight exercise?

How much does each inch of height add to your skeleton's weigh anyway?

How does it feel to be so wrong?

How am I wrong?

>The biggest factor defining a one arm pull up is body weight
>The taller you are, the heavier your skeletal system will be on average

i'm 6'3" 200lbs and i can do it and i don't even look ripped
it just depends on your weight/strenght ratio

How does that make me incorrect? If anything you quoting me proves me correct on two accounts you just selected.
Shorter people can have thicker and denser skeletal systems than taller people. There are many factors that determine body weight. Not every tall person will have heavier bones. A one arm pull up will be harder for a 5'9" 80kg guy than a 6' 70kg guy.
However a one arm pull up will probably be harder for a 6' 80kg guy than a 5'9" 80kg guy due to decreased leverage in his arms being longer.

Another interesting case is a 6' 80kg guy with shorter arms than a 5'9" 80kg guy. A one arm pull up will be harder for the 5'9" guy due to decreased leverage in his arm.

Approx 15% of a healthy person's weight according to google. Time for math....

Assume I'm 6'0" and 200lb with 15% body fat, and 15% bone density.
>30lb of bone
>30lb of fax
>140lb of muscle, organs and fluids.

My neighbour is a 5' hobbit. They have the same muscle and fat composition as me, but shorter.
>(30 x 4/5) = 24lb of bone
>30lb fax
>140lb muscle, organs and fluid

Ergo, about 6lb of bone mass difference between a 6' human and a 5' failure.

tl;dr - Ed Coan is a cheat

Arm length would probably make it more difficult though

>an extra 10-20kg of bones
half wit

The fact that it's only 6 lbs between 6' and 5' shows that it's mostly due to moment arms.

Fit sure is dumb.

Why can an ant lift 100x its bodyweight? Why can't a chimp?

lmao @ these manlets

>what are exoskeletons




they are not easy but I can do them

Shoo shoo spooky Skeltal

is this considered strict form?

for that moment 2 years from now when I can actually do one of these.

You really think a difference of a few inches is compatable to a 2cm creature from one species being compared to a 4ft creature from another species?

That's a question you might need to ask yourself if you think that's why ants are relatively as strong as they are.

yeah that's strict form, start at dead hand, no kip, shoulder to bar

t. jealous fatfuck who can't even do a regular pullup