What happens if I eat all the gummy vites?

What happens if I eat all the gummy vites?

I have to imagine not much. They have to plan for the occasional retarded 7 year old that decides to eat all of his favorite Candy

I will become a god?

multiple vitamin overdoses, probably.

Very (very) high chance of liver/kidney issues or failure. Look it up, some people have almost died from this lol. You'll be in the hospital.

I tried a few gummy vitamins too many, once, when I was a kid.

You get constipated.
Thats about it.

It would be extremely painful


Whatever it takes


depends on the vitamins and minerals they contain. For example if they have plenty of iron you'll fucking die of poisoning

So, a box of these is 70 gummies apparently. That's 35 servings. 1 Serving contains:
>2100 IU Vitamin A
>20mg Vitamin C
>400 IU Vitamin D
>16.5 IU Vitamin E
>2mg Vitamin B6
>260ug Folic acid
>6ug Vitamin B12
>60ug Biotin
>42ug Iodine
>2.7mg Zinc

You can tolerate around 3000ug Vitamin A a day if you are older than 18 and you are a healthy adult male. From eating the whole thing you will get 73500 IUs of it, or 22050ug. This is extremely likely to cause Hypervitamintosis A and this alone will most likely give you liver failure and hypercalcemia.You'll start vomiting and your vision will grow blurry as well. That's *just* from the Vitamin A. You'll also get dehydration, headache, blotchy skin, nerve toxicity, jaundice, diarrhea, and damage to some tissues. But honestly, you'd probably survive. The human body is pretty resiliant, you'd just need to get to the hospital in time. If they had big boy doses or anything like iron you'd probably not make it.


Pretty sure that squishy gummy bears dont have any iron in them you fucking idiot american

Remember the Vitamin Avenger.

Iron Man is clearly on the bottle you filthy cretin

I've got a bottle with 250 gummies so I'd still make it if I ate only half of them right?

Yourocucks don't read nutrition labels. Interesting.

K well all I have in the house at the moment are some slices of white bread and a giant bottle of gummies. I'm pretty hungry so let's say I can boil off the vitamins leaving the in tact gummies I should be able to refridgerate the clean gummies for consumption after they resolidify. Question is how do I strain off the vitamins in a timely manner.


Live stream it

Not if I become God first!

Is everyone in Europe this mad?

I fucking lost my shit at this!!! Bahahahhahahah, so great!

i fuckin love these things. still take em. i'm 24