What do you think is the best sign that somebody is gonna make it?

What do you think is the best sign that somebody is gonna make it?

How about not gonna make it?


>stock footage

hehe,wouldn't mind STOCKING my dick in her if you know what I mean lol


Will make it:
-no alcohol
-only drinks water, mainly eats vegetables and quality meat
-does cardio everytime he goes to the gym
-does a brosplit along with core movements from SS
-trains at least 5 times a week, 1h30 or more
-doesn't bring his cellphone to the gym
-changes his routine every couple of months, tries new exercises

Will not make it
-believes Mcdonald's nuggets is a decent source of proteins and thinks cheat days are beneficial
-looks at nutritional labels, but only check for protein amounts
-gets most of his protein from whey
-uses several fitness supplements
-no machines ever, only free weights
-too lazy to cardio

just the way people talk about workingout/diet

I should = not gona make it

I will = got a chanse of makeing it

This except the training 5 days a week.

>I like 4 max but do cardio on all rest days

Oh, and obviously counting their calories.

Is this what's it's like to eat with a gf?

>-trains at least 5 times a week, 1h30 or more
>-does cardio everytime he goes to the gym
There is such a thing as diminishing returns, dude.

Well, found the guy that's not gonna make it :^)

If you think doing hours of jogging on a treadmill is making it, OK.

The number one sign of somebody who is never going to make it is:
>they post on Veeky Forums

Who said ''hours'' ?
1h30 total (lifting+cardio) is reasonable.
Personally I do 20-30mins of HIIT and 1 hour or so of lifting

No that webm is retarded

All it really comes down to is dedication. Like someone else said, if they know that they will do "it," whether it be lifting, cardio, eating less, eating more, etc, then they will make it. But if they lack the ability to put themselves to something that isn't necessarily pleasurable or easy, especially at first, then they probably aren't going to make it.

What do you lift?


Best sign:
Admits to doing something un-fit today and does differently tomorrow.
Denies doing unfit things, or downplays it, or admits it but doesn't change behavior.

Yeah she steals all your fucking fries and tries to act cute about it, even when she said she didn't want any when you ordered

hmm... weights ?
