How do I talk to girls at the gym? Would it be weird to say something like 'hey...

How do I talk to girls at the gym? Would it be weird to say something like 'hey, you've got really good form on those squats' or ask her how her workout is going?

What's your intention?
If you're just trying to pick up, prob leave them be. Most girls at the gym just want to be left alone (even if they're dressed in slutty gear).
If you're just trying to make friends, then yeah, comment on their improvement (if you see them regularly and their weights have gone up)

>Would it be weird to say something like 'hey, you've got really good form on those squats' or ask her how her workout is going?
it all depends on the situation and how you say it, and, most importantly, how hot you are.

>so i was going through you're trash the other day
start with that, it always work like a charm

don't talk to girls at the gym what are you some kind of faggot?

If they not mirin you don't speak.
Sometimes even if they mirin you shouldn't do anything unless it's pretty obvious she is into you.

I would get fucking pissed if a guy did this.
BUT if you are my type I would be too shy to even speak to anybody

So. The best thing is to ask when you are both out of the gym

Never do it inside bruh

is that pic true? is that why the holocaust happened?

are u siding with hitler? lol

>trying to make friends
>with a gym woman
>with a woman

wew lad my lad

Yes, do not fucking talk to people at the gym unless to ask for equipment or a spot.

what if a girl is INSANELY hot and doing those butt excercises in yoga pants in front of YOU ???

I can't resist not to look, fuck her, I got looked all the time by women in gym just to see if I'm looking at them!!

I'm a chub and I saw a fit dude at the gym and I was mirin his physique. I wanted to tell him today "I want to look like you one day bro" and thats it.

How cringe worthy would that have been?

he looked liked like slightly shorter chris evans

Why would you not talk to someone during their rest periods? Ofcourse some people dont like it, but its easy to spot them. Pretty much everyone talks to everyone in our gym. And i like it that way.

You could start by calling them Hot Honkers you Cardio Man.

That girl has horrid posture.

For a woman, that's perfect posture.

It's not really different from anywhere else. If she finds you physically attractive, it doesn't really matter what you say, she will like it. If she doesn't find you physically attractive, it doesn't really matter what you say, she will be annoyed.

spotted the cuck

Who gives a shit anyway. Guys aren't gonna go "woaw your posture is perfect, let's fuk".

Brah,do you seriously let the fags on this board to decide for you when IT'S OK TO TALK TO A GIRL regardless of context???DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO and fuck the sissies and insecure bitches telling you women want to be left alone or it's absolutely not ok to talk to anyone in the gym.Stop listening to this shithole like every opinion is written in gold ink

Who is this girl? I need to see her face

We won't say that in so many words...but we'll say it with our eyes and hands.

true that

Cold approaching is a meme.

Pathetic unless you follow that up with "What's your routine like?"


Don't, thats not the place to do it. Unless she approaches you, just keep your cool and do your shit.

Too risky. If guy is homo things could get awkward fast

>target spotted
>ok, today İ'm finally going to talk to her, and break this fear
>all that matters is confidence
>the qt with the multi coloured pantaloons and the big bum
>finish diddylift set and wait at the squat rack for her to start squatting
>she finally comes over to it and asks me if İ'm using it
>"no... j-just... i mean i'll u-use it after me, İ MEAN YOU, after you yes!"
>"uh... ok", mumbles "what the fuck" under her breath
>"hello, you have really good squat form on those squats"
>she looks at me as shes going down
>loses her balance
>falls on her back
>bar bounces and falls on her neck
>hear snap
>shes not moving
>awkward so whistle and walk away
>see paramedics take her away
>later that night
>watching news
>17 yr old girl died after breaking her neck due to being distracted by creep while squatting
>mfw dodged the underage bullet

>hey, you've got really good form on those squats
Don't say this lol.

>Going to commercial gyms where nobody talks
>Not going to based local gyms with a strong team environment

Perfect posture is literally what attracted me to my current gf. That and she plays a mean saxophone

You can ask them anything as long as you are not ugly.

This is real and true advice.

Just approach her and say "Hey, how are you?" without any pretenses or assumptions. Just have a natural conversation. Ask her where she is from and what classes she is taking (if it's the college gym). Try to have a simple and nice conversation. At the end, share contact information. You don't need to impress her with a pick up line. You don't need to front-load the conversation with overtly sexual language that might put some ladies off. Just have a simple conversation and try to seem like a fun, sociable person, and then attempt to get her phone number.

That's the best strategy. If she was at all interested in you, then this will work as long as you accomplish the conversation well without any awkward missteps. If she wasn't interested in you to begin with, then you didn't embarrass yourself in any way and it looks like you were just having a conversation with a woman. Have the courage to approach a girl and basically say, "Hey, we're going to talk for a few minutes." They appreciate the courage and the honesty.

pls leave them be :(

>Paying double the price so you have people who will pretend they care about your life



More like triple for coaching and a top tier facility. It's worth it, but I'm also not poor. Social environment is just a bonus.

You need to seriously not.

This is very friendly advice.

I'm telling you this to be nice. You shouldn't say anything, but if you do, just say, "Hey, can I ask you a question?" and then just ask specific questions about what he does.

Do not say anything about how you look at him or think about him in any way. Don't even mention yourself. Just ask specific questions, and limit it to one to two, ever.

Afterwards, don't wave at him or nod at him all the time. Don't get friendly unless and until he initiates. Wave if he waves, nod if he nods, speak if spoken to.

Follow these rules, you'll always be safe. Just friendly advice.

I know this is a fantasy because no woman ever squats with good form in gyms.

Same way you'd talk to a guy, treat her as a dude lmao.

So start off with "Hey you alright" or whatever if you see eachother regularly, which can then progress into the usual "ayy what you training today, how's it going etc", like how you'd talk to a bro, then deeper convos can progress from that lmao it's not hard.

Just interact like a person not a creep

I have seen women squat with good form and baby weight.


I find proper posture incredibly attractive in girls. It was half the reason I liked my ex.

Fuck if I know, OP. I go to a shitty rec center and it's mostly old dudes, but there's this gorgeous short Baltic-looking beauty who I always catch mirin' me in the mirror and she is physically everything I have ever wanted in a woman and I'd love to talk to her to find out if we have things in common aside from lifting.

Maybe have her come up to me and say, "Excuse me, can you lift me to the pull-up bar?"

(Nuts just thinking about it.)

I kinda sense she wants to talk to me and I want to talk to her. Neither of us can find the right excuse.

And we're both in our 30s, so the autism never goes away, m8.

Pic related. She looks like that.

What kind of maximum autism is this shit about the gym being some holy sanctuary where you're not allowed to hit on women?
People talk to each other all the time at the gym. It doesn't even matter at that point if you're being friendly or want to fuck her.
Obviously don't be a retard and give her advice or compliment her on her form, who the fuck does that shit in real life? Introduce yourself, ask what she's training that day, the usual stuff you would talk about with a guy.
Cold approaches are really hit or miss in general so everything that applies to approaching someone at a club or some other place still applies there. Don't be weird, don't be pushy, read her body language etc.

why the hell the thread didn't die after this post? there's nothing more to be said.

Don't talk to girls while they're working out. You're at the gym to do work, not to socialize.

If you see them on the way out or at the juice bar or whatever then you can

best advice in this threat

>the gym is a very special place where you can do one thing and one thing only

This is a good post

The easiest way is "hey can I work in with you?" When they're using a rack. Then just talk to them, give them advice on their form in a friendly and joking and productive manner, if possible don't be wearing headphones so you have something to discuss. P much how you would make friends with a dude at the gym. Don't act like a horny faggot.

>ask to work in a squat rack with a girl
>says yes
>im just talking about changing the weight nothing else
>she starts small talk with me
>she reaches her hand out to introduce herself
>shake her fingers
>eventually i tell her routine is bad
>she gets caught off guard and is talking with no expreasion qnd quickly like shes defending herself
>later after that conversation i try and save myself by saying why its bad
>never see her during my regular hours again

>wanting to talk to girls
Lel what are you a faggot

>i pay half the price for specialized equipment and knowledgeable staff and members
>free coaching and equipment
woe is me

define routine.

It was starting strength

>I kinda sense she wants to talk to me and I want to talk to her. Neither of us can find the right excuse.
So don't make one and do it

>meet someone you're interested in for the first time
>criticize their form and routine and force them to be close up and be defensive

Yeah man, I don't know why she's avoiding you.

Does not speak for all women.
Obviously try to talk to her. If you get rejected, you get rejected. Move on.

... Safe from what?

Ask her to spot for you.
Ask to use whatever she was using right as she's done with it.
If she wants, this should give her the chance to initiate further interaction.
Maybe do this several times over a month to let her work up her courage if she really is a sperg.

keking @ pic

It depends on how much game you have and how good looking you are.

Don't talk to normies and/or strangers about their routine or diet.

I thought this was a known rule??

Safe from a roided out psycho having a gay panic and cracking your fucking skull open

i asked her on the way to the gym

>approach girl
>get number few weeks later
>hang out 2 times, she likes me and i like her but nothing happens
>3rd meeting she leans head on my shoulder and chest
>4th meeting drink a bit, she starts cuddeling with me, i start kissing her and we make out and cuddle all night
>5th meeting (yesterday) we were on some children playground
>we were sitting on some table, she gets closer and closer to me so i stand up and kiss her
>make out for like 3 hours
>when we stop, she lies in my arms and we both watch the stars in the sky
>hug her to say good bye, grab her and do bicep curls lmao

ah ye she also grabbed my arms all the time, kissed my neck and put her hands under my shirt and commented on my six pack

When will the jews be stopped?