Is it inherently anti-Semitic or racist to point out the important historical role that certain ethnic groups have...

Is it inherently anti-Semitic or racist to point out the important historical role that certain ethnic groups have played in certain events, industries, or movements?

Pic related, a collection of essays by Jewish scholars discussing the role that ethnic Jews have played in the transformation of race relations in America. Are they being anti-Semitic by pointing out Jews' leading roles in these movements?

All I know for sure is that shitskins are subhumans and should be exterminated.

Only if you say that it's somehow a bad thing.

>Jews played a prominent role in the American Civil Rights movements

That is a neutral statement, you can take it however you want. Because some people will take it negatively, does that mean this truth should be suppressed?

No. You'll have to imply a conspiracy with deeper, more sinister goals and work upon the established antisemitic memes. e.g.

>Jews are prominent in hollywood
>Jews use hollywood to infect white people with marxist culturailsms so they could establish communism
not OK

No, but if people who take it negatively and then voice those thoughts with the aim of inciting violence shouldn't be given a place in public discourse.

>>Jews use hollywood to infect white people with marxist culturailsms so they could establish communism

Even if a document was found in which Louis B. Mayer, the Warner Brothers, Zukor, and William Fox discussed exactly that between themselves?

You only see a small glimmer of the issue. Baby-boomers bought into this lien of thinking of 'leaks' and they got taken advantage of by political classes for decades. Until you study philosophy you can't truly understand what those documents are saying, you can only respond to their existence. Leading to a path of demagoguery.

>Until you study philosophy you can't truly understand what those documents are saying, you can only respond to their existence. Leading to a path of demagoguery.

Does this apply as well to anti-whites making blanket statements about evil whites throughout history, or just when Jews and non-whites are targeted?

>reaffirm my world
SJWs are evil and fire and sword will cleanse them

>Jews use hollywood as a force for good to spread democratic ideals and advance causes of social justice

Is this OK?

Yes, when you blame a collective group of people for the actions of a few individuals, that is racism/bigotry.

What if you praise a collective group of people for the actions of a few individuals, is that racism/bigotry?

Positive stereotypes are still stereotypes.

Please link, very interested.

simply acknowledging the existence of jews is antisemetic goy

Nope, you are still making conspiring hivemind out of them.

All jews need to be shoved into the ovens

how can be anti semitic if those people that you retarded ass call jews arent semitic?

they are converts and very mixed with people in there, even in antiguity there were jews that werent semitic at all

why do germanics are so stupid to believe this people are semitic?

Implying jews aren't semitic is anti semitic goy


Why are you people so obsessed with Jews? Get a life.

Fuck off Dominican.

False flag /pol/ post

why don't jews just stop getting kicked out of other countries?

It was just a hypothetical.

>always the victim no matter what

That's retarded.

Considering how much the definition of "racism" changes, the correct answer is "who gives a fuck?".

>It's surprising that a historically persecuted group were helpful in the transformation of race relations for other historically persecuted groups

No, it's not antisemitic, nor should it be surprising.

But we both know that this thread is /pol/-bait, and you want to use it as evidence that Jews are conniving and conspiratorial against white people.

I didn't those people were still alive and giving orders.

>No, it's not antisemitic, nor should it be surprising.

Not really. Is it the natural state of historically persecuted groups to always back other historically persecuted groups, just because they've both been "persecuted" in some vague way in the past? Even if they have different goals or alliances? That's a retarded essentialization that ignores so many variables and factors. It's bad history.

But wasn't the US created in the first place by people voicing thoughts with the aim of inciting violence? If we work with the assumption that the creation of the US was a positive, then how can you reconcile this with the fact that at the same time you want to prevent the conditions that created the US in the first place? Logically, wouldn't you be stopping another, more positive event from occurring as well?

Why do jews so badly try to hide their power levels
>Koreans own Samsung and LG
This is okay
>Japanese own Honda, Sony, and Nintendo
This is okay
>jews own the media and the banks

That's a good point, actually. A lot of nations and ethnic groups try to point with pride at the companies and industries they control, why do Jews often try to hide or minimize their prominent role in certain businesses and industries and get upset when someone points it out. Even Chinese get excited about the "Made in China" label, even when it's shit, so why the secrecy?

To start with, you're talking about companies versus entire industries. That's a minor thing though and not a huge issue. Secondly, I would think that would be obvious given our treatment throughout much of the modern period (~1500ish onwards, although you could really start in the Middle Ages). There is a perception, especially among older Jews, that once things get too good, "they" will come after us. We are a convenient scapegoat and to a small degree we bring it on ourselves by being insular, successful, and overly sensitive to criticism. It's happened time and again. It will probably happen again soon, hopefully I will be dead or able to emigrate somewhere where they don't give a shit about religion.

I'm a secular jew. My grandpa was a catholic and my grandma was jewish. It's incredibly obvious that jews own the media. I knew this when I was 10 years old, I didn't need a pol info graphic to figure it out

I always cringe at how we have to lie about obvious shit, watching the ADL crucify someone for saying the jews own the media would be like the Japanese Defense League crucifying someone for saying the Japanese own Toyota

I just really don't care anymore tbqh. I'm gonna go play overwatch.

>ethnic Jews have played in the transformation of race relations in America
A few liberal Northern Jews and they're role is exaggerated.

A great majority of Jews from the South were opposed to the Civil Rights movement, just like local whites.

I don't like the ADL either, I think they are counterproductive and silly, but when you admit to owning the media or banking it just gives aggrieved people ammunition. Of course if we try to just be quiet about it then we're a secret conspiracy. If we're loud and proud then we're an apartheid-style minority. I just wish people would stop talking about us, but that will never happen, so I stay in the South where I can at least be treated respectfully, if a little patronizingly, by evangelicals.

Because faggots like you come and yell "HEY THE FUCKING JOOS HAVE CONTROL"

It's a timeless tradition to point out some Jews have control over an industry like it means anything.

Being sneaky about it doesn't help their public image, especially when its a matter of public record. If they were open about it, they might actually have less suspicion towards them.

Source for this claim? Because numerous studies, WRITTEN BY JEWS, challenge your assertion.

>Is it the natural state of historically persecuted groups to always back other historically persecuted groups, just because they've both been "persecuted" in some vague way in the past?
Yes. It's the natural state of human beings to empathize with other human beings who went through the same shit you did. Even then it wasn't a black and white (huehue) issue. Southern Blacks welcomed Jewish assistance to the cause, while Northern Blacks usually hated the Jews (and still do).

>Because faggots like you come and yell "HEY THE FUCKING JOOS HAVE CONTROL"

Pattern recognition is anti-Semitic?

What if they voice those thoughts but have no particular acceptance of violence? Don't we all have thoughts that surely some demented person out there could use to justify violence?

>ITT: suppression or positively biased presentation of historical facts is acceptable when dealing with certain chosen peoples

Surprised to see how intellectually dishonest so many Veeky Forums posters are.

Who cares?