What's a good workout plan to gain muscle mass while on a 500 kcal deficit?

What's a good workout plan to gain muscle mass while on a 500 kcal deficit?

Gain mass.... on a deficit

you can.... with the right steroids

The magical "gain muscle from thin air" plan, look into it.

>500 kcal deficit?

What are your goals, competing in the 2017 Auschwitz bodybuilding show?

to gain any noticeable size on a deficit you'd have to be either
a completely untrained noob
or taking steroids
or training after a long break which made you lose a lot of size

Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

hypertrophy brosplit

How do swimmers have such strong bodies then? I'm sure they don't bulk.

>I'm sure they don't bulk.

why are you sure of anything when it's abundantly clear you dont have a clue what you're talking about

Please remove yourself from the genepool as fast as possible.


i'm sorry but you're not impressing anybody with this autistic shit

Because they aren't fat fucks that need to cut. They eat without deficit because they burn more calories than you eat.

So I've been going to the gym recently and working out for a while i've lost 20 pounds in a little over a month. I started working out to lose weight and I try to stay within 1200 calories a day. I want to put on a lot more muscle though so should I put aside the weight loss be eating a lot more?

1200 calories a day? What's your maintenance TDEE?

Either you're a woman or an extremely small male, I'm a manlet and my cut is still 1500 calories (or 1700, whichever I chose, 1500 for more weight loss but still within healthy weight loss).

i'm 5'10 at 196 right now
i've been sticking to chicken a steamed broccoli and fish usually.

TDEE: 3255 calories/day

Eat like a pig like you used to, 90% will become muscle. You will put on an extra 10% fat, but once you start a proper cut in a few months it will be like chiseling out a marble statue

3255 doesnt seem right. how active are you?

1200 might be a little too low, that's my girlfriends daily calorie intake when cutting, are you sure you're eating enough?

Alright great, thanks man.

I have a job that keeps me active, i walk about 8 miles a day there and lifting heavy items all day. I started working out a month ago, i go about 4 times a week mainly doing free weights

I don't think i have been from the responses i've been getting. I started eating better before i started lifting, I think i'll start eating bigger portions of the same meals to see some growth in muscle.

Yeah, you won't get your noob gains if you go on a deficit first, and you won't gain muscle if you don't eat in a big enough surplus. Pain in the ass, but ironically you must get fatter to get shredded. Read starting strength for an in depth explanation.

Just for clarification btw, my tdee is 2400 so I wanted to know if I'd put any muscle on while eating 1900 calories a day

If you burn more than you eat you are at a deficit.

1) Be a noob. I just started lifting and have but on a tiiiiny bit of muscle despite being on a deficit.

2). Do steroids.

3. Broscience: Be on a deficit on non-lifting days but eat at surplus on the days you lift. Also helps to, at the same time, eat the lion's share of your daily calorie intake right after a work-out. Supposedly this can 'recomposition the body' so that you lose fat but build muscle.

The closest thing to "mass on a cut" you can get is training hard as fuck lifting heavy w/ HIIT/plyo type shit while eating w/in +/- a few% maintenance.


Good question actually, I'm on a -500 caloric deficit as well and I've been lifting. For someone trying to lose weight and weighlift is it better to lift heavy, light, high/low rep, etc? What's the proper way to lift for cutters?

Anything, seriously. Don't worry about pussying out on some "cutting routine" and doing more reps with lighter weights or some shit. Essentially, you have muscle on your body right? And you have a thin layer of flabby fat over that.

When you lift on a deficit, you burn that fat away, and maintain the muscle underneath. Key word is maintain. If you're new to lifting you will get noob gains, so yes you might actually gain a small amount of muscle.

It's not a bad thing though. If you look flabby or chubby now which is why you're cutting, you burn calories and fat lifting. Down the road, this will fade away and you will see your chiseled interior start to take shape. That is a great feeling.

It's once you have a low bf% and can see this muscle that you can build your way BACK up and increase caloric intake, therefore putting it back into actual muscle growth. That's the simplest breakdown I can put it in.

Didn't Michael phelps eat like 10000 calories while training?

that last sentence was eerily motivating

I am 6ft 2, chubby ottermode here and I am cutting at 1250 calories a day. What's wrong with it?

High reps heavy weight

Not OP, but I'm the third one (4 months off, generally sedentary, lost ~25 lbs)

What do? Back to SS?




almost impossible unless you're new to lifting

you can get stronger from neurological factors/improved form though (still slower)

>burn more calories than